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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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Take naps and generally be unproductive in the dark.

Alternatively read in my comfy chair at the university, right next to the air conditioning vent.

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My outer family betrayed my main family during a low point in our lives. and deep down i cant forgive them.

My only family is my nuclear family/

Edited by Sockmaster
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To an extent, it's there for everyone in my family. Now, whether or not I KNOW someone is in my family. . .

*grumbles about certain people having way too many kids*

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There has been a big disconnect in the family as of late, but I'll always be loyal to my mom. I wouldn't say I'm the most loyal son in the world however.

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My family have a rather.... unfortunate history with the outer side at times

Like, my mother have 7 siblings. We have a fairly bad relationship with 3 of them, one of which is my father's side(to be fair, the main problem is my grandma). Aside from that, I am fairly close to my mother's side of the family, so I guess I'm pretty loyal overall.

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I feel like it'd depend on how well I know them... Of course I am loyal to my immediate family, I see my dad's relatives sometimes so I feel somewhat loyal to them, but I've only seen people from my mom's side of the family a long long time ago and not even that often. It's... kind of difficult to feel loyal to them, I don't really know them at all besides some of their names.
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I have virtually no loyalties to my nuclear family or extended family. I am closer to my cousins than anyone else in my blood line. I learned long ago not to get attached to people who won't get attached back.

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