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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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Yes that's why I didn't mention british anything for Chris and only for Tom

I'm singling those two out for their accents on a personal level

Because when it's not those two I prefer Italian accents to everything

Wonky wording. Ok. Hemsworth's Thor accent is what i like to call Shakespearian Ham. I enjoy that too cuz ham.

I actually enjoy a Mexican accent cuz it makes me all nostalgic and warm and fuzzy inside.

I am not around UKers and I don't feel the need to research into all the various geographics and their accents to make a post.

Thing is, i actually noticed when watching and hearing people from the British Isles speak on tv and in real life, that their accents differed. And how people could tell where they come from just by their dialect. So i actually gave a shit and decided to look that stuff up quite some time ago. You might not be arsed but i can actually see why some people's jimmies have been rustled out of place by someone being all "Just British." Especially when Ireland isnt really a part of the UK.

Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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Like, does most of the forum know all the accents and ethnicity of Sudan?

if i liked sudanese accents enough to post "i like sudanese accents" in response to "what is your favo(u)rite accent" i sure as fuck would

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if i liked sudanese accents enough to post "i like sudanese accents" in response to "what is your favo(u)rite accent" i sure as fuck would

you closeted sudanese accent lover. i knew it.

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you closeted sudanese accent lover. i knew it.

my sudan knowledge starts and ends at Is In North Eastern Africa

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it's that simple

if you want a question




To be fair I don't think it's that he wanted it but he just thought it'd be fitting for the day and that he was surprised to not see a question that relates x3

Oh and not answering because I don't know...

Edited by Freohr Datia
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unfortunately my scottish accent isn't that pronounced </3

I'm a fan of the Irish accent, if only because I'm used to Scottish from living here, and sometimes I can't even understand what Highlanders are saying.

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French accents make my peepee feel tingly

I read that as "Flemish accents".

My theatrical background makes this sort of a hard question for me, since I'm more used to fake stage accents/dialects than the real ones. I do rather enjoy received pronunciation, west Irish, and the various stereotypical foreign accents. Generally I don't much care what someone talks like. Except "y'all" still rubs me the wrong way.

On the topic of theatrical stuff, received pronunciation is the English counterpart to what is officially called "Standard American," so saying "standard British" to mean received pronunciation is maybe not too outrageous? I mean, I don't really think it's reasonable to expect Americans to know all the specifics of British dialects, but it should be fairly apparent that there is no such thing as "just British."

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Oh yeah, Boston accents

I can't remember actually ever meeting a Bostonian, but the idea of replacing all o sounds with a sharp >ah< just cracks me up

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Scandinavian accents, oh yes. Swedish is just too cute but sometimes, depending on the dialect, its hilarious. Jämtland dialect(s) in particular are kinda rough around the edges. Norwegian of course. *swoon* Icelandic..oh yes. Oh yeeesss. Danish cracks me up so much. I just...the accent is cute.

I find Norwegian and Swedish to be cute. However, distinct Danish accent kinda tick me off, as I fond it to be flat and boring. Might be because hearing your mother tongue reflected in people's english sounds weird...

Also, isn't British/American/Australian/whatever English dialects, not accents? I've always thought that the term accent is exclusively used for whenever a person speaks one language, and the pronunciation/speech pattern of another language shines though?

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Yes, technically dialects refer to different ways a language is spoken by native speakers, while accents refer to how nonnative speakers speech is affected by their native language.

ohhhhhh i also love pronounced icelandic accents in english

Icelandic is just generally awesome.

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Might be because hearing your mother tongue reflected in people's english sounds weird...

Maybe. Mandarin accent in English annoys me, though I'm a native Mandarin speaker. I have no such issues with Cantonese accents.

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Question 245. What was your favourite April Fools' thing?

Could be this year, could be the past. I know nothing happened to me except the bitcoin craze on nationstates. Granted nationstates is full of internet libertarians and unironic brony fascists so it went wild, but...

Edited by Parrhesia
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Question 244. What accents do you like to hear the most?

Requesting a 24-hour suspension for anyone who says 'English' or 'British' or 'American' without actually specifying what the fuck they mean by that

Scottish, Indian

Question 245. What was your favourite April Fools' thing?

Could be this year, could be the past. I know nothing happened to me except the bitcoin craze on nationstates. Granted nationstates is full of internet libertarians and unironic brony fascists so it went wild, but...

Sick and didn't even notice what day it was. Retrospectively... The Netflix featured movie(s).

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The one I enjoyed the most is probably the Bard hero class reveal Blizzard did for WoW. Guitar-playing hero class. Guitar hero. Lol.

my favourite blizzard april fools' joke is when they said pandaren would be a playable race

i still can't fucking believe they did it for real like four years later

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my favourite blizzard april fools' joke is when they said pandaren would be a playable race

I still can't fucking believe they did it for real like four years later

Yeah that's hilarious in hindsight because of them becoming an actual playable race. Blizz must have gotten a ton of feedback For it..

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