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School of Hard NOCs - Night 6 ends on Mar. 15 at 9:00 PM HST


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JB, assuming that voting Rajam wasn't an option, whom would you instead vote for at this point and why?

i am p sure changing my vote counted as an answer, but leaning scum frosty/rd/rajam. didn't like rajam's case on you, #259 feels like rd being mad, frosty later because i'm replying in 2 separate posts lmao

How so?

felt like it was a very fast reaction to prims going 'lol your vote is bad'

i'm kinda curious to find out how i'm posting entirely unmeaningful or original things

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Really not interested in lynching anyone except paper or Rajam? OR TURBOING ME OF COURSE. This seems like awful play and awful town imo. "I only want to lynch one of these two people damn it all!" I'm sure there have to be other people that you would be willing to meet halfway on of some sort.

i don't see how this is an issue...? like how is it scummy to go "I WANT X OR Y DEAD OR NL". that sounds more townie than anything - would a townie be very willing to compromise and lynched somebody they didn't think was scum? debatable.

Well...JB seems to be interpreting a single line I said as "defensive" and thinks it's enough proof to warrant a vote, even though I truly am a townie. Plus they seem to be pretty detached from the whole thing (less than me, mind, but still...). Almost sounds like he's trying to start a lynch mob against me.


you are inferring way too much from that.

you're coming off as overly paranoid about getting lynched - there's really no need to go 'i'm townie!' at 2 votes. and how in hell did you infer that i'm trying to start a wagon on you or anything...?

feeling worse about rd atm but he's probably not getting lynched so vote stays

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i'm kinda curious to find out how i'm posting entirely unmeaningful or original things

Most of what you post is either extremely vague, just listing what someone did (but for the most part not what conclusion you draw from it) or repeating what someone else already said.

You're also very passive.

i don't see how this is an issue...? like how is it scummy to go "I WANT X OR Y DEAD OR NL". that sounds more townie than anything - would a townie be very willing to compromise and lynched somebody they didn't think was scum? debatable.

No Lynch is anti-town outside of a few specific scenarios, especially this early on in the game. Without a lynch, the town gains no information. Flips are very important, and the mafia ain't gonna flip themselves.

Heck, Clipsey herself has confirmed in the ruleset that a No Lynch is not gonna help the town win.

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The Miller claim is serious. It didn't really occur to me that someone would interpret it as a joke, my apologies for any confusion that might have caused.

The point about "being defensive" that I disagreed with was on Frosty, yeah, I just didn't indicate that very well.

(I assume that's the part responding to the explanation I gave.)

I still don't really get it. What I'm saying is that, from what I can tell, RD called FF null after the Rajam vote and then changed his opinion after FF's vote switch to Paperblade and calling that second vote bad. So I fail to see the contradiction.

Lynch priority didn't change from #215. Will be around for deadline again, although probably just barely. Not sure if I'll get around to posting again before then.

Also, this might seem a bit unconventional, but I'd like to hear thoughts on Fire Flower claiming if he has an active role (for his reference, a role for which you have to specify a target), even if he doesn't get lynched (which I still wouldn't support). I don't mean to be rude, but his posts have given me the impression that he could use some recommendations regarding who to target if applicable.

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Also, this might seem a bit unconventional, but I'd like to hear thoughts on Fire Flower claiming if he has an active role (for his reference, a role for which you have to specify a target), even if he doesn't get lynched (which I still wouldn't support). I don't mean to be rude, but his posts have given me the impression that he could use some recommendations regarding who to target if applicable.

I can see where you're coming from, but I don't think it's a good idea in NOC. Not only could the mafia butt in and manipulate him to their liking as long as we have no clears to direct him, for many roles announcing in public whom they're gonna target also completely defeats their purpose (or worse). For instance, the mafia obviously wouldn't bother trying to target a doc target. In case the mafia have an interceptor or something similar, it'd also amount to a free extra kill for them.

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WRT stating townreads, I used to think it was a bad idea but then I realized the mafia can probably figure out who looks townie anyway and it helps to catch people in inconsistencies if they suddenly turn around and attack someone they found townie earlier without a good reason. I don't really care or not whether people post them or not but I don't that it's pointless.

Dislike both RD and JB, and feel that one of them is most likely scum, but not both. Also that Newb!Town defense of FFM from SB wasn't good.

