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Inception Mafia


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Is thia gme finally over

Could none o yiu please not talk to me about this game if it is I am in the middle f rehearsal and the anxiety attack I just had was so bad I lost consciousness and just please oh please god

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Okay so.

I've been waiting all game to do this after being shot and you never cooperated.

fuck the police


I've said most of my thoughts on the game in my Role PM, so I'll probably be pulling stuff from there later, after I'm finished with more of my schoolwork/not in class.

Edited by Euklyd
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I don't really feel like doing a proper player analysis because the Russian Mafia played like garbage. I would seriously consider this in contention for the worst village performance I've ever seen.

In every votal posted by myself or BBM, not once did a member of the Undercover Cops have more than 1 vote on them. The only time they had more was before scorri subbed out (which was for legit reasons) and a 2-3 vote wagon kirsche Day 2 that dissipated quickly.

At least half of their members could have been vanillas, if not more and nothing would have changed. Boron never used her role, j00's role didn't matter because no one tested the ascetic claim, nothing was said in the neighbor QT, and the only thing of note SB did was inspect Levity to learn she had a BPV.

Throughout the game, the Russian Mafia would vote people for "doing things I don't like" instead of things that were legitimately scummy, I felt like I was reading a game from 3 years ago.

Edited by Paperblade
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i like repeating points i've said in other games

please listen to dead townies. just because they are dead does not invalidate whatever they said. think about what they said, and what interactions they had with living players. mafia flips are not the only form of associative reads

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Role PMs

The theme of this game was to give the "town" the scummy roles and the "scum" the townie roles, which I think a lot of people figured out but that didn't stop stupidity from running rampant.

[spoiler=Vladimir, Godfather]Dear USER,

You are Vladimir. You are the godfather of the Russian mafia, making you the de facto leader of this sorry lot. You have a twisted sense of humor and don't accept failure. Due to the vast amount of power at your disposal, you have many enemies not only among the law enforcement but within your own organization.

Due to your status as the godfather, you have the final say in all things. As a result, your vote is worth double in all circumstances.

Additionally, all information that flows through the mafia will eventually pass to you, so you will learn random information every night.

Finally, you know that a member of your own would like for nothing more than to see you dead and buried so that he can take over your empire. You do not know who he is, but you're well aware that he knows who you are and wants you dead.

You are the Godfather. You win if the Russian Mafia wins and the Usurper loses.

[spoiler=Gleb, Usurper]Dear USER,

You are Gleb. You are an ambitious and charismatic man, with many supporters within the mafia. You aren't content with being the fourth in command or whatever it is these days, you want to be the top dog. Unfortunately, you can't really do that with your cousin Vladimir in the way, and openly killing him would only divide the mafia, leaving you with just remnants of an empire. So you created a crisis, where Vladimir would accidentally be taken care of, and from there, you would take care of this crisis, and be able to comfortably lead from there...

You know that Vladimir, the godfather, is USER. However, he keeps his secrets, so you aren't quite sure what he is capable of.

At day and night, you may respond to your role PM with "Day/Night X - Leaving a message for USER." You will leave information for USER to better cause trouble. However, you can't exactly leave a novel lying around, so your message will be limited to 50 words. At day, this action is sent as soon as a host sees it.

Additionally, you are still an important member of the mafia, so you have guards around you at all hours. Thus, if an attempt is made on your life at night, you will be protected once.

You are the Usurper. You win if the Russian Mafia wins, the Godfather is dead, and you are alive.

[spoiler=Daniil, Informant]Dear USER,

You are Daniil. You are a spy for the mafia. You gather information on the goings on of those under your protection or would wish to undo this empire. You are, as they say, quite good at your job.

At night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - What has USER been up to?" That night, you will look into USER's contacts and dealings, and get a copy of whatever night result USER receives that night.

You are allied with the Russian Mafia. You win if the Undercover Cops are eliminated.

[spoiler=Andrey, Janitor Vigilante]Dear USER,

You are Andrey. You are the hitman for the mafia, and are very good at what you do. You are a man of few words, and care little about the begging and pleading that your targets usually make.

At night, and once per game, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - USER, ty kto takoy? Davay, do svidaniya!" You will kill USER so well that nothing remains of him, leaving no role PM to find in the morning. You, however, will know exactly what he was.

You are allied with the Russian Mafia. You win if the Undercover Cops are eliminated.

