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What was SF like before Awakening?

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Pretty much the same only louder. Less discussions about peoples hatred of Shadow Dragon, Binding Blade and Micaiah

We got more cool people. We got more people who irritate the living hell out of me.


I was lurking around the good time when Serenes was still a good place.

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it was less awful

also people maybe had good spelling and grammar.

They also used capital letters! Unless your name was dondon of course! Generally quieter with fewer animoo teenagers, kids these days and their new fangled moonspeak attempts. Back in my day, they tried harder and actually learned the language for their fictional dancing wives!

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Awakening basically amplified (as in, made louder) everything that could be considered "the essence of sf," and brought a wash of new faces alongside, additionally swelling the number of people of a certain set of tastes which was already well-represented

Shit's basically the same as it ever was.

More or less. This forum's userbase was always weeb, but the levels of weeb just got...amplified.

This is the best answer. Back in my day, it was tiering wars and whatnot.

*points and laughs* YES! The tiering wars....oh gods the tiering wars....

I've heard FE7 (actually, Elibe as a whole) was downright nasty for shipping wars. Can anybody confirm this?

Yeah but this wasnt just an SF thing. The Elibian Shipping Wars were a HUGE thing in the fandom around the time i joined the online fandom. (so about around 2005 or so) When i joined SF, it was the Tellius Shipping Wars. Omg.

I actually like SF better now. More variety and most of the nonsense is contained in the Awakening board anyway. Theres been some really great newblets. And the veteran members arent 16 anymore. This is nice.

Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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I can't even remember what I ate for breakfast yesterday, let alone how SF was a year ago.

We had KFC, we always have KFC... for every meal!

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Great times.

Speak for yourself. :P:

I don't remember too much, but I do remember tiering discussions and RTUs.

Omg RTU. That feels like it was only a year ago or less...har! Didnt someone try to do that with FE13 and it got killed?

FE10, the death of shipping. Everyone could support each other but there were only something like 9 special endings.

Micaiah X Oliver A support best.

Yet there was still squabbling over those 9 special endings...

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Omg RTU. That feels like it was only a year ago or less...har! Didnt someone try to do that with FE13 and it got killed?

Well I remember somone made an April Fool's FE13 RTU.

I actually made a chess RTU once. It was very expirimental and not very good.

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Well I remember somone made an April Fool's FE13 RTU.

I actually made a chess RTU once. It was very expirimental and not very good.

Now all I want to see is a checkers RTU.

Or othello/reversal, or possibly go.

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Pretty similar.


Waifu wars broke out less often.

Less often? It hardly ever haappened.

After FE13, whoars like Jprebs came along and waifuism started becoming "the shit" here.

This is the best answer. Back in my day, it was tiering wars and whatnot.

Tiering is an infinity amount of times better and actually stimulating to the mind. This FE13 thing isn't, never was , either.

Edited by The Boss
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Less often? It hardly ever haappened.

After FE13, whoars like Jprebs came along and waifuism started becoming "the shit" here.

You do know I read these things, right?

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Rey loves Olivia now. Shamefur dispray.

Someone isn't with the times

Tiering is an infinity amount of times better and actually stimulating to the mind. This FE13 thing isn't, never was , either.

The arguments that resulted from the tiering were sometimes just as bad as waifuing/husbandoing/daughteruing/whatever else.

But there were some hilarious stuff that also resulted from the tiering wars. The same can't be said about the whole waifuing thing (maybe except when Rey was the only one here doing it).

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