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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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I almost always sleep on my back, and I will very rarely sleep on my right side. I use two or three pillows to keep myself propped up, because sleeping flat on my bed will guarantee a sore back. It's rare for me to go an entire night without waking up at least once.

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Question 270. How do you sleep?

On your side, with thousands of pillows, without a blanket, with a large stuffed duck? Answer this however you want.

In my case? Badly.

I was gonna say "poorly" but you beat me to it.

So I'll say "late" instead I guess.

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I've learned to turn off the computer an hour before I sleep and just read till I get tired after going through all of my high school staying up till ~2am on the computer/phone. Sometimes I'm still full of energy because I didn't do many physical activities during the day and i'll read till 4am but it usually gets the job done.

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I tend to start off on my left side, before turning on my right after 20ish minutes and falling asleep. I normally sleep well, often waking up for like a minute before falling asleep again. a lot of time's ill put an arm/ hand under my pillow. Though there are nights once in a blue moon where I just can't sleep no matter how hard I try. Those are really frustrating if I'm going to school in the morning. If I'm not, I just get up for a while.

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I am a still sleeper, but I tend to move often while I'm awake in an effort to find a comfy spot. I usually end up sleeping on my belly.

As for my setup, I enjoy two comfy pillows under my head and a big blanket half-covering my body.

I'm also not afraid of sleeping with doors open or with my arm/leg out of the bed.

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i sleep with my door open now because my cat comes in and out of my room, but i dont mind it. legs hanging off bed are a nono tho ;_;

I do the same.

Cat sleeps on the bed though. Apparently I don't move enough to disturb her while she sleeps.

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I need light somewhere in the room. Not a full light, I just need enough to be able to, you know, know which direction is where. If I can't, I can still sleep, but it's... hard, and uncomfortable.

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Even though I don't see how, I find this question very weirdly personal.

...decline to state


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I've been told that when I'm deep in my sleep, I perpetually look like I'm in a coffin, though I usually find myself on my side when I snap back into consciousness.

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If I'm actually feeling like sleep, I'll sleep anywhere, anyhow. And I'll sleep well, too.

But my preferred conditions? Absolute darkness, silence (some sort of humming noise is okay though), cool air, and a comfy bed (or a futon-ish thing as we use here) with two puffy pillows and a blanket. I feel weird sleeping without a blanket, even if it's really hot. I also have a tendency to put my hands/arms under the pillows or fold my pillow over my head. I like to have some sort of pressure on my body when sleeping, fsr (which ties into the previous point).

As for positions, all of 'em. I'm not a particularly wild sleeper, but I change positions a lot and get into some really weird ones. Sometimes my body goes hella sore after.

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i've got about five positions that i sleep in

my preferred sleeping place is Anywhere Not Upright

i sleep Very Well generally, with few exceptions

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I sleep lightly, usually on my right side, hand under pillow, probably taking up more space than I should 8D

I need light somewhere in the room. Not a full light, I just need enough to be able to, you know, know which direction is where. If I can't, I can still sleep, but it's... hard, and uncomfortable.

omg yes exactly ;-;

I keep a small nightlight for this reason

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I'm normally a side sleeper, and I tend to shift around a bit. Noises like rain, thunder, tornado sirens, fire alarms, and people moving around in the kitchen tend to wake me up so I tend to sleep with my door shut.

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No defined position. Preferably dark, but I can sleep just about anywhere if I'm tired enough assuming I'm not standing up. If nobody makes loud noises in the hallway 2 hours prior to me waking up I can sleep well. Otherwise I wake up earlier than I intended and that annoys me.

I sleep really late. Sometimes that means I get 4 hours of sleep on average per semester. This is my light semester so I can actually get 6-8.

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