[spoiler=Sergey, Interceptor]Dear USER,

You are Sergey. You are the bouncer at the club that's used as a front for the mafia. As a result, all members of the mafia have to see your ugly mug when they come through. However, this makes you easily recognizable, which is always a good thing.

At night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Invite USER to the bar." You will invite USER to go out drinking with you. Anyone who comes to visit him will then see you. And, since everyone knows you, they will obtain a copy of your PM.

You are allied with the Russian Mafia. You win if the Undercover Cops are eliminated.

[spoiler=Igor, Tailor]Dear USER,

You are Igor. You make all the forged papers for the mafia. Fake IDs, licenses, badges, the works. You prefer to keep to yourself.

At night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Make some fake paperwork for USER." You will write up a fake role PM, and give the paperwork to USER. As a result, anyone who tries to inspect USER will get parts of that role PM instead of USER's own.

Alternatively, at night, and only once per game, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Fake badges for everyone!" You will give everyone a copy of the same fake paperwork, causing them to appear as a Russian Mafia Role Cop to inspects that night.

You are allied with the Russian Mafia. You win if the Undercover Cops are eliminated.

[spoiler=Ivan, Compulsive Vigilante]Dear USER,

You are Ivan. You are an enforcer for the mafia, doing a lot of dirty work to make sure that people do what they're supposed to and pay up their damn protection money. To do so, you threaten them with your weapon of choice: a flare gun.

At night, you must respond to your role PM with "Night X - Wave my gun in USER's face." You will attempt to look big in front of USER to make him comply, but your weapon will discharge, killing him. However, after the second night, your superiors will decide that you are doing more harm than good and take your gun away.

You are allied with the Russian Mafia. You win if the Undercover Cops are eliminated.

[spoiler=Mila, Neighbor]Dear USER,

You are Mila. You're the daughter of the godfather, Vladimir, and as his only child are poised to take over operations when he retires. You are a quick learner and efficient.

You are dating Sasha, who've you known since childhood, and you know to be kirsche. You go out to movies and dinner often, and thus get a lot of time to talk alone, such as here: http://www.quicktopic.com/50/H/Yr5gAG4Srjp

You are allied with the Russian Mafia. You win if the Undercover Cops are eliminated.

[spoiler=Dmitri, Empowerer]Dear USER,

You are Dmitri. You are what they refer to as muscle. You go when shit needs to get done, and to let upstarts know the mafia is not to be fucked with.

At night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Making sure USER doesn't screw up." You will stand behind USER, looking over his shoulder and being a general menace. As a result, any action that would hook or redirect USER's action will fail.

Additionally, since people are so afraid of fucking with you, the first time an attempt is made on your life, the killer will be too afraid to go through with things.

You are allied with the Russian Mafia. You win if the Undercover Cops are eliminated.

[spoiler=Olga, Naive Jailer]Dear USER,

You are Olga. You are one of the girls working for the mafia, showing clients a good time, if you know what I mean. Nudge nudge wink wink, say no more.

At night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Show USER a good time." You and USER will have sexy times all night, and he will be too distracted to perform his action. Additionally, those who would come visit will know that USER is having sexy time, so they will not bother. However, if your target is performing a factional kill, he will have too much Duty on his mind to fall for your feminine wiles, and his kill will proceed anyway, although the rest of his actions will still fail. You swing both ways, so this action works on girls too.

You are allied with the Russian Mafia. You win if the Undercover Cops are eliminated.

[spoiler=Viktor, Hijacker]Dear USER,

You are Viktor. You are the getaway driver for the mafia. You know the locations of all the safehouses and such. You're also aware of all the quickest and secret paths.

At night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Drive USER1 to USER2's house." You will offer USER1 a ride, but instead of taking him to his intended destination, you will drop him off at USER2's home then drive away as fast as you can. With nothing better to do, he will target USER 2 instead.

You are allied with the Russian Mafia. You win if the Undercover Cops are eliminated.

[spoiler=Anton, Goon]Dear USER,

You are Anton. You're just dumb muscle, and no one likes you or your stupid face.

You have no special abilities.

You are allied with the Russian Mafia. You win if the Undercover Cops are eliminated.

[spoiler=Maxim, Goon]Dear USER,

You are Maxim. You're a corrupt cop that gets bribed to look the other way when the mafia is doingtheir work. You aren't technically part of the mafia, but you every reason to keep them around. I mean, otherwise you might have to do something.

