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School of Hard NOCs - Night 6 ends on Mar. 15 at 9:00 PM HST


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I think I said to Haze I was wondering if your PGO claim was a fake but we didn't have the balls to test it after RD died =/

The moral of the story is always nightkill BBM and Prims, I guess.

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Oh, we won. Good job, folks.

Playing some mafia after all this time was kinda fun, if stressful. I'm kinda disappointed I was killed so early despite being wrong about basically everything except PaperBal all game, though.

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I think I said to Haze I was wondering if your PGO claim was a fake but we didn't have the balls to test it after RD died =/

The moral of the story is always nightkill BBM and Prims, I guess.

And maybe don't kill the most confused person first.
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Every single role in this game was from a SF game that had OC built into it (whether it be by role or mechanics). The result: One very underpowered mafia. Props to them for holding out as long as they did!

Now, for actual analysis:

- bearclaw (Strawman's role): Read the mod announcements, yo! I wanted to give Paper/Bal's role another reason to exist, so I nuked the factional kill on the original role and replaced it with a bodyguard that would strip the killer of their role (originally. . .this would've been the kind of bodyguard that took its killer down with them, but I felt that it swung things too much towards the town's favor).

- JB (Thursday): Wasn't able to say much due to time zones, and was lynched when everyone thought that FFM was town. I cut the kills down to one, for obvious reasons. I really liked this role, for the single in-game day I had it. :P:

- Randa (Asch): Mafia figured that he didn't say much, so no one would be on him. Post a bit more! This was one of the absolute few roles that the mafia didn't benefit from using their janitor kill on.

- Radiant Dragon (Caster): Slight inactivity and SB's insistence on bussing his entire team spelled his demise. I was a bit miffed that RD was lynched - if someone's looking scummy, and someone ELSE has claimed PGO, have your scummy guy shoot the PGO. Worst case scenario, dead scum and PGO. Best case. . .you catch someone in a lie. Anyway, I figured the mafia should have some way to have their kills screw over the town, and the lynchproof could make for a fun claim.

- Raymond/Scarlet (Luke): Stayed active, and generally did a good job of not being a lynch target. His lone drive didn't do much, sadly. This was the other half of the co-driver role, and he correctly guessed that Randa was his worse half.

- Polydeuces/Eurykins (Kangaskhan): Poly didn't leave the best impression, and it was up to Eury to keep the slot from being lynched. Kaoz had his doubts, so shot her instead. Still, she stopped SB's inspect on N1, so good job! I figured that the town had enough target protection, so decided on a weaker roleblocker variant.

- Paperblade/Balcerzak (Unabomber): Paperblade got busy, so it was up to Bal to keep himself afloat (which he did decently, despite RL issues). The day role would've stopped both martyrs, the drivers and beaclaw's bodyguard. Probably should've grabbed a hijacker instead, just to make things more interesting.

- Kaoz (Oscar): I wasn't happy with his early activity, but he picked it up on his own. Even if his shots were technically misvigs, he helped to speed the game along. The only one that suspected him of anything was Prims, and that dried up fairly fast.

- Frosty Fire Mage (Rath): His posting was somewhat spotty, which kept him under suspicion for a while. I turned this into a shot-based role instead of its original, mostly because I figured that this game didn't quite have enough people to warrant the original conditions. Probably should've lowered the shots to three, in hindsight.

- Haze (Haze): That's right, Haze rolled himself! Despite not having the best activity, he kept himself under the radar long enough to make one of the most glorious troll tailors I've ever seen. This role was a hard counter to BBM's one, though I think I should've given it the same properties as BBM's, just for giggles. Props to the rogue claim, even if it broke rule 22. :P:

- Shinori (Mew): Claimed for whatever reason on D2, then grabbed bearclaw's role, and thanks to the host being an idiot, never really got to use the mayor part. The bodyguard came in handy, albeit too late.

- Rajam (Anu Pirhana, Duel Terminal, too lazy to look it up): It's the return of the BP Martyr! Rajam's posting style was. . .present and unique. I think you'd benefit from writing all your thoughts down, and THEN posting it (Manix and Co. have the bajillion-posts-in-a-row covered).

- SB (Sableye): Bussed his entire team, and somehow, wasn't lynched despite BBM seeing "Cop". Thanks to putting just enough doubt in people's minds, was able to stretch the game out as long as it did (and this includes all the people who were suspicious of him). His night actions, however. . .hooked N1, ran into Prims' commuter N2. . .yeah.

- BBM (Blitz): Don't ever use this role again, folks, unless you guys have multiple godfathers. Or a tailor that's just as wacky. He did fairly well for being busy, but that last reaction test could've gone better (just put a vote down after it). I intentionally made BBM town (as he mentioned that he was tired of playing as mafia), but let the RNG decide what role he got. His night luck was. . .amazingly bad. His only useful result was N1 - after that, he either got song names, dead people, or both.

