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E3 2014


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How else would the staff remember their planned schedule, RFoF? lol

If they only store it on the computer, they don't have a copy to bring with them to the actual event. :P

Edited by Anacybele
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How else would the staff remember their planned schedule, RFoF? lol

If they only store it on the computer, they don't have a copy to bring with them to the actual event. :P

Smartphones exist.

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How else would the staff remember their planned schedule, RFoF? lol

If they only store it on the computer, they don't have a copy to bring with them to the actual event. :P

By not just printing out a one-page list of games with little to no relevant information about the actual games that is easily leaked?

Is there any indication (and this question is for anyone to answer) of companies doing this in past E3s? Like, a "leaked" schedule of this sort that was shown after E3, if only to show us that these things exist? If not, I simply can't believe that one would happen to crop up now.

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Well, I don't see an indication that they DON'T do such a thing...

Anyway, who's been posting in the new E3 community on Miiverse? I made several posts already. :3

Personally though, I don't get why people are asking for HD remakes of the Super Mario Galaxy games. They don't need this. They're the highest rated games of all time. Or some of the highest rated, anyway. And their graphics already look excellent. If anything related to the Galaxy series comes up, it's going to be a Galaxy 3.

Edited by Anacybele
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Well, I don't see an indication that they DON'T do such a thing...

By not just printing out a one-page list of games with little to no relevant information about the actual games that is easily leaked?

That's a bad argument from the beginning, anyway.
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...Wait, what?

What's confusing?

Why would companies print out a one-page list of games that both gives little to no relevant information about the game (including things they may want to say about it and how/when they plan to announce it) and would be easily leaked and reveal everything in one fell swoop? Doesn't seem like a good idea to me.

Plus, the fact that every leak looks like this is actually evidence against it at this point as well. It just goes to show that people who make these doctored "leaks" aren't being creative enough and are just trying to make it look like the supposed vision of a "real" leak that (as far as I know) isn't proven to be accurate at all just to fool as many people as possible.

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That leak wasn't one-page though. You can clearly see it attached to a packet of papers, and the other visible paper clearly has text on it. Why would someone go to all the trouble of writing a stack of papers, staple it together, and then take a photo and show it on the net if it's just a phony?

You could argue that the text visible through the paper is just random crap, but the leaker would still have to type quite a bit.

And I say again, the article that came with that photo said that it probably wasn't Nintendo's ENTIRE lineup. I think that if someone wanted to forge this particular leak they'd have gone and shown us all of it to try to make it look really believable. Also, you're right, Nintendo probably doesn't print out EVERYTHING. Which would explain why this leak wouldn't list everything.

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That leak wasn't one-page though. You can clearly see it attached to a packet of papers, and the other visible paper clearly has text on it. Why would someone go to all the trouble of writing a stack of papers, staple it together, and then take a photo and show it on the net if it's just a phony?

You could argue that the text visible through the paper is just random crap, but the leaker would still have to type quite a bit.

And I say again, the article that came with that photo said that it probably wasn't Nintendo's ENTIRE lineup. I think that if someone wanted to forge this particular leak they'd have gone and shown us all of it to try to make it look really believable. Also, you're right, Nintendo probably doesn't print out EVERYTHING. Which would explain why this leak wouldn't list everything.

So why aren't we shown anything from another page? That would at least make it more believable. And seriously, typing out random crap to fill a page takes 1 minute if you don't care what's on it, or it could be a page from some person's essay for any random class, or something like that, just stapled on to give the effect of something else there.

Saying it's not their entire lineup just sounds like an easy cover up. That way no one can say, "Well, this isn't on it, so it's fake."

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Ana, you were shouting fake when I posted those links to Nintendo showing a direct at E3 this year earlier in the thread, is it so unbelievable that someone would find a lineup sheet to be perhaps fake?

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I never said it was unbelievable that this could be fake. Where did you get that? I'm trying to argue that it's also believable that it could be real. Not that it most definitely IS real.

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I never said it was unbelievable that this could be fake. Where did you get that? I'm trying to argue that it's also believable that it could be real. Not that it most definitely IS real.

I don't think RFoF is saying it can't be real, either, she's just skeptical and unconvinced.

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I'm rather excited for this year's E3. Looking forward to that Zelda title the most; PLEASE it the hero be like Majora's Mask Link.

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Yeah, the one thing about this leak that lends at least some credence to it (as I mentioned at first), is that there is nothing on it that I can point to and use to say, "Nope, it's fake" without a doubt. I just still think it doesn't look real enough.

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That leak wasn't one-page though. You can clearly see it attached to a packet of papers, and the other visible paper clearly has text on it. Why would someone go to all the trouble of writing a stack of papers, staple it together, and then take a photo and show it on the net if it's just a phony?

You could argue that the text visible through the paper is just random crap, but the leaker would still have to type quite a bit.

I could go to my other computer, come out with a fake list of games, copy-paste some random text off the Internet, print several pages, staple them, paint my right thumb red, and take a photo of it to show it off on the Internet.

People have gone to the extent of creating fake Pokemon and fake magazine pages in order to create troll leaks. Do you seriously believe that because these one has several pages, it counts as evidence of it being real?

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People have gone to the extent of creating fake Pokemon and fake magazine pages in order to create troll leaks. Do you seriously believe that because these one has several pages, it counts as evidence of it being real?

Do you seriously believe that it counts as evidence to being fake? I say again, I was never arguing that it was 100% real. Only that you can't prove it to be 100% fake either.

THREE MORE DAYS. :D The hyyyype!

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Do you seriously believe that it counts as evidence to being fake? I say again, I was never arguing that it was 100% real. Only that you can't prove it to be 100% fake either.

THREE MORE DAYS. :D The hyyyype!

The problem is that the argument "You can't prove it's a fake!" is never a valid one because if it was, then anyone can produce evidence and submit it under those circumstances. It's like submitting a killing weapon on a trial with no fingerprints or anything that links it to anyone. If the only argument is "You can't prove the killer didn't use it", then it might as well not exist, because it's worthless.

Evidence needs to be proven real, otherwise, it's considered fake until proven so.

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Whatever, just drop it already. >_>

Anyway, did you guys hear about Iwata? People were saying on Miiverse that he's sick and probably can't attend the event! That really sucks! I mean Nintendo's PRESIDENT, man. D:

They also said that he should recover and get better soon though!

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People have gone to the extent of creating fake Pokemon and fake magazine pages in order to create troll leaks. Do you seriously believe that because these one has several pages, it counts as evidence of it being real?

Anyone remember the blurry famitsu magazine scan Vincent and co. doctored up for FE12?

"Fire Emblem: Souryu no Senki"?