You have no special abilities.

You are allied with the Russian Mafia. You win if the Undercover Cops are eliminated.

[spoiler=Boris, Goon]Dear USER,

You are Boris. You are nicknamed the Spider due to your excellent multitasking abilities. You suspect whoever came up with that has been listening to too much rock.

You have no special abilities.

You are allied with the Russian Mafia. You win if the Undercover Cops are eliminated.

[spoiler=Alex, 1x Ascetic Blacksmith]Dear USER,

You are Alex. You are the most senior officer on this operation, and therefore you should be in charge. But you aren't, because... well, you're not really sure. Maybe it's because the rest of the team is girls pining after that damn kid. He's not that good looking, dammit. And he has no respect. Goddamn kids.

At night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Providing USER a safe place to hide." You will give USER the location of a safehouse that not even the mafia know of, which they will hide at, making them unkillable for that night.

Additionally, due to years of experience, you know when people are trying to kill you and how. As a result, the first time you are targeted, all actions targeting you that night will fail. However, you will be injured in your escape, and will be unable to escape future actions.

You are allied with the Undercover Cops. You win if the Russian Mafia is eliminated.

[spoiler=Sasha, Universal Backup Neighbor]Dear USER,

You are Sasha. You're the son of the godfather's best friend, and thus have a lot of experience in the mafia. However, you don't really like the mafia. In fact, it kind of sucks. So when you found out about this operation, you jumped at the chance to help out the good people of the city.

You're quite popular with the ladies. You've been dating Mila, the daughter of Vladimir the godfather, for several years now. However, she's always been a little too into this whole... killing and things. But you still go out with her, and can talk to her in private to try to squeeze information (and maybe something a bit more physical): http://www.quicktopic.com/50/H/Yr5gAG4Srjp

Additionally, you're a quick learner. Therefore, the first time a member of your faction dies, you will have learned enough from them that you will be able to completely replicate their abilities.

You are allied with the Undercover Cops. You win if the Russian Mafia is eliminated.

[spoiler=Vera, Strongwilled Activist Vig]Dear USER,

You are Vera. You're the roughest, toughest, rowdiest tomgirl there is. You have a scar on your right cheek as a result of an operation about a year ago. You were recently assigned as a bodyguard for Sasha, to make sure he doesn't get himself killed while undercover. He's a lot of trouble, but you don't mind.

At night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Kick USER's ass." You are a badass and will remind USER of this the hard way. USER will never forget this lesson, for he will be dead come morning. Since you are such a badass, hooks and redirects cannot stand in the way of this action. You cannot use this ability to end the game, and you cannot use this ability if you used it the previous night. Finally, since you're so cool, you cannot be seen performing this action.

However, you currently can't perform that action. Every time someone allied with you dies, you will gain the resolve to kill someone.

You are allied with the Undercover Cops. You win if the Russian Mafia is eliminated.

[spoiler=Lyra, Role Cop/Hooker]Dear USER,

You are Lyra. You're a detective working on several missing persons cases, all of which you've traced to none other than the mafia. You've been hired for your skills, and gladly obliged. You have a very dry sense of humor.

At night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Do a background check on USER." You will look into USER, and be able to pull up what his role in this mess is.

Alternatively, at night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Show USER my fruit." USER will be distracted by the size of your melons, causing them to forget what they were doing and stare. As a result, their action will fail. You cannot use both your actions on the same night.

You are allied with the Undercover Cops. You win if the Russian Mafia is eliminated.

I think the balance of this game leans towards the cops, as originally they were way too strong and got repeatedly nerfed in development. The most significant role was their Vigilante, who got nerfed about a billion times. It went something like this...

Infinite shots ninjakill nonconsecutively

This turned out to be ridiculously broken (obv), and would win the game by itself. For reference, the ninja just meant that the Informant wouldn't get a result from it. So we nerfed it to this:

Infinite shots ninjakills on even nights

This would still win the game by itself, so it was nerfed once again.

Starts with no shots, gains one when an ally dies, ninjakill, can act on consecutive nights

This turned out to still be too powerful, as it could cause the town to lose at *YLO even when they lynched properly. So we changed it to this:

Starts with no shots, gains one when an ally dies, ninjakill, can act on consecutive nights, can't shoot at *YLO

This was still a bit too powerful, so we changed it to nonconsec. We also made it a strongwilled kill (couldn't be stopped by Furet's hook or a hijack'd hook, and couldn't be hijack'd itself), but gave the Empowerer a BPV to compensate.

