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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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As much as I would love to be married, it's not that important to me

I don't need no stinkin' marriage to tell me who I'm going to love forever and ever, I am very capable of doing that without it.

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Marriage is not important to me.

Also, i don't get the outrage at high divorce rates.

So, should people stay on relationships that they thought would work but didn't? That's not a very good idea, and probably will make those people have a miserable life...

Edited by Nobody
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Due to my upbringing, it's something I might plan to do once the rest of my pre-late-middle age checklist of things to do is done with.

But then again, I dunno.

If sf is around then, I will post bachelor party pics.

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It's not all that important to me, bit I'm all for other people getting married, since it can be very very very important to them~

Edited by Kon
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It all depends. I don't care about marriage as means to cement a relationship, I do care about money though. So say if we joint make less than I think, 140k a year it's a tax cut compared to how singles are taxed, here in the US. There are some other benefits, but the short of it is that if me and my woman math it out and marriage looks like it's gonna make our financial lives easier then iiiiiiiiiiit's happening

If I end up living in some other country then I'll just make the smartest decision I can there

No matter where I go though, the preface to my marriage is always gonna be a prenuptial agreement that makes it real clear in the event of a break that what's mine is mine and what's yours is yours and we dont owe each other shit. Don't call it not trusting someone you love, because you never know

10/10 wife could go batshit crazy on you a few years down the road

and you could do the same to her

everyone deserves an out

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In regards to everyone else-- do what you want also same-sex should be available everywhere and all that shit

As for myself I would say its not all that important, it doesn't seem all that likely but if theres someone worth it enough and I do head down that road then okay cool otherwise I'd just settle on living with a trusted friend or a SO that I never marry or somethin' since I don't wanna live alone regardless

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Maybe if i found that one person that i would spend the rest of my life with, but even then i wouldn't be in any rush

finances for marriages hurt ;A;

But for now, i don't really care

but if dudes are up for that, then they can go right ahead.

And also same-sex marriages should happen

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