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Which do you prefer, cats or dogs?



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  1. 1. Which did you prefer?

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I LOVE DOGS. They embody loyalty above all else! Be a jerk to them and they don't complain!

and they never once beg for a pay check! They're the great servants of MAN! XD

You, sir, win for this reference.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cats are Soviet tools of oppresion that spread disease, plague and misery within a 2.46 mile radius of wherever they walk. Dog, however, is God. Spelled backwards. You only prefer cats because your waifu has cat ears IF they're not a pony. Maybe even if they're a pony.

Edited by HeavyBrawlsGuy
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I heard cats spread, like, some sort of parasite that makes people more open to liking them or something?

I also heard of a study that saw dogs display something that might indeed be analogous to empathy- when they'd be sitting with their owner and a stranger, if the stranger cried, a good lot of the dogs observed went over to the stranger and nuzzled them. (Though it might be up for debate whether what they felt while doing so could fit human notions of empathy exactly, and/or whether they might've just done it because it got them praised)

I've had my cats do that too, though, to be sure

It's also plenty possible, I'd note, to play with a cat as long as you're careful not to get yourself fucked up. Get a stringy thing (there are like ten buck cat toys for this shit), dangle it in front of them, drag it across the house, if they're like mine watch them run the fuck after it and wrestle it when they catch it. for the stupid/brave: when you're lying on the bed with them, (preferably with thick bedsheets,) make a little lump with your hand under the covers, and nudge them a little. mine would jump on it, follow it around, have tugging battles etc.

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Dogs. They don't stink as much. They won't try to claw your eyes out. They won't shit in a box in your house or leave dead animals at your doorstep (usually).

Also I was attacked by a cat when I was little (to which I responded by punching it in the face. It deserved it.). They're mean, they stink, and they bug my allergies.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cats by a mile and a half. Dogs poop everywhere, get in the way constantly, bark, yip, will gladly knock you down for attention, and if you so much as DARE to imply that they're poorly trained or their owners should take responsibility they'll threaten to send you to jail for animal abuse.

Cats and cat owners are nice, loving, can be easily handled, are cuddle-able, don't make a lot of noise, won't wake you up if you close your bedroom doors at night, are cleaner, and generally just more awesome. Cats all the way.

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As a dog owner, I can confirm that I do, in fact, regularly sic my dogs on people and then send my victims to jail for animal abuse. I can also confirm that my sisters never, ever complain about their cats running into their bedroom doors repeatedly at three am and then yowling. I can also confirm that the dogs in my neighborhood will attack you if you try to cuddle with them, while the cats will never, ever hiss/bite/scratch you if you try to pick them up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You laugh, but this has been my honest experience with many dog owners. I've had multiple dog owners get mad at even the mere suggestion that they should clean up after their dog and know only one considerate enough to tell his dog to get down when it's harassing other people.

Edit: Simply put, I have 0 tolerance for bad owners and have met largely bad/irresponsible dog owners and have not had the same experience with cat-owners where I have met people either responsible and good-mannered or so clearly off their rocker that the cat could not possibly be the cause of it (and is, at times, the only thing keeping them grounded). So for me, the choice is obvious. Dogs = irresponsible ******** who will gladly leave poop on your lawn even if you tell them to pick it up. Cats = fairly good natured people who will try to help and care for others and tend to be nicer overall.

Edited by Snowy_One
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You're talking like correlation means causation. I'm sorry for your piss-poor luck here, but every owner of either cats, dogs, or both that I've ever met has been considerate about both warning me about any of their aggressive tendencies, and reprimanding them for bad behavior. There's crap left in yards, sure, but I've never actually seen somebody leave some without picking it up, and there are laws that make doing a lot of what you described illegal in my area. I severely doubt that any majority just leave it.

(I've also had cats leave waste in the house; both of them have to be trained not to. training is just more obviously important for dogs in a lot of things, but there are plenty of cats who bite and howl and play mean with people, other animals and each other, and who have to be trained out of it, in addition to some you can't train out of it, where your only real option is to avoid putting them in those situations)

And dogs have plenty of different personalities- plenty are shy and warm up to people, just like cats. Regardless, barking is a lot of the time literally how they say hello, and it's not like they can't be trained out of jumping on people (exhibit: my dog). You're free to not like that they say hello that way, but a lot of cats meow in similar ways. (fun tidbit I heard: cats don't meow at each other by default. they just meow at us, to get our attention, because it generally works)

You can have a preference based on experience of course, but your experience is kinda shit and a lot less than fully representative of all possible experiences with dogs. Or cats. I'd avoid making a blanket statement like "cats = __, dogs = __" if I were you.

Edited by Rehab
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(fun tidbit I heard: cats don't meow at each other by default. they just meow at us, to get our attention, because it generally works)

This is true.

Most of what you said is true of people as well. For my part, I usually prefer to invest in those who do not need rigorous training to be a decent companion.

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