What makes you think that the two can't be scum together? Their pushes on each other haven't really been that hard. And I'm not saying he's newb!town, I'm saying he's acting like a general newbie (in a non alignment indicative sense) and that the wagon on him because of it is dumb, with some people like Haze doing nothing but sitting on him for bad but not really scummy play. I guess I have a slight town lean on him because his thought process seems genuine and I think if he had buddies to help him it would be less so.

I don't like Shinori's #232. It basically announces there's a slapfight between RD/JB but doesn't say what he thinks of it except "one could be scum" for no real reason. His reaction to BBM's post seems poor too, it's not like BBM was holding the lynch hostage or anything and it just seems really over the top when there's nothing wrong with the post. I'd say his Randa attack is kind of bad too because Randa wouldn't know better that we should've been consolidating but the other points here are actually kind of valid so I dunno. On the other hand apparently that one post made him more lynchable than every other player in the game, what?

Bal's defense is okay but my vote is staying there until scumreads happen.

I have other stuff I should probably say but this window has been open for 2 hours while I've been doing more important work and I don't wanna lose this thing so posting now.

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The "clipsey needs to go to work" vocals

Paperblade (1) - Prims

BBM (1) - Kaoz

Rajam (3) - JB, bearclaw

SB (1) - Paperblade

JB (3) - Radiant Dragon, Scarlet, BBM

Scarlet (1) - Rajam

Prims (1) - Frosty Fire Mage

Frosty Fire Mage (4) - Haze, Shinori, SB, Eurykins

No Vote - Randa

A bit under 11 hours remaining in D1, as of this post Votals aren't in order, but I'm in a hurry.

Edited by eclipse
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Whoa, I thought this day phase already ended. Shows how much I pay attention. o_O;;

**Derp, Eclipse extended the phase. I'm so smart, I swear! >>;;

Compiling a post (but beware- crappy internets OP, so may take longer than usual.)

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[spoiler=Obvious bait and a kind of unimportant reply to JB.]

Seems to me like you're just coasting on an easy vote without really trying to distinguish between bad town!newbie and scum!newbie.

Sharkie, if I wanted to do that, I'd have left my vote on Rajam. I placed that vote on page 2 with no reasoning given (at least not until way later) and no one batted so much as an eyelid at it. I was in a grand position if I wanted to coast on an easy vote.

The other 2 are BBM's reasons. The first of which is his shitty vote onto you which made no sense. The second is his U-turning on the Rajam wagon, which he made pretty clear was because the size was making him uncomfortable (oh my.)

Now, maybe this is just me, but I don't see why scum!anybody would jump off of a wagon that big just to make that vote.

How does Paper's vote being bad make no sense for him to be scum? That doesn't make any sense.

And I'm not saying he's newb!town, I'm saying he's acting like a general newbie (in a non alignment indicative sense) and that the wagon on him because of it is dumb, with some people like Haze doing nothing but sitting on him for bad but not really scummy play.


The point is that despite his vote being shit, there's no logical scum intent to be found in it. I find it... strange that you claim that logic makes no sense and then turn around and use it yourself.

You have this really weird habit of implying that anyone who disagrees with you is scum. You then back it up with wonky logic that often ignores what the person in question has already said, and then go and smudge them in other posts. Like that quote from you above for instance, obvious smudge on me is obvious. I'm not entirely sure whether it's scum intent or just tunnel vision, but you're annoying the hell out of me right now.

i don't see how this is an issue...? like how is it scummy to go "I WANT X OR Y DEAD OR NL". that sounds more townie than anything - would a townie be very willing to compromise and lynched somebody they didn't think was scum? debatable.

If they were a good townie then yeah.

I mean I think the Paperzak case holds about as much water a leaky mop bucket but if it was between lynching him and no lynch then I'd lynch him in a heartbeat because we'd get more information out of it than no lynch.

Right, that aside I'd best keep the rest of this short before I get vertigo again.

Going to leave my vote on FFM for now. His latest posts have been a whole lot of nothing over and over.

Still up for lynching Rajam too.

I need to actually go and reread JB's posts now that my mind has made the connection that Shatter = JB.

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Mkay then.

[spoiler=Thoughts so far (would rather keep the wall/post smaller for you guys).]


