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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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it was about two inner-city sisters (from cincinatti?) who got sucked into the world of naruto but conveniently at least one of them had her glock 9 on her at the time

it was incredible

If it was about two inner-city sisters who got sucked into the world of Twilight, but conveniently at least one of them had a Glock 9 on her, I would agree with you, but it isn't, so no.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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If it was about two inner-city sisters who got sucked into the world of Twilight, but conveniently at least one of them had a Glock 9 on her, I would agree with you, but it isn't, so no.

the world of twilight is our world #makesuthink


it was about two inner-city sisters (from cincinatti?) who got sucked into the world of naruto but conveniently at least one of them had her glock 9 on her at the time

it was incredible

Edited by Integrity
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i am very adamant on this point, that you are wronger now than you have ever been - which is a huge statement to fulfill all things considered

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Isn't Twilight like a wainscot type society? I haven't read them but that was my understanding.

thats an interesting way of putting it, but to answer your question, most definitely.

Yeah..ive read them. I do not recommend it unless you have a bile fascination, or like glurgy messes.

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thats an interesting way of putting it, but to answer your question, most definitely.

Yeah..ive read them. I do not recommend it unless you have a bile fascination, or like glurgy messes.

I did watch a Twilight movie once. It was really dry but I've never liked romance heavy stories. I will avoid the book though

Edited by Fluorspar
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Question 370. What's the best way to find out someone dislikes you?

Not sarcasm. Literally, what's the best way to discover it.

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Don't talk to that person for a while. If said person starts a conversation , it is likely he or she doesn't dislike you. And if the person in question starts avoiding you too, it may be considered a sign of dislike.

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If people are trying to avoid talking to you, then maybe. If they verbally tell you to go away, then that's usually a good indicator.

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Purposely avoiding someone just to find out if they will try to get in touch with you or not is a shitty way to go about this.

You should do the exact opposite. Try to engage with the person regularly. Suggest playing games together, going out to a pub for a few beverages, If they are the ones avoiding you, then that means they are either not lying and are incredibly busy (assuming they are like "I'm busy, can't do anything with you"), or they don't want you in their company.

Paying attention to their actions helps too. Did they turn your offer of gaming and the pub down but are now out with other people, and didn't even invite you? That's a pretty big indicator. Later, questioning why he/she didn't invite you and the way they reply will give a lot away.

This is a rather complex question, though. Too many different factors to consider.

Also worth noting is that just because someone is merely an acquaintance and not a friend, it doesn't mean they dislike you. And on that note, if a person is merely an acquaintance (e.g. classmate you rarely interact with) then what difference does it make to you whether s/he dislikes you or not?

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This is a rather complex question, though. Too many different factors to consider.

Quite so. That's why I say you have to play it by ear considering all the factors surrounding your particular case.

If I'm close enough to someone though, I'd probably be more direct about it.

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I.... think its mostly the way they talk.

Honestly, i'm sooooo bad at this that I find it harder to find someone that actually likes or indifferent to me than someone that does not. I'm quite a paranoid person(its quite an understatement), so I considered almost everyone around to consider me as an unwanted freak. As a result, I never pay attention to these kind of stuff since my first conclusion is always: They does not like me.

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I'm honestly an idiot and would prefer it to be told upfront about it.

I can take purposeful avoidance as a cue too, but it's generally annoying because the last people who did this to me hammed up how important I was to them / told me they'd always be there for me beforehand, so I tend to not react to it so well... ;>_>

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