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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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The original "Star Wars: Rogue Squadron", I guess. Getting gold everywhere is torture. If all those damn Missle Turrets in "Raid on Sullust" won't ruin your day, then those suicidal AT-PTs in "Escape from Fest" will.

Another contender would probably be getting 100% in GoldenEye 64, a task that is litterally impossible without violating common sense by walking sideways or diagonal.

Or maybe the original Gothic or ...Castlevania? I know that game has quite a reputation but it really wasn't that hard. Now I still have to beat the third game because that one is just cruel.

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Another contender would probably be getting 100% in GoldenEye 64, a task that is litterally impossible without violating common sense by walking sideways or diagonal.

tbf strafing is a core mechanic in most FPSes

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I wanna be the Guy

Kaizo Mario

The first Shin Megami Tensei (its brutal until you figure stuff out)

The contra series (my Mom and I eventually got super good so I dno if I should count it)

Currently working through demon souls.

Still haven't beat Battletoads yet

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if it counts I have completed some wicked fuckin hard DDR songs

awwwwww yeah

but idk only thing that comes to mind is KH2 proud mode

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(no idea tbqh)

EDIT: thanks Specta let's go with KH3D whatever-the-highest-difficulty-was

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tbf strafing is a core mechanic in most FPSes

Well, yes. To dodge fire while keeping your aim. Not as a method of faster travel.

Maybe I am slower to notice this then most people but before GoldenEye I never figured out that walking forward is the slowest method of travel avaible. Pointing towards the direction I wanted to move worked just fine for me in games like Half-Life or Descent II.

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if it counts I have completed some wicked fuckin hard DDR songs

awwwwww yeah

but idk only thing that comes to mind is KH2 proud mode

you beat super meat boy

i can't think of my answer atm pls give time

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Probably the best I got is Monster Hunter


I'm not hardcore enough

i cleared a few Guitar Hero games on expert.

^Though I guess there's that too

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Descent II

great now I want to play this

me with my "new" computer that definitely isn't compatible with it

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you beat super meat boyi can't think of my answer atm pls give time

Oh shit right I did

+ most of the dark world!!

That is my new answer

Also you beat dredmor dude

With random skills and perma death on going rogue

That's your answer lol

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I still gotta work on SMB~

But I reached a dark world level like two ohiovisits ago and said "nope not in the mood." I didn't even start the level I just saw it and didn't wanna ;u;

Maybe I can consider working on it more today...

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Either Castlevania III or Ys Origin on Nightmare (all 3 chars, but I still haven't gotten around to beating Oath on Inferno). FE12 Lunatic was pretty hard too.

DMC3 and 1 on DMD are more of a chore than a challenge tbh, but I'll mention them regardless.

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Romancing SaGa II, that final boss; NEVER AGAIN.

I was going to say Etrian Odyssey II, but in retrospect the hardest thing was hoping that the elemental dragons would remain bound so they don't BS wipe my team in trying to get their conditional. SNES Mario Kart was pretty nasty too on 150CC, as everyone drives like bricks, including DK JR, my main.

EDIT: And Dragon Quest II, my fear for sequels is real!

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Probably I Wanna Be the Guy. Also, I got a time under 4 mins in cave story, that's about the best I could do imo. I also beat the Abyssal God in EO3 in its non-patterned, pure-offense mode, if that's considered difficult...Oh, and I beat Ys Origin on Nightmarre with all 3 characters. God, Jhenochres (sp?) and Pictimos...

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