-This post just screams a whole lot of fluff/unnecessary comments, imo. (Especially given the quoting of my posts + the comment: "is being null on like everybody a thing", when the only TRUE null reads I had in that list were Kaoz, BBM, and Prims. The rest were a matter of degree in terms of scumminess/scum vibes I was reading into them.)

- I find it peculiar that he notes in post right after with the notion of "holy fuk i really don't like rd's posts" and yet doesn't choose to vote for RD as a result. By the comment alone, I'd feel that it'd warrant a vote swap, or at least some notion of comparison in terms of voting priority between RD and Frosty.

- Overall, I'm having some trouble trusting Shatter much at this point. His posting content vs. where his votes are landing and how he's choosing to respond to people don't seem to really match up well, and seems very finicky/dodgy. Seems very dirty to me- would be fine with lynching at this point.

Fire Flower/FFM:

- Isn't doing bad in terms of keeping track of people's activity/posting in terms of this post, but I agree with BBM's notion that it's the reads that need to come as a result of observing those actions/posting content that really matters.

- However, this post I do have some issues with:

~ "Almost sounds like he's trying to start a lynch mob against me." Yeah, he voted for you, but as far as I can see, there are others who likewise have votes on you (myself included). I don't see how his case on you alone implies that he himself is/was starting a "lynch mob against you" when there were already votes on you to begin with. Inclined to agree with Shatter regarding his post/comment in saying that you were a bit jumpy/defensive.

~ Prim's vote: Not sure if you just decided to vote for him at that time (the reason behind it is okay, imo, but I'm not sure if you're limiting your vision/observations and looking at/voting for someone for an easy reason- maybe too easy? As opposed to delving more into what others are also posting.)

- Overall, I'm willing to give a little wiggle room in terms of FFM being a newbie player, but I can't deny the questionable aspect of some of his posts/replies. Moving my vote off of him in favor of Shatter, but still willing to accept him as a lynch option.


- Aside from what I've already commented on, not much can be seen/noted from his posts thereafter, imo.

- Posted at least twice in regards to the time extension, along with what I see is an easy vote on Rajam and offering to quick-hammer someone in favor of ending a long D1 phase.

- Overall, my gut feelings regarding him actually got worse. I'm not seeing a whole lot of contributions (as stated before), and there's nothing to remedy it. Willing to accept him as a lynch option.


- Given his(?) responses to Rajam in this post, I'm feeling a slightly better vibe currently, as the responses were fair and pretty sturdy.

- However, this next post pings me slightly, as the JB vote seems to boil down to "the fact that multiple people have expressed concerns with him" rather than having a case of his own or otherwise actually wanting to vote for JB for his own reasons (easy wagon jump is easy?).

- I can agree and disagree with this post as well- I see valid concerns regarding claiming openly and the dangers with it. Sometimes some roles can be better left said out in the open to aid in coordination and actions, but other times it can be safer to stay hidden. Just depends on the aspect of the role and what it can bring to the table.

- Overall, I'm not sure how I'm feeling about Scarlet (also apparently one of the people I failed to check in on earlier). Not the scummiest person so far, but likewise not the cleanest either. Not overly comfortable with lynching in D1, imo, unless we honestly had no one else to lynch for whatever reason.


- Not much more to say about him, regarding the whole disappearing act once the wagon died. Extreme amounts of tunneling on Scarlet, imo, and otherwise seemed to twist a lot of Scarlet's words around in his last post.

- Overall, I'd be fine with keeping him as a viable lynch option. His last post and no posts since then doesn't really give me any reason to object to it.


- The comment aimed at me in this post is noted, though I find it amusing that you'd post without even taking the time to know who you were in terms of roles.

- This reply/comment regarding your read on Prims feels a bit weird to me. It's not so much the fact that you have a null read on him, but the latter aspect of other people "finding him weird at one point or another" making you wary? Seems uncharacteristically unsure of yourself, imo.

- I understand your concerns regarding FFM with this post/comment, but something about it feels... off to me. As good as your intentions may seem, I can't help but shake the feeling that you're trying to bait out an easy role claim from a newbie.

- Overall, I'm still null with Kaoz, though slightly doubtful atm. Would not lynch currently.


- This post, along with the one right after, is making me kinda uneasy. I rarely ever see a successful "FLASHTURBOWAGON" go well in any Mafia game, and the fact that you were worried about a quickhammer in this post (and thus unvoted Rajam for it) makes me question why, in turn then, you'd even suggest a turbo wagon of any kind.

