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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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The movie adaptation of Darren Shan

Holy shit I read that like 10 years ago. They made a movie version? Was it just the first book, or what?

I can't think of any bad ones at the moment.

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While I agree with you on the filler, I think it's a good idea to maybe add One (1) woman with a talking role to the film. One (1). The original text of the Hobbit does not really manage to do this.

(I've not actually seen any of the Hobbit films but I am pretty confused on how they're drawing three films from like 200 pages)

The problem with Tauriel isn't so much that she was added, but that it's Tauriel.

They're drawing a lot on Tolkien's other writings. They're not just telling the story of The Hobbit. Even with that, though, the second movie most definitely could have been half the length and not lost anything of value.

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I wonder if you'd be more likely to make three more films just out of what was left out of the LotR films, than out of the Hobbit...

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They clearly need another film just based on the Scouring of the Shire.

Actually I kinda want to see that now.

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I think the only book-to-film I even remember watching is the Harry Potter series, and while I have many qualms about the way the films handled things they're hardly the worst B2F out there.

But I'll still complain about how they changed characterization for the worse especially since the bits I'm complaining about did not have to be changed for it was not interfering with the films' length.

Bold: Same

I still feel bad they didn't include Dobby in HP 4,5 and 6 and instead was substituted by Neville. ;-;

I guess I agree with the characterization part to some extent although I'm actually more annoyed that they skipped some parts.

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Beautiful Creatures, Mortal Instruments (oh that one was ass), etc. That shit needs to die.

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I wonder if you'd be more likely to make three more films just out of what was left out of the LotR films, than out of the Hobbit...

But that's part of the problem. If it were practical, we would have had like a bajilion LotR movies. But since people are not immortal or in a hurry to tie themselves to one project for their entire lives, that couldn't really happen. I mean the entire series with all the extended scenes is, what, ten hours long? That's about as satisfying as a book-to-movie adaptation can physically get.

Like, think of how I feel. My favorite series is The Wheel of Time. That's a 13 book series (14 if you include the prologue novel) with an average length of 900 pages. It will take the average reader weeks to finish just one of them. And at the end of every single one of them is some kind of Battle of Isengard-style event. It's the most epic fantasy series I can think of and there's just no way anyone could ever make a movie series out of it. I would hate-choke most of you to death to see it happen. Alas. No jaded SF member is rich enough for me to sway with my Superman-grip ;___;

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I would have to say Trainspotting is the best book to film transition i've seen, the book was a little too forced in the edgy department for me to enjoy however the movie just did it perfectly, from the scene of the 90s to portraying the grimey issues in the book while keeping this dark sense of humor. The scottish accent written in the book didnt help all that much either

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Dammit, just missed the last question by about 2 minutes... Oh well, I'll answer it anyway.

Worst book-to-film adaption

This is actually a pretty nasty question when you think about it. The problem is that books don't often translate over in their original form anyway, and in other cases the director starts pruning it depending on his or her own personal view of what it should be like. All in all, things can get pretty different. My favorite book series that I'd like to see turned into a film would be the Death's Gate Cycle (Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman), but in a way I'd dread to see what Hollywood would do to it. Same for Weis and Hickman's Starshield duology.

To be honest, my philosophy on this sort of thing is to forget the source material and just try to view the movie on its own merits. Thus, as much as Tolkien killed Azog at the battle of Moria, and as much as Tauriel didn't exist in the original book (no female characters did), I've enjoyed the Hobbit so far. Radagast and his rabbit drawn sled, the inclusion of the Necromancer arc (previously only covered in supplemental materials), heck, even Tauriel (who IMO was no more of a Mary Sue than Legolas - and you don't see people moaning about him) and Legolas being shoved in and the battle with Smaug inside the Lonely Mountain - it all helps make the films more enjoyable for me. What I didn't like was how it took ~40 minutes to leave the Burrow in the first film... but I'm not going to moan about that. When I'm watching a book-derived-film, I leave the book behind for the duration.

That said, to answer the question, Eragon is probably worst for me, but it does get bumped up from bottom spot if we include any literary work. Troy was a terrible adaption of the Greek myths...

Best book-to-film adaption

Well ignoring the Hobbit, because it does have points where it gets too far from the book - the Laketown battle for a start - I'd say the Lord of the Rings. They missed Tom Bombadil and the Scouring of the Shire, but it looked fantastic and didn't have the pacing issues as with the Hobbit.

I haven't seen many adaptions though, so I'm not the best person to answer this one. I can't put Harry Potter, because I was bored with the franchise by the time book 6/film 3 turned up. So I never finished that lot...

Suggestion for next QotD's; Best and worst Film adaptions (or vice versa) of games.

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best book to film, I would say lord of the rings, it skipped some things like Tom Bombadil, but it worked well enough. The Book Thief's film adaptation was pretty good, I still don't like how they handled the shoulder shrug, the standover man, and the dairy, those where the 3 most important parts of the story to me, but it still worked well despite the fact that they changed those. The reason I find it acceptable is that they still kept the diary, it was just given to her by a different person, in addition they still handled they got the characterization right. The actors were almost all perfect.

Also was I the only one that notice she switched hands, in the start of the story she used her right, but when she wrote in her diary she used her left.

Also worst since I missed that one, I think the Eragon movie, though with other forms of media included the avatar the last airbender movie was atrocious, even if you didn't compare it to the tv show.

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Suggestion for next QotD's; Best and worst Film adaptions (or vice versa) of games.

... are there any good ones though?

but yeah okay

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On Her Majesty's Secret Service.

I guess I agree with the characterization part to some extent although I'm actually more annoyed that they skipped some parts.

If they included every scene, then the films would be six or seven hours long (which is why Deathly Hallows got split up into two films).

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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I was gonna say lotr because I really like the lotr movies but

ben hur

[13/4/14 17:54:09] Ike: for taking a Thoroughly Mediocre Book and making a Highly Enjoyable Film

shit that's a good point

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Eragon. Holy shitballs, Eragon.

As a book series, they were actually pretty solid, if pure teen schlock (I read them when I was, like, 14 or something gimme a break).

The movie was just... piss.


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