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Big NOCers - Game Over


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Claiming SK will always get you lynched.

Even claiming to be a harmless neutral is questionable (see: Persona 3.)

Unless you're me, and dodge both lynches and dayvigs with ease

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Claiming SK will always get you lynched.

I'm aware; the idea was to merely delay it for a day to buy obvtown!Elie some time. People have decided against lynching claimed SKs before, otherwise I wouldn't have bothered with the idea. :newyears:

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Claiming SK will always get you lynched.

Even claiming to be a harmless neutral is questionable (see: Persona 3.)

citing P3 as an example for anything except bad hosting is not a wise idea

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Nice postgame! I don't really have much to say other than I enjoyed the game and the relative lack of wall posts. I got lazy as time went on but I usually tend to do that lol. Also something that amused me...

I don't want to lynch myself or SB. I'd rather lynch Manix over Elieson. Also;


The lord has spoken! Now just to make sure...


Fine, fine...I'll try again. With feeling!



Man, why didn't I think of this earlier?


Dammit Lord Helix.


Well, our Lord and savior hasn't led me astray yet!

##Vote: Scarlet

Lord Helix for Secret Town MVP?

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Wow, I had the best reads. ;/

Guys, make me town a bit more often. A string of straight mafia for way too long really messed with my town play. As for my role. . .it's good, as long as my targets don't die (Kaoz on N2)/aren't empowered (Refa on N3), which is somewhat of a challenge in this game. Thus, it is slightly luck-based, but in the sense that I have to figure out who the mafia won't kill, and go from there.

EDIT: Now, the two things I promised!

- Had to edit Vhaltz's video out, because I'm pretty sure that male butts aren't allowed (it's not Aniki that's the problem, and I think doing stuff like posting stills of Billy in his jeans would've been fine). Also that pun was terrible, even if I can't warn him for it. I was frustrated by the meta stuff, but not wall-punchingly angry, which is. . .an improvement (sad, I know).

- j00: If you can turn off the WYSIWYG editor, you can bold stuff. Here's what you type in:

[b]##Vote: Prims[/b]
which will come out as:

##Vote: Prims

If you can't, then kick the board software.

Edited by eclipse
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yeah me being busy was probably the reason why i didn't get a great chance to Be A Townie

i did play up the busy part a little to avoid contribution but most of the time it was legit

also re LD2: i actually did get incredibly demotivated bc of j00 for listed reasons, because there was such a high double standard that couldn't be achieved. when i woke up, i was going to make a meta point back to inception and how j00 pushes people for lack on content over much of anything else as scum, and clearly that's just an inherent part of their play, and it's not good.

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Wow, I had the best reads. ;/

Guys, make me town a bit more often. A string of straight mafia for way too long really messed with my town play. As for my role. . .it's good, as long as my targets don't die (Kaoz on N2)/aren't empowered (Refa on N3), which is somewhat of a challenge in this game. Thus, it is slightly luck-based, but in the sense that I have to figure out who the mafia won't kill, and go from there.

EDIT: Now, the two things I promised!

- Had to edit Vhaltz's video out, because I'm pretty sure that male butts aren't allowed (it's not Aniki that's the problem, and I think doing stuff like posting stills of Billy in his jeans would've been fine). Also that pun was terrible, even if I can't warn him for it. I was frustrated by the meta stuff, but not wall-punchingly angry, which is. . .an improvement (sad, I know).

- j00: If you can turn off the WYSIWYG editor, you can bold stuff. Here's what you type in:

[b]##Vote: Prims[/b]
which will come out as:

##Vote: Prims

If you can't, then kick the board software.

You don't even need to turn it off (I can't right now, on mobile - it's always on plaintext).


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You don't even need to turn it off (I can't right now, on mobile - it's always on plaintext).


Imagine hosting games on a mobile. Coding this is quite the task! Edited by Elieson
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how do you do this

and Manix, lack of content isn't a good thing if you're posting a lot, and I'd argue I was pushing you over lack of good content more than anything. I don't mind you pointing out the parts of my posts including previous games that has bothered you, I would like to improve after all. It is a problem to me that I'm always scum, since I barely know how to be genuine anymore.

On the other hand, you're generally too passive aggressive in mafia which makes you hard to deal with at times, and this game you really didn't play good. even if was because of busy, like Prims said, you never made a proper effort and kept repeating the same stuff and attacked everyone attacking you, bordering on AtE even if you were genuinely frustrated with me. I was genuinely frustrated with you too.

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people who go "I would've done this as town too" after they get lynched as scum are just lying to themselves imo

My MO as scum is to never do anything I wouldn't do as town.

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