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Which do you prefer, cats or dogs?



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My cat runs around like an idiot too. And he'll meow really loudly at you until you feed him, then he'll meow at you again to get you to give him more. Then he'll puke it up all over the clean carpets and rugs and then meow again for more food. He claws up the carpets if he's locked in a room too, though I can't really blame him in that case. I'd do the same if I was a cat that got locked up. xP

But you summed up my thoughts pretty much, Florina. Well said.

Edited by Anacybele
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I've got three cats and they're not too bad. They're brats for sure, but not horrid assholes. :P

Although, Maya is much, much too hyper, and I need to get something better for her to burn her out so she doesn't chew up every other thing. Nala and Sylvia are perfectly fine, at least. They just like cuddling up with me and get loved on. <3

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Simone, my fuzzy 75% Asshole loves to steal my spot on my bed. She will also love to rub up on me when im wearing black pants. Thats dickish cuz shes a Maine Coon and omg the hair. One thing shes NOT an asshole about is pooping and peeing. She will do that outside and i never smell it or see it. Ever. Shes a fucking potty ninja and thats AMAZING! If you manage to get a cat who doesnt need to use a litterbox, that cat's Asshole Meter drops considerably. One time, she brought me her latest murder rampage for my birthday. I did enjoy that, for vermin are things i do not like and seeing my cat bring me murdered vermin on the day of my birth is her way of saying "Happy birthday, fucker! <3"

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I'm gonna go with cats if only because I have one of each(a dog at my dad's, a cat at my mom's) and I have this special connection with my cat that I don't have with my dog(I'm the only one that is able to pick her up). And unlike the stereotypical cat, she's really affectionate.

I don't see how cats are winning this poll. Dogs are supposed to be man's best friend (and woman's). :/

This is an internet forum, cat is nearly the symbol animal of internet. Just look at all the cat related memes(the only dog related one I can thing of is the recent Doge)

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It's interesting how the majority of those who posted voted dogs, but cats are winning the poll...

Personally, I like cats a lot more. From what I've seen, dogs in general are much more excitable than cats, and they like to jump on people. I tend to freeze up when that happens to me. They also like a lot of attention, and that doesn't mesh well with me because while that certainly is cute, I'm a person who needs plenty of space and quiet time to myself. Cats are calmer and more independent in contrast. They also don't need to be walked everyday.

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@ why cats are winning

Actually cats are just plain the most popular pet in the world, lol. It's only in the US that more houses have dogs.

Also, cats. So much cats. I love cats. I grew up with the "I will ignore you 99% of the time" cat and right now I have a "I can't get enough of you and I will break your things to get your attention" cat. I lurv them both.

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It's only in the US that more houses have dogs.

Not really, Tangerine.

Here in Brazil, dogs are waaaaay more popular than cats. It's funny, here you can spend weeks without seeing a cat, but if you go to a park, you guaranted to see hundreds of dogs.

Also, it seems like there are more pet cats than dogs in the US:



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I used to love dogs when I was little, but now I am way more of a cat person, guess my mother's habit of hating dogs kinda rubbed on off me :3

I still like dogs- my boyfriend's family has a Bichon Havanais, and it's adorable- but I just love cats more. Cats are just so elegant and beautiful, and their more independent nature fits my personality way better.

Keep in mind, I've never actually had a pet, so all of my opinions are based on experiences I've had with my friends' pets.

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I like dogs... but I have bad, awful, traumatizing, and disturbing memories with dogs... and cats are little jerks... but they never assaulted my psyche, so cats

Your cat is an asshole 99% of the time. He will pee on your bed just because. He will spray unless you get him fixed soon enough. He runs around like an idiot at the worst hours of the night. He will want you to pet him and when you do, he will inexplicably maul your hand. Your cat also might make you sneeze. When your cat isnt being an asshole, he might bring you the creatures he murdered in the night and smile about it. Thats even if you allow your cat to be an asshole outside.

Your dog will want to hang out with you. Your dog will be a conversation starter with that hot girl down the street with the Shiba Inu. Your dog will be a great beach companion if you dont have anyone to go with and so you wont look like a moron out there all by yourself. Your dog will greet you when you get home and even highfive you when you get Hot Girl's number. Your dog will learn how to piss and shit outside and will go "Hey human beast, let me out. I need to shit and smell junk." Your dog is rarely an asshole unless you either ignore him or are an asshole to him.

This. Made. Me. LOL. So. Hard. I. Literally. Cried. Bastard cat for the complete win

Edited by Soledai
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Always cats.

I dislike most dogs because they get way too hyper when they see you and are prone to jumping and licking and I've yet to see a dog that doesn't have bad odor(granted, cats can smell too but those are usually outdoor cats and we never let ours outside because we don't want to endanger them)

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Dogs because I'm not allergic to them and I like big animals.

The whole cat/dog debate seems pretty dumb to me, though. Most cats I know are cuddly and loving, and it's not like there aren't any reclusive, independent dogs, either. Then there are the people who somehow manage to turn the debate into "I'm a better person than you because of my personal taste in pets!" The only really noticeable, consistent differences between cats and dogs seem, to me, to involve allergies, size, and how you clean up the poop.

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Dogs. Especially big dogs. Little yappers can burn in hell for all I care.

My family has had a Great Pyrenees/Laborador mix for about 10 years now. He's, like, the best pet ever. Except for all the fur, that I could do without.

Plus I'm kinda obligated to prefer dogs since my sister is allergic to cats.

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Dogs are quite different from cats, actually. Cats are so independent and ignorant of their owners because they evolved from creatures that were the same. Independent fend-for-yourself type animals. Dogs, on the other hand, had evolved from animals that traveled in packs which had a leader. Dogs think of their humans as their "pack leader" and are thus more loyal and loving towards them and greet them when they come home after being out somewhere. It's also why we see many more stories about dogs rescuing people and other creatures than cat ones. And why dogs are more often portrayed as protagonists in fiction while cats are portrayed as villains. The packs canines lived in looked out for one another, so naturally a dog will come to his or her owner's aid if they understand that they need help. I once saw a story about a woman that was hurt or something, and she told her dog to get help. This dog ran off and came back with a policeman. Yeah, you heard me. This is also why dogs are generally more intelligent too. They're smart enough to understand human language to an extent. My dogs can even SPELL, damn it. They know what we're talking about if we simply say the letters of words like leash and walk. From what I've seen of cats, they don't know "food" from "let's go to sleep."

Cats are just "eh, they feed me, give me my own bathroom, and let me sleep on a comfy couch, that's all I care about."

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I don't think you've ever met a cat.

Yes, there's the evolutionary stuff, but domestic cats are not wild bobcats. They still bond with humans and will protect their families. This is just a more recent development than with dogs. As far as intelligence goes, that's really debatable. IIRC, dog brains are larger relative to body size, but cat brains have more neurons or something like that. Plus quantifying intelligence is kind of dumb. They're smart in different ways.

Dogs can't spell. They've basically learned the sounds "ell-ee-ay-ess-aych" as a word in that case.

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My cats are quite the attention hoggers. They get in between people and books, computers, game systems, etc. just to be petted. One of them comes when he's called 95% of the time. The other brings her toys to you. They're not cold or distant whatsoever.

Edit: Also, Ana, Lions and some Saber Toothed Cats are social type animals.

Edited by Glaceon Mage
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