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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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Heeeeeey =<

W-well I was gonna say Integrity's humour but now he kinda makes my answer look... ;~;

This page number, for example he's losing his touch though if I'm discovering this before he is ^o^

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- I have this magic card at my desk, and every time i look at it it makes me snicker: http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Mana%20Screw

- When my dog goes nuts and rubs himself all over the carpet.

- Internet fights (posthumously when I'm involved).

- When an AI civ in Civilization 5 declares war on you and then sends one spearmen to your border. Also trading 2 horses and open borders to the most powerful civ in the game to wipe another civ that annoys you.

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Small dogs.

My aunt used to have a pomeranian.

I swear, those things are the super-annoying, fluffy clowns of the dog world. I love them so much. ; u ;

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When I heard the definition of the term "fishmalk," as in a Malkavian* character whose whole personality is to slap people in the face with a fish and run away hooting, I couldn't stop laughing

*(a bloodline in Vampire: The Masquerade blessed/cursed with vaguely prophetic insanity and crazy people powers)

Not just because the SO RANDOM character archetype amuses me, but because slapping some stranger in the face with a fish is something they celebrate, it's an accomplishment to them. Each slap in the face with a fish is a fucking victory

It's the hooting that gets me I think

fishmalks are fun for a while...until your table top group has that guy who keeps playing that kind of character all the time and tries too hard to be random. It stops being funny. Sucks too cuz sometimes those characters liven things up.

The fact that you're so desperate to come off as an edgy goth would be pretty amusing if it wasn't so pathetic.

Goths dont act like that. Not even the edgy ones.

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what is there to not understand

Maybe its because I'm not a sports fan

I just don't get why people see sports as the best thing to walk the earth.

From what I've seen that is.

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Thaaaaat's probably an exaggeration if I ever saw one~

They just enjoy sports, that's all. If you don't enjoy them as much well good for you I guess

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So.... What's a hipster? I've never found a complete definition of it

Well, it's kind of arbitrary. I don't know if I really know either. I'd say that hipsters can be highly irreverent, may dress nerdy/funny, like big glasses, and often like things that are obscure/cult classics/whatever. Also, they're fairly young adults.

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Maybe its because I'm not a sports fan

I just don't get why people see sports as the best thing to walk the earth.

From what I've seen that is.

Point taken. I guess I'll go with hipsters. They make me chuckle

you don't know a lot of people do you

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Definitions I've heard of a hipster:

-people who only like things when they are the newest things available, and have a very short turnover/attention span in the area

-people who pride themselves on having more knowledge in a niche area than others tend to, particularly music (nerds, basically)

-people who are pretentious

-people who deny they are hipsters

-white kids who went to jazz clubs with mostly black players in the middle of the 20th century

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-white kids who went to jazz clubs with mostly black players in the middle of the 20th century

these guys were amazing. They would say stuff like "hep cat".

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Question 269. Which one (past or present) President of the United States of America would you fuck?

Assume they are at the age/appearance they were during their Presidency.

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