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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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Question 281. Which of the seven heavenly virtues do you associate yourself most with?

Edited by Parrhesia
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I'm good at Integrity =o

But really I probably would say kindness~ It could have also been humility but I don't think I fully fit that as much as kindness... because I bet there are times when I don't portray that trait~ Well not to say that I portray kindness all the time either... ;u;

And despite my ability to be real patient sometimes there are also times I can be really impatient so I don't think I fit that as well either

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lmao I took a quiz and got CHASTITY which is just hell to the fucking no

[10:24:21 AM] Ciarre: why do i keep getting chastity
[10:24:25 AM] Ciarre: i took 3 online quizes
[10:24:28 AM] Ciarre: this is bullshit

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Charity and Kindness are the only ones that really apply to me. I'd probably say Charity, because I'm generous to the point where its actually a fault.

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Vanity is a sin, but I believe there is certainly a virtuous pride.

Either way im being an asshat because the question is regarding the already clearly defined virtues buuuuuut

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I'd say patience with my deadly sin being a sloth. Its like the greatest combination if you think about it. Too lazy to do anything so you learn to wait for enough energy to do things.

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Had to wikipedia this.

From the first paragraph of Wiki, Justice or Fortitude from the Greek cardinal virtues work okay, but I'm not sure I fit the Catholic one at all. Sure, there's a couple of those I'd like to be more of but I don't think I'm even close to them yet. I guess temperance is a thing because I haven't punched everyone who pissed me off in the face yet. People who actually know me here, weigh in?

Edited by Thor Odinson
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