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Why Does Everyone Think The Sleeve In My Avatar Is... Something Else?


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No one is really doing that though. Pretty sure the userbase here doesnt give a flying spaghetti fuck all if someone digs MLP or not. There are plenty of members who've been relatively open about it. Red Fox up there even got a little...defensive...about the way people view the fandom. Which isnt that big of an issue here because no one is posting really depraved pony shit.

Ah well, it's because of the way Randoman worded it about the reason why it chose the avi/sig made it sound like it happened here.

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Amp I the only one who think that it would have passed far better if it WASN'T a oe humanized version of the characters...
I'm pretty sure that's this kind of image who give a bad idea of the fandom to begin with...

Also, I realized I went through the darkest pit of the Internet (or doujins, to be more precise), when I know it's about the tamest things you could do both with me girl and MLP.

I maybe should watch this show just to convince me it isn'tonly about these kind of things....

Though the main thing I will remembered from this thread is this :

Isn't every word slang for dick by now?? I feel like in reality everything everybody says may as well be "dick dick dick dick" >~<

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It's a bit silly, trying to gang up on someone for disliking one's choice of avi/sig.

By the way, since you're applying it here... is it really that bad here? I haven't noticed people here being so gung-ho on it... or at least, that I have seen.

Yeah, I agree. I mean, as long as it's not offensive or anything like that, I don't see why people should rally against someone's avatar/sig choice. Yet I've had more complaints about my MLP sigs/avatars than my unmasked Kabal avatar (despite me using unmasked Kabal for longer than all my MLP sigs/avatars combined), which would've been warnworthy if I were to use it on plenty of other forums out there for being too gruesome and violent.

Besides the post right below yours showing how bad the MLP hate is, there's also these posts that ZM got for using an Applejack avatar a while back:

My god...

ZM has turned to the dark side...

I'm still not a brony. ;/

I'm sorry but I don't speak brony.


Just a brony in denial, eh?

And I got these posts for my current sig/avatar:

...It's MLP.


*jumps off a bridge*

Oh god, why?

*kills rando*


The complaints and bashing from My Little Pony haters can get so bad that I'd even say My Little Pony itself is more mature and less childish than the hater's complaints.

I maybe should watch this show just to convince me it isn't only about these kind of things....

you should. if you can ignore the deep dark fandom, it's a pretty good show.

Yeah. And even then, some of the more hardcore fans are actually quite cool in how artistic they can get with MLP related artwork and plushes (well, if you're into checking out fan creations. Ones that are family friendly, of course). The show's witty and clever humour is definitely nothing to scoff at either.

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lol i ran a twilight sparkle avatar for months and nobody gave me shit for it

i was literally Twilight Sparkle on steam, name and avatar, for two consecutive years

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lol i ran a twilight sparkle avatar for months and nobody gave me shit for it

i was literally Twilight Sparkle on steam, name and avatar, for two consecutive years

I ran a Twilight Sparkle theme at my other forum (complete with username) and i got no bullshit either. But sadly, i think the reason was is because im actually in possession of a vagina. However, other people on that forum ran pony usernames and themes and i dont recall them getting bullied for it.

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Besides the post right below yours showing how bad the MLP hate is, there's also these posts that ZM got for using an Applejack avatar a while back:

*stuff I said almost a year ago*

In my initial response to ZM, "turned to the dark side" was more about the fanbase that I had grown to hate than the show itself, and I really wasn't being all that serious to begin with, hence my second response.

And I got these posts for my current sig/avatar:

*me saying, "...It's MLP."*

My quote here isn't even a response to your avi. People were guessing what your next avi would be and that was my guess after you gave a hint. Though to be fair, I can understand how the ellipses would imply that it was a complaint.

I've always been indifferent to the show itself, and I'm not even bothered by the fanbase much anymore after I came to realization that all fanbases are terrible and I shouldn't bother wasting the energy to hate on them.

...But to be frank, I can't say I'm the biggest fan of your avi/sig.I have seen worse though

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