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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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All the stereotypes.

Despite being a native speaker of AMERICAN ENGLISH, I get teased for my accent by ESL speakers lol.

That and I get people asking me "Is it true that america has an obesity problem."

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I'm from the U.S. and my geographical skills are downright laughable so I got that part down pat

every other applicable stereotype either doesn't fit me or does fit me but I've never heard of it before so I couldn't mention it at this time

Edited by Lettuce
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Not the big exaggerated ones like living in igloos, playing Hockey all the time and living like a lumberjack, but I do follow some. I am very resistant to cold, even compared to other Canadians especially those who live in Vancouver, I do go around with a toque, scarf and gloves during the winter, I like canoeing in the summer. I am usually quick to say sorry and hold doors open for people and I guess I'm quite polite and relaxed. Plus if you guys could enjoy the availability and cheapness of maple syrup and Poutine in Canada in your countries, I'm sure you guys would eat it a lot too.

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ginger - no

violent - not particularly

usually drunk - not at all (I don't drink so much)

stingy - somewhat

hate the english - no

that's what I can think of right now. I also don't walk around in a skirt (kilt) with nothing under it while playing bagpipes and munching haggis.

I don't even really have a heavy Scottish accent which disappoints people.

Edited by Tryhard
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Other than that, what are other Welsh stereotypes?

Not many, but Welsh people are usually known for being nicer (and perhaps more naive) than anyone else in the UK. And you guys like Rugby more than anyone else here. And I've heard a common stereotype is that the Welsh like to sing, particularly in choirs. Edited by Tryhard
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in general, i don't fit USA stereotypes

i'm not obese, patriotic, materialistic, or gun-loving, and i'm not known for unwanted military intervention.

on the other hand, i have that stubborn "you can't tell me what to do" individualism, and i blow at world geography.

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Not many, but Welsh people are usually known for being nicer (and perhaps more naive) than anyone else in the UK. And you guys like Rugby more than anyone else here. And I've heard a common stereotype is that the Welsh like to sing, particularly in choirs.

I'd like to think we're pretty tidy when it comes to mannerisms.

Liking Rugby, yes.

We have a lot of good choirs, and we always turn up for the Welsh national anthem before a Rugby game starts, so there's that.

do you say 'dab' and 'mun' a lot?

Dab, not so much personally, but I do hear it now and again when the situation calls for a dab of something.

"Fuck's sake, mun" is a common part of my vocabulary, so I'll agree to that.

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hmmmm actually changing my answer

i don't eat fried chicken often

i hate watermelon

i don't sag my jeans all the way down

i don't live in the ghetto

and i don't go around flipping people with the N word every day

soooooooooo nope

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I can be fairly eh on world geography~ Maybe not because I haven't learned it in school as much as my short memory (and otherwise not much exposure to the outside world)

I am just barely overweight if that counts

Sadly, I can't say I'm particularly patriotic~ To me it's just... "I live where I live" and that's all I really care about... whether this place is called the United States of America or Zambia or China or Luxembourg it doesn't matter to me. Maybe not caring makes me even more uninformed~

I am very very uninformed after all, except enough to surprise all the other americans out there ;n; I guess I haven't lived in the best environment to be informed that well

I am far from violence-loving... I find violence disgusting :c

I am one of the most quiet people you'll ever find, and not only in terms of volume but I just don't... talk............ (to the point that people ask me if I'm a mute)

Edited by Freohr Datia
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African. Specifically, Nigerian.

But eh, the only one that really applies to is having strict parents.

But I'm an American citizen, so I guess there's that. I'm not fat, and I kind of hate junk food. I am lazy and spoiled by the vast ocean of opportunity in the States though, no denying that.

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As an American,i do have a love for unhealthy fast food, so there's that. besides that, i don't really fit any other American stereotypes

As a Hispanic, i do not fill any stereotypes. I'm quite quiet, and don't really like threatening with physical violence.

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