It was understood that this was by far the best role itg and that the other Cops were pretty meh, so we made the Backup as a way to keep the power consistent in case of an early lynch. However, the vig being lynched first would NOT give a shot to the backup.

The Godfather/Usurper bit didn't work out quite as I'd expected, although that's probably a good thing because it would've made things even more of a stomp.

Strege's role was not only a Flaere joke, but was nicknamed "Serial Killer."

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I feel like even if I played optimally there was no way I'd win since noone wanted to lynch Euklyd and he was never in danger of getting killed. Meh, having conflicting objectives is a PITA.

EDIT Like I told both of our town vigs to kill him too. :\

Edited by Refa
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Sorry about subbing out guys, I just wasn't in the mental state to play, wasn't reading the thread because of it, and just wouldn't have been able to play well, so I figured the best option was for me to sub. Good job to the Cops for winning even with my abysmal D2.

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[10:00] <Manix> didn't you say there was a specific role that you were gonna give me or something if i played inception

[10:00] <Paperblade> yes

[10:02] <Paperblade> it is a good role

[10:02] <Paperblade> and not a troll

[30/01/2014 9:32:04 AM] ;S_B;: how does it feel to have literally been holding the game together

[30/01/2014 9:32:13 AM] ;S_B;: before your death

[30/01/2014 9:32:14 AM] ;S_B;: srsly

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I probably should've gone with my SB suspicion harder, but like...

I dunno. I gotta be more confident in my reads.

I also kinda feel like I shouldn't've played, since I got bogged down with coursework towards the end (as I sort of foresaw when I joined), and I wasn't exactly putting in as much effort as the game deserved in the beginning/middle as well.

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Apparently when I sub in, I should sub in for scum since town always loses when I sub in as town and scum seems to win when I sub in for scum.

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sorry for being passive aggressive though for a lot of the game

I'm not going to get into detail about what happened to me irl but I promised I wouldn't sub out so that's like the only reason I didn't sub out. I gave up halfway through the game and I was just annoyed at mafia in general, I wasn't really annoyed at anyone in particular.

I can't handle aggression at all. that's mostly why I'm quitting. but I don't want it to come off like I'm guilt-tripping anyone because that's not my intention at all, so I won't get into any more. just wanted to say sorry since I didn't mean to come off like that? most of it really was me being facetious because if I tried to be serious I probably would really have blown up on everyone. and I couldn't read backwards like I should have because once when I tried to I threw up. I mean I'm going to be honest, I'm super fucked up and I didn't mean to make it come off like I was intentionally trying to insult anyone

but I know that doesn't really excuse me being shitty so I'm sorry.

anyway if you want to talk with me about this now it's fine, I'm better now

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GG guys.

Sorry bout the apatheticness that I had in this game.

[1/24/2014 8:48:39 PM] Shinori: So who's scum?
[1/24/2014 8:48:44 PM] Shinori: Were any of my three scum reads right?
[1/24/2014 8:48:50 PM] Brad: what were you reads
[1/24/2014 8:51:21 PM] Brad: shinori pls
[1/24/2014 8:51:31 PM] Shinori: Oh
[1/24/2014 8:51:32 PM] Shinori: uh
[1/24/2014 8:51:43 PM] Shinori: Like rein sb and boron/scorri were my top 3 scum reads
[1/24/2014 8:51:50 PM] Shinori: Uh
[1/24/2014 8:51:54 PM] Brad: SB and boron/scorri were scum
[1/24/2014 8:51:55 PM] Brad: rein is not
[1/24/2014 8:52:10 PM] Shinori: Well at least I got 2/3 of my reads right.
[1/24/2014 8:52:36 PM] Shinori: Sorry about the apatheticness of me in this game.
[1/24/2014 8:52:49 PM] Shinori: I'm gonna assume
[1/24/2014 8:52:51 PM] Shinori: Kirsche as scum
[1/24/2014 8:52:55 PM] Brad: yes
I had decent scum reads though except for rein!
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I liked the set-up.

Shout-out to Strege who I think played pretty well (horrible vig targets aside, SPIRIT OF FLAERE) and in no way deserved his lynch.

Additional shout-out to j00 for never rolling town.

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