- Prims (Tobias): Has been modkilled for having awful taste in music Did a lot of posting, to the point of doubting himself and going off on tangents. Sometimes, it's best to step back and let the rest of the game figure itself out! Didn't catch much with his watch (because the mafia figured a watcher would target FFM), stopped an inspection with his commute, and made things all the merrier with his martyr. The third ability in the original role was changed to watcher because I figured a one-shot watch wouldn't break things too much, and because the original role didn't work in this context.

tl;dr - People who didn't post too much need to post more, and people who post a lot need to consolidate thoughts/be patient.

Now, for funny awards. . .

Town MVP - You guys kinda made it work, somehow, so you all get this

Mafia MVP - random.org SB

Funniest move - Rajam scanning cult

Worst move - SB targeting the same guy Haze tailored

Best luck - FFM catching Haze visiting Bal

Worst luck - BBM after N1

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Also a general design philosophy thing, I don't really like balancing out tons of town protection with mafia strongkills or whatever just because if that strongman or whatever dies, the rest of the mafia is screwed and can't hit the cop.

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This was a really fun game, I'm glad I didn't sub out. Too bad it ended the way it did but even without the inspect SB probably would've gotten lynched. That said I think town was a bit strong, especially when you consider we would've had another mislynch had the modkill not happened.

It was nice to play with Haze/Bal/Cows/Raymond, would be great if some of you guys stick around. Thought Rajam did well too, I hope the D1 wagon didn't scare you off.

http://www.quicktopic.com/50/H/Ms4rUHWDeZkhf Thoughts quicktopic

Also, requesting quicktopics + Randa's role PM (which was probably The Dirty of Loudness lol).

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"for SB postgame: you'd probably have been better off shooting me and pushing shinori, backup is at least as arguable as "too powerful for the set-up" as cop is and you basically ended D4 looking like you were planning to push me today"

yeah this would've happened had the mod error mayor reveal not happened.

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Dear Randa,

Your song is The Dirty of Loudness. You're known for things like full key smashes and girly-looking guys. Especially the latter.

During the night, you may reply to your role PM with Night X - Swap PLAYER. Everything that targets PLAYER will target whoever your other half mentioned, and vice versa.

You are allied with the town. You win if all threats to the town are eliminated.

Your role is a wee bit on the complicated side, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask~!

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OH btw shout-out to Kaoz for shooting all the people I suspected so I didn't have to fuck things up by wasting time on them the next day :>

that said I stand by the opinion that going after FFM was valid. Fuck rolespec.

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The moral of the story is always nightkill BBM and Prims, I guess.


OH also also, RD, I hope you didn't get discouraged from being lynched early, aside from the weird comments on the Rajam wagon which made me go after you I thought your play was actually pretty solid. tbh it was more of an issue of "you had some weird stuff and everybody else looked better".

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"You're not a three-part song!"


So you guys went and murdered SB for not being a triplet.

Congratulations to the cult for winning School of Hard NOCs!

lmao I was gonna say "this explains a lot, Randa obv culted Prims N1", then saw the real ending:

. . .in the universe where this game is actually being played, this happened instead:

Congratulations to the town for winning School of Hard NOCs!

Postgame and all that coming up in a bit!

Congrats town! wp. Scum bussed hard each other (both through attacks and defenses) and I fell for it several times in my notes. I think bussing is not a good strategy in heavy-PR closed games though, since all the abilities and NActions end killing that strategy.

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I didn't actually pay much attention, but I think town did pretty good considering they lynched scum three days in a row. Or maybe it's the other way around? Eh. I like how all of the town killing roles killed town though.

Actually 4 times in a row if you discount the No-Lynches!

D2 - RD

D3 - Paper/Bal

D4 - Haze

D6/7? - SB

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Yeah, I definitely bussed too much this game but part of that was because I didn't see a lot of townies as particularly scummy? I dunno.

I thought your bussing was well-done this game, the interactions with RD/Haze looked realistic and I probably would have fallen for it had PoE and role madness never set in.
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We killed you because we wanted an obscure Janitor target and you literally couldn't be protected due to Bal's role, pretty much.

oh also I disagree with the jan on Randa. Randa was obv town so no one was really questioning his alignment after his death. imo scum should've jann'd someone more talkative yet less obv town, and I think Randa didn't fit any of those criteria. My two cents.

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Pretty sure that the point of the jan was to obscure the roleflip (+obtain a fake), not to obscure the alignment of the player.

(that jans are generally assumed to have been fired by scum)

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, though.

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Every single role in this game was from a SF game that had OC built into it (whether it be by role or mechanics). The result: One very underpowered mafia. Props to them for holding out as long as they did!

Now, for actual analysis:

- bearclaw (Strawman's role): Read the mod announcements, yo! I wanted to give Paper/Bal's role another reason to exist, so I nuked the factional kill on the original role and replaced it with a bodyguard that would strip the killer of their role (originally. . .this would've been the kind of bodyguard that took its killer down with them, but I felt that it swung things too much towards the town's favor).

- JB (Thursday): Wasn't able to say much due to time zones, and was lynched when everyone thought that FFM was town. I cut the kills down to one, for obvious reasons. I really liked this role, for the single in-game day I had it. :P:

- Randa (Asch): Mafia figured that he didn't say much, so no one would be on him. Post a bit more! This was one of the absolute few roles that the mafia didn't benefit from using their janitor kill on.

