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Best Lord's Sister


Best Lord's Sister  

83 members have voted

  1. 1. Best Lord's Sister

    • Marth's Sister Elice
    • Sigurd's Sister Ethlyn
    • Seliph's (Half)Sister Julia
    • Leif's Sister Altena
    • Ephraim's Sister( and fellow lord) Eirika
    • Ike's Sister Mist
    • Micaiah's (Long Lost) Sister Sanaki
    • Chrom's Sister Lissa

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One thing more common to Lord's then blue hair is having a playable unit that happens to be their sister. An odd quirk really, they rarely have brothers, always sisters, So which one is your favorite? You can vote based on any criteria you want be in design, plot relevance or usability as a unit. Vote and discuss away.

Note: I haven't played Gaiden yet but I don't think Alm or Celica have a sister. The only other lords who don't seem to have any siblings are all four Elibe lords funnily enough. Though Hector does have a (non playable) brother.

Edited by Jotari
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Eirika because she's one of the best characters in FE8 Link Arena.

But seriously, she just stands out from the rest of the rest since she's, well, a lord.

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I voted for Ethlyn because she helps get the plot ball rolling in Jugdral by actively interfering in things on her brother's behalf. No being kidnap bait. No amnesia. No being long-lost and in need of redemption, all of which are just plain overused in FE by this point. (Thankfully Lissa was none of these things.)

But really it's not fair to pit Eirika against the non-Lord sisters. Eirika'd win for sure if I weren't just discounting her for being, well, a Lord.

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I voted for Ethlyn because she helps get the plot ball rolling in Jugdral by actively interfering in things on her brother's behalf. No being kidnap bait. No amnesia. No being long-lost and in need of redemption, all of which are just plain overused in FE by this point. (Thankfully Lissa was none of these things.)

But really it's not fair to pit Eirika against the non-Lord sisters. Eirika'd win for sure if I weren't just discounting her for being, well, a Lord.

I actually found Lissa quite boring because there was nothing much else to her besides being Chrom's sister. Sure she's a nice character and all but in terms of plot she serves no roll. And she's one of the characters who always appear in cutscenes anyway so they could have given her any amount of importance they wanted without worrying about her being killed off. She just seemed like a Mist clone where Mist at least had connection to the plot via the medallion. Lissa was just Chrom's sister and nothing else.

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Yeah, you forgot that Chrom has two sisters and is the only lord so far that has two siblings. :P

The only lord sisters I know well are them, Eirika, and Mist, so I'm going to have to say Mist because she's just so damn cute. Lissa is cute too, but I like Mist's design better, so... :P

And yeah, lords almost never seem to have brothers. Hector is the only one so far, I think.

Edited by Anacybele
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Yeah, you forgot that Chrom has two sisters and is the only lord so far that has two siblings. :P

The only lord sisters I know well are them, Eirika, and Mist, so I'm going to have to say Mist because she's just so damn cute. Lissa is cute too, but I like Mist's design better, so... :P

And yeah, lords almost never seem to have brothers. Hector is the only one so far, I think.

Hector actually has two brothers, Uther and Orun, though Orun is only a half-brother. So Chrom's not alone in having two siblings.

Edited by Crixler
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And Seliph has a half-brother too.

Julia, because she's a mage, is completely broken with resire (and has the most broken prf weapon in fire emblem's history), is the cutest of the lot imo, and is the cousin of my one true Tinny.

Edited by Sartek
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Gonna be one of the few to say Sanaki. :D I was very pleased to see her included in the poll, actually. She's one of my favourite Tellius characters. (And sister to my favourite FE character, no less!) And really, Sanaki is just awesome. She's more mature than practically every other character her age, and even some that are older than her. And she's super sassy. And adorable. Also Mage bias

What is there to not love about her?

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I really do have a hard time deciding. Elice is basically like my sister. Lissa is the sister I wish I had. Ethlyn, Julia, Altena, and Eirika are all beasts gameplay wise. Mist and Sanaki are kinda meh.

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Yeah I did honestly forget Emmeryn but I'm not going to put her in the pole because I believe she shouldn't be a playable character...Alright I'll put her in the pole if someone wants me to but as it stands Lissa has zero votes so I don't think Emm is going to do much better.

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You forgot Chrom's elder sister Emm

No. Emm sucks.

My vote goes to Mist but it was hard. Eirika almost won. She wins favorite Lady Lord though so she can not hog the spotlight forever. Mist is just adorable and great. I like Lissa too. Lissa for Exalt 2014!

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Voted Lissa, easy. The only other ones I'd have voted for were Mist and Sanaki (which is what happens when you don't care much for most of the other options in the poll for some reason or another); Eirika WOULD have been a consideration, but after chapter 18 on her route... Hell to the no.

Edited by Levant Caprice
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Things are BAD when it's a toss-up between Ethlyn and Someone Else ('cause I barely played FE4). That being said. . .this one goes to Sanaki. For having to endure Tanith.

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Things are BAD when it's a toss-up between Ethlyn and Someone Else ('cause I barely played FE4). That being said. . .this one goes to Sanaki. For having to endure Tanith.

"Having to endure Tanith"? Isn't that backwards? Sanaki is the one who always causes trouble for her subjects. Like when she abandoned her guards, got into a battle with disguised Daein soldiers and afterwards blamed the person she sneaked away from for the whole mess. The only thing Tanith ever did to her, is to bring up how Sanaki as a little kid kept tripping over her cape.

Anyway, Mist is one of my favorite characters so my vote goes to her. She is very well developed and engaging. Scenes like her coming out of the castle when the Mercenaries are loosing the battle in chapter 8, her feelings in regards of the history of her parents, that little scene at the end where she touches the Fire Emblem one last time... lots of scenes with her are truly moving.

Even the circumstances of her joining time are well handled, as she joins right after the death of her father and the barely evaded complete annihilation of the Greil Mercenaries. Both events which showed her just how easily she could loose the people she loves when she isn't with him. This motivation is approached from a very dark and depressing angle, as Mist is well aware of her own weakness and simply prefers to die together with her family rather then being alone. With so many child characters in the series just sorta being present, IS did a good job with her and Rolf to really show what goes on in their little heads to actually enter the battlefield.

Mist showed very early on what sturdy stuff she is made of. When she and Rolf where kidnapped, she stayed strong for the both of them. The aftermath of this crisis puts this into perspective. According to Ike, she is actually a crybaby. Goes to show that she is the sort of person who will push herself past the breaking point if the people she loves need her. She has the sort of strength that gets you through tough times. The strength that allows you to survive a war.

She always works hard and always looks out for everyone. Obviously this is motivated by her fear of loosing others in combination with her father's phylosophy of considering every comrade to be family. But that just means that others matter to her.

As a side note, I liked how the script acknowledged that Mist for all her fear of loosing her brother also wants revenge against the Black Knight. That will all the stuff going on between him and Ike, they didn't forget that the Black Knight hurt her just as much, if not more so. She doesn't show this often but this just shows what her priorities are and therefore only adds to the list of things that maker her awesome.

Honestly, as far as fictional characters go, she is probably the closest one that I have for a role model.

Edited by BrightBow
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