- Overall, BBM's posting content has been a bit peculiar to me (as was also noted in my other wall post of reads/thoughts), and I'm not really liking it much at all. Not one of my top lynch choices, but willing to settle on his lynch if need be.


- His content hasn't been the strongest imo, and he does seem to have an odd coasting sense to his posts. Seems to distance himself from the Paperblade wagon, which seems warranted to some extent, but I'm unsure of it's just meant to keep him safe/out of the line of suspicion on what had currently been one of the bigger wagons at that time.

- Overall, I'd like to see more reads and thoughts concerning other people in the game, but otherwise wouldn't really support a lynch on him atm.


- I'm not sure if it's just due to the overly long D1 phase, but he seemed a bit squirmy near the end of the phase, imo.

- Question: Was there a specific reason for you pinging/poking Bal to sub in for Paper via IRC? That, and you seemed to assume at least early on that I was subbing into a scum slot earlier by replacing Poly (unless that was purely just a reaction test to see how I'd respond). Why then, do you seem much more open to giving Bal a chance if he subbed in for Paper, when you yourself supported said wagon for quite a while? Just seems odd to me, the inconsistency.

- It also seems unusual, the defense regarding Rajam in this post, in terms of wanting to not lynch him. What exactly made his tunneling and misrepping of Scarlet's posting seem like a highly townie effort? And what of his lack of responses/posting since his wagon's disappearance- does it not warrant some lingering suspicion?

- Overall, Prims is still confusing me slightly. I don't feel he's being super scummy, but I also am having trouble securing a reliable town vibe on him. Kinda wary, imo. I wouldn't lynch him D1, but not dumping him off of my radar just yet.


- This post seems valid enough in terms to his content/responses.

- However, this post, along with this makes me feel slightly uneasy. It seems unlike SB to be a bit careless in forgetting reads/people, and it seems weird that he not only posts a bit on why he doesn't like Shinori, but also acknowledges Bal's defense as being "okay" but yet not swapping votes to someone else (like, Shinori?) that he's uncomfortable with. Not altogether sure what to make of it.

- Overall, there's something.... off I feel about him. I don't get the trustworthy feel/vibe that I generally do from town!SB, but I'm uncertain if it's due to it just be D1 (despite how long it's been) or if the uncertainty lies within him being scum. Would not list as top tier lynch target, but will settle for him if no one else lands on the chopping block.


- This post feels pretty wishy-washy to me, in terms of not wanting to touch/commit to any of the corresponding top wagons that were active at the time. Doesn't really elaborate on the notion of "There are others I'd like to see hang today before Paperblade" either, and only states effectively at the end that he REALLY doesn't want to touch the Paperblade wagon due to a sub being called in. Easy actions are easy?

- Overall, not really seeing RD in a better light since I ran through his ISO earlier. Could be due to him being busy that'd affect his posting style, but wouldn't argue against holding him up as a lynch candidate for D1.


- This post felt decent to me overall, and I could feel a townish vibe in the reads/thoughts.

- Only issue I'd have is the placement of voting pattern (like on Shinori, which was prod vote- which in itself wasn't BAD, but could've been placed elsewhere to more gain?), and seems lightly wary about keeping a vote down on anyone.

- Overall, seems pro-town in his efforts/thoughts, and I don't read any sort of scummy intent or vibes currently. Would not lynch.


- This was probably the first of his posts to bug me, with the comment regarding town reads. Idk, I just don't see the issue of stating town reads, imo- it may not help nearly as much as scum reads, but I don't necessarily see the harm in stating who you think/figure are town.

- Felt a little weird with this post, specifically with the line: "Dislike both RD and JB, and feel that one of them is most likely scum, but not both". Especially with the notion of you still willing to lynch both of them- are you implying you're fine with lynching them both, even if you end up hitting town for it (since, according to your feeling, both of them wouldn't flip scum)?

- Why, yes, you are dumb, but that's just who you are, Shinori. :3

- Overall, I don't think he's been playing atuned to where I've seen him as scum- he's been posting a fair amount compared to what I've seen from him before as scum, and he's not pinging me as he generally would in terms of scumminess. (I may not agree with some of his logic, but I don't think it makes him scummy to me atm.) Would not lynch D1.


- I apparently forgot to ISO/read into him (Paper) earlier. I'm so good at this game.