- Radiant Dragon (Caster): Slight inactivity and SB's insistence on bussing his entire team spelled his demise. I was a bit miffed that RD was lynched - if someone's looking scummy, and someone ELSE has claimed PGO, have your scummy guy shoot the PGO. Worst case scenario, dead scum and PGO. Best case. . .you catch someone in a lie. Anyway, I figured the mafia should have some way to have their kills screw over the town, and the lynchproof could make for a fun claim.

- Raymond/Scarlet (Luke): Stayed active, and generally did a good job of not being a lynch target. His lone drive didn't do much, sadly. This was the other half of the co-driver role, and he correctly guessed that Randa was his worse half.

- Polydeuces/Eurykins (Kangaskhan): Poly didn't leave the best impression, and it was up to Eury to keep the slot from being lynched. Kaoz had his doubts, so shot her instead. Still, she stopped SB's inspect on N1, so good job! I figured that the town had enough target protection, so decided on a weaker roleblocker variant.

- Paperblade/Balcerzak (Unabomber): Paperblade got busy, so it was up to Bal to keep himself afloat (which he did decently, despite RL issues). The day role would've stopped both martyrs, the drivers and beaclaw's bodyguard. Probably should've grabbed a hijacker instead, just to make things more interesting.

- Kaoz (Oscar): I wasn't happy with his early activity, but he picked it up on his own. Even if his shots were technically misvigs, he helped to speed the game along. The only one that suspected him of anything was Prims, and that dried up fairly fast.

- Frosty Fire Mage (Rath): His posting was somewhat spotty, which kept him under suspicion for a while. I turned this into a shot-based role instead of its original, mostly because I figured that this game didn't quite have enough people to warrant the original conditions. Probably should've lowered the shots to three, in hindsight.

- Haze (Haze): That's right, Haze rolled himself! Despite not having the best activity, he kept himself under the radar long enough to make one of the most glorious troll tailors I've ever seen. This role was a hard counter to BBM's one, though I think I should've given it the same properties as BBM's, just for giggles. Props to the rogue claim, even if it broke rule 22. :P:

- Shinori (Mew): Claimed for whatever reason on D2, then grabbed bearclaw's role, and thanks to the host being an idiot, never really got to use the mayor part. The bodyguard came in handy, albeit too late.

- Rajam (Anu Pirhana, Duel Terminal, too lazy to look it up): It's the return of the BP Martyr! Rajam's posting style was. . .present and unique. I think you'd benefit from writing all your thoughts down, and THEN posting it (Manix and Co. have the bajillion-posts-in-a-row covered).

- SB (Sableye): Bussed his entire team, and somehow, wasn't lynched despite BBM seeing "Cop". Thanks to putting just enough doubt in people's minds, was able to stretch the game out as long as it did (and this includes all the people who were suspicious of him). His night actions, however. . .hooked N1, ran into Prims' commuter N2. . .yeah.

- BBM (Blitz): Don't ever use this role again, folks, unless you guys have multiple godfathers. Or a tailor that's just as wacky. He did fairly well for being busy, but that last reaction test could've gone better (just put a vote down after it). I intentionally made BBM town (as he mentioned that he was tired of playing as mafia), but let the RNG decide what role he got. His night luck was. . .amazingly bad. His only useful result was N1 - after that, he either got song names, dead people, or both.

- Prims (Tobias): Has been modkilled for having awful taste in music Did a lot of posting, to the point of doubting himself and going off on tangents. Sometimes, it's best to step back and let the rest of the game figure itself out! Didn't catch much with his watch (because the mafia figured a watcher would target FFM), stopped an inspection with his commute, and made things all the merrier with his martyr. The third ability in the original role was changed to watcher because I figured a one-shot watch wouldn't break things too much, and because the original role didn't work in this context.

tl;dr - People who didn't post too much need to post more, and people who post a lot need to consolidate thoughts/be patient.

Now, for funny awards. . .

Town MVP - You guys kinda made it work, somehow, so you all get this

Mafia MVP - random.org SB

Funniest move - Rajam scanning cult

Worst move - SB targeting the same guy Haze tailored

Best luck - FFM catching Haze visiting Bal

Worst luck - BBM after N1

EDIT: No analysis for me :( nvm saw it

Actually, it was fortunate that the framed-cult scan redirected to me. BPM's town result on me from N1 helped a ton, and cult on Prims would've caused a lot of paranoia around

Edited by Rajam
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Pretty sure that the point of the jan was to obscure the roleflip (+obtain a fake), not to obscure the alignment of the player.

(that jans are generally assumed to have been fired by scum)

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, though.

And it would've been very well done if it hadn't been a two part role.
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I think the Randa kill was alright from a tactical perspective since it basically got rid of somebody who everybody was townreading (it's kind of disappointing as town to wake up and see a kill on somebody you weren't really paranoid about at all), but it was lame from a meta perspective because it means a new player didn't really get much experience out of the game.

basically newb cred OP

hope you at least got something out of following along

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