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Etrian Odyssey 2 Mafia - Game Over


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Poly's Kirsche vote is pretty bad. Yeah Kirsche is being a douche, but he's always kind of an ass and Poly has never expressed discontent about it before. Suddenly suggesting a policy lynch for it doesn't make any sense at all.

Has Eury even posted this phase?

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Also requesting a touch more civility in general. I don't want to have to modkill/forcesub players for bad conduct.

By the way, this is relevant again. I am not going to tolerate behavior that makes other people feel like shit. This is your final warning.
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Poly's Kirsche vote is pretty bad. Yeah Kirsche is being a douche, but he's always kind of an ass and Poly has never expressed discontent about it before. Suddenly suggesting a policy lynch for it doesn't make any sense at all.

Actually it was pissing me off even before because it seemed really out of place and wholly uncalled for in the grand scheme of things, however I was hoping to keep it out of my voting decisions until he kept doing it.

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In that order

Poly's last vote was so wtf that I had to put him in there. Also I realized that Poly can still be scum if the mafia intended to hook SB all along, but meh. They couldn't have known his role by then unless DAYCOP.

@Poly- No, I mean, even before this game. Kirsche just has an abrasive posting style that can be condescending a lot of the time, and I don't remember you ever saying anything about it in any other game. In fact I don't remember you calling out anyone for being rude in any game ever. If you disliked it that much, then you should have first reprimanded him for it, even if you didn't actually let it affect your vote. To go from disregarding it to suggesting a policy lynch is somewhat suspect IMO.

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I'm also very tired and am just not in the mood to be seeing that shit as all


If nobody else objects, I'll hammer BBM in about an hour when I figure I'll actually end up falling asleep; otherwise, I'm not discussing anything else until the morning

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Oh, before I forget...

I'm going to be out of country from the 20th to the 24th. Won't need a sub, since I can keep up and post on mobile, but doing so is rather difficult and I won't have too much time to do so. So yeah, apologies in advance for my relatively infrequent posts then, if I don't die N3.

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SB's case sucked

That is why.

Ideally I'd do my scumhunting by painstakingly going through ISOs, cross-referencing the timing of posts, carefully thinking about the motivation behind each sentence... but I have neither the time nor the motivation to do that. So I just query people when my gut tells me too and when they use incorrect logic. To be frank, it's probably just as likely to succeed considering my skill at mafia.

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Poly's Kirsche vote is pretty bad. Yeah Kirsche is being a douche, but he's always kind of an ass and Poly has never expressed discontent about it before. Suddenly suggesting a policy lynch for it doesn't make any sense at all.

Has Eury even posted this phase?

In all honesty, I forgot Eury was even in this game. I'm really tempted to hammer BBM, my poor heart can't handle all those posts!

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ITG: People can't tell the difference between "Oh look BBM is mad, go cool off so we can lynch you" and "Scorri get off your fucking highhorse" (which was the original draft of that post which I toned down). There's a difference between being condescending to get ones point across and condescending because you're pissed off at someone. And yes calling myself "the master" and telling other people to get their act together like that is totally Shinon.

All my motivation that I summoned for this game was destroyed in one hit so requesting a sub or modkill.

One thing before I go:

Why did it take this long to vote him then?

Was never answered.

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Yeah and I haven't had motivation for this game since RVS. >_> We've already had 3 subs and probably won't get a 4th... And I wouldn't be surprised if Eury asks for one either.

lol Elie

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I'll probably get hammered before I come back so final scumteam guess:

Elie, Eury, scorri/kirsche, Shin

scorri/kirsche are probably not buddies because scorri would have yelled at him in private to tone himself down. That or she would have known it was him RPing and wouldn't have gotten as pissed as she did.

I feel like Baldrick would have answered differently if he'd been white knighting me. Also if that was the point he probably wouldn't have switched to voting me- it's not like there's a lack of people who want to lynch me right now.

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I'll probably get hammered before I come back so final scumteam guess:

Elie, Eury, scorri/kirsche, Shin

I'd be quite interested as to why I've suddenly jumped up your scumread list, the read seems to have come from pretty much nowhere. I don't buy your claim of a second ITP or DA BEAR's little friend, I can smell the scum!

##IfheendsupbeingtownIamraging: BBM

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[spoiler=end of phase votals]BBM (7): kirsche, scorri, Kopfjager, Baldrick, Green Poet, Shin

Elieson (1): BBM

Not Voting (5): Eurykins, Shinori, SB, Refa, Flan

Didn't take a lot of effort to decide what to do today. Tiara gave a small sigh as she prepared Brass for the end. Maybe in another time, another place. But liars never finish first. Dark may be the night... but so are you. The collective group forced Brass into the snowy woodlands, fairly deep into the Labyrnith, among them many frozen flowers. Tiara dealt out the kill using her gun, a quick shot straight through the heart. They left Brass there, blood soaking into the snow.

Dear BBM,


You are Brass, the Hexer. You specialize in curses and debilitating status effects over any physical durability or damaging skills. Early on you are pretty weak due to a lack of reliability in spells but once they get reliable you're ridiculously powerful.

Passively, as you are so physically frail and weak, you are unable to perform the factional nightkill at any time during the game.

Thrice, during the night, you may reply to your Role PM with Night X - Marking USER with the Evil Eye. You will cast the Evil Eye hex on USER, marking them. They will not be aware they are marked.

Once, during the night, you may reply to your Role PM with Night X - Curse USER1 to Betray USER2. USER1 will be overcome by your powerful hex during the night, if they have been marked, to the point where they will target USER2 instead with their night action. Unwittingly, they will also mark USER2 if they successfully perform their action on them.

Once, during the night, you may reply to your Role PM with Night X - Paralyze USER. USER will begin to go numb, preventing them from carrying out any action that night, or have a vote the following day, only if they are marked. Any votes made by USER will not show on votals, but they will not be shown as "Not Voting" at any time during the day. This ability loses the vote control in *YLO situations.

Once, during the night, and only when there are no other living mafia, you may reply to your Role PM with Night X - Take Revenge for my fallen comrades! You will cast the Revenge hex, heavily damaging and killing all marked targets.

You are aligned with The Outcasts. You win when your faction achieves a majority of players or nothing can stop the same from happening.

Relieved that something had finally come for their efforts, everyone went their separate ways.

It is now Night Three. You have about 34 hours to submit actions. Phase ends at midnight GMT, 2/21. No posting in thread during the night.

Edited by Curly Brace
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