- Blah blah blah- easy to see why people got on him earlier for being inactive/not posting a great amount of content. Old news is old.

[As for Bal's posting]

- Post #268 and 270 were done well enough, imo, and seems to harbor decent enough logicks. Also admits to not understanding some of Paper's postings himself, so I feel the responses pertaining to the person he subbed in for were fine.

- Overall, I can see why/how the Paper wagon got started, and in terms of Bal's 2-3 posts thus far, I don't have an issue with him currently. Not exactly thrilled with the Paper/Bal wagon myself, but willing to support it as a last-resort choice.

OKAY, holy crap. That was so much longer than I realized/figured it'd be. Thank god for spoiler things- my own eyes would've burned having to scan past it all in reviewing the pages later. >_>

TL;DR (Uh, though I'd still appreciate it if people took the time to read what I labored over for a while now) in terms of Priorities in Lynching:

Would easily agree to lynch: Shatter/JB, FFM, Dragonfang13, Rajam, RD

Would be willing to lynch if none of the above: Scarlet, BBM, SB, Paperblade/Balcerzak

Would not lynch: Kaoz, Haze, Prims, Randa, Shinori


##Vote Shatter/JB

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After rereading I would lynch any of: FF, Shinori, JB/RD in roughly that order. While a lynch on e.g. JB/RD might give more in the way of associative tells, the behaviour hasn't seemed as questionable, imo. I prefer to vote where I think the scum's more likely, not necessarily whose flip will (possibly) tell the most.

But with the overview out of the way, let's get to some of the meat behind each of the individual cases, shall we?


Did not like his #151. "What if acting clueless is part of my strategy?" glib reply to the rather serious nature of the prims poke about L-1. ...yeah, not the best approach.

His #153 he calls out SB as being "pretty defensive" in addition to "sowing confusion" with an early joke claim (though he hedges his bets by claiming SB is not "too suspicious". In his #274 he tries to turn this around on JB, claiming JB's suspicion being based purely on FF being "too defensive". If acting defensive was enough for you to get a (slight) scum lean on SB, why would it not be enough for others to get scum-reads on you? Not to mention, this misreps JB's case, which as laid out in his #205 includes beyond the defensive aspect that FF "p much nothing original, blowing up random points" etc.

#173 seems to betray either a clear lack of understanding on why sheeping is undesireable or trying to slide on by with a fast one. Also delicious irony of admitting to sheep in very same post. "Also other players seem to know his play-style so may as well listen to what they have to say."

His #195 is a list post, which has a lot of words in it, but most of them are waffley. The only really solid conclusions in the list were paper leans scum, rajam leans town. maybe a bbm leans town too? It's very noncommital throughout.

While I do appreciate in his #274 he's starting to take a critical look at Prims (and it's probably something I should spend time investigating over night phase) imo it's honestly too late in the day to try to make a move on someone who's been under almost no suspicion throughout, and from whose flip we would gain little, particularly when any scum intent to be found is well hidden.

I feel like FFM could do with somebody typing up a nice tutorial for him, but I'm not inclined to do it in-game where it will clutter things up, and certainly not while he's still alive and I doubt his alignment.


In your #142 for the love of everything, if you're going to tell me to "read the bold" then please erase the formatting of the original post your quoting. Leaving SB's bolded vote in there causes potential confusion, and honestly, I just really hate that whole method of reply. It makes it harder for others to quote you and address what you say in it, and it's more clutter than it's worth. But enough on style. Here is one of your first places where you bring up what becomes a major plank in your case on SB. That he'd "asked Rajam a question" and then didn't follow up on it. That he was around and "doing things" but not actually doing "anything". The criticism resurfaces in your #146 and your #179 and so forth. Let's actually look at this question in detail.

SB's #41 "How is bear preventing the game from advancing when other players can still comment on things he's talked about afterwards?" How is this not a rhetorical question? How does the fact that BBM already answers it in his #43, meaning there's no point to keep harping on Rajam to answer it make it worth continuing to crucify SB for. There's got to be more questionable things SB's done than that to build your entire case out of. I mean, I haven't done the most in depth read of SB yet, but I thought I saw a few other things I wasn't exactly fond of in there. Why are you building a mountain out of this molehill?

Leaves his vote on SB all phase, up until his #239, while spending large chunks of his time investigating other worries like JB/RD, with the occasional potshot at some others (Rajam, BBM, Panda, Prims), but not actually trying to drive anything there. The only new reasons he provides for maintaining a vote on SB are the fact that he didn't like SB defending FFM for being new. Maybe I'm losing some context in focusing on the ISO too much here for the moment, but that doesn't feel the best to me.

Does manage to make some good points, though, like his criticism of Panda in his #232.


Honestly, there's not as much content here to work on as I would like, but a lot of what there is involves both of them going at each other. In lieu of anything I feel this is kind of a last resort for me at the moment. Also, it's been like 3 hours since I started researching all this, and I really need to get something posted soon.

I'll be continuing to look into these here, and hopefully finish constructing a little better case on one or the other. It really felt like I had a lot more to say than I ended up actually saying, but maybe that's just the nature of D1, and the fact that I don't want to end up repeating too much of what's already been said. The fact that SB has been coming up quite a bit in my Shinori and other research kind of makes me want to take a closer look at him, but I'm already feeling crunched for time.


##Vote: FFM

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meh I can't really find very much of a fault with Balcerzak's posts and he worded my feelings about Shinori pretty much tunneling SB better than I did. I still don't agree with the FFM case but I think Bal's vote is the best, though that may just be because he laid it all out and summarized it in one post.

I agree that FFM was pretty defensive to votes against him but the kneejerk reaction of protesting that they're town when people vote them is something so many new players do at the beginning that I find it hard holding that against him.

Shinori- I'll vote someone else if I have to to secure a lynch but obviously I'm not going to want to lynch someone whom I don't think is suspicious?

Eury- The Shinori wagon would have had to be a turbo because there was nobody voting him and not very much time left in the phase at that point. Me not wanting Rajam to get turboed is because that would have resulted in the phase ending super early. The two contexts are different. Also, I wish I could say I read your entire post but I read the first two, realized you'd written paragraphs on everyone, and then skipped ahead to mine.

ugh just getting bad vibes from JB at this point. I skimmed RD because someone asked me about him. Not entirely sure but I'm just not getting anything bad from his posts?

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Eury- The Shinori wagon would have had to be a turbo because there was nobody voting him and not very much time left in the phase at that point. Me not wanting Rajam to get turboed is because that would have resulted in the phase ending super early. The two contexts are different. Also, I wish I could say I read your entire post but I read the first two, realized you'd written paragraphs on everyone, and then skipped ahead to mine.

I do agree that the contexts were different. However, if there was no one voting Shinori at the time, that obviously meant that there was little to no interest to doing so made by anyone, which is what was partially intruiging me about your sudden vote/suggestion to turbo him of all people. Why turbo him over someone else more favorable in terms of people having negative feelings against? (Kinda popped out of nowhere and just seemed pretty radical of an idea to gun with, all things considered. Just didn't exactly have a townie sort of vibe to the suggestion/act itself, if that makes sense.)

And I figured a lot of people would go along the lines of what you did regarding my post, BBM (hence the TL;DR ultra-simplified lynch priorities below it all), but I felt better taking the time to explain my logic (especially with newer players in this game) than just throwing out a priority list alone with sparse blurbs/reasonings.

[The only thing that'd truly bug me is if people chose not to read it, and then complained later about my arguments/cases (about not understanding it or not knowing what they were) when it's talked about in said post.]

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I'll do this so that were in lynch zone for the time being. I'd rather see Rajam go down at the moment, but that doesn't seem likely for today.

##Vote FFM

[spoiler=Reasons For Rajam Lynch]

1. Had a huge amount of activity that just dropped as soon as the pressure came off.

2. Not really giving original points when voting more just sheeping. And was consistently bouncing between wagons seems like he didnt care who got Lynched.

3. Took a while to answer questions. Not scummy on its own but given how much he was posting early this seemed weird.

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where the votals @

Paperblade (1) - Prims

BBM (1) - Kaoz

Rajam (3) - JB, bearclaw

JB (4) - Radiant Dragon, Scarlet, BBM, Eurykins

Scarlet (1) - Rajam

Prims (1) - Frosty Fire Mage

Frosty Fire Mage (5) - Haze, Shinori, SB, Randa, Balz

^ Should be correct

As for the hammer, it said at least half of the total people left alive is required in the rules, so I'm assuming 8's the magic number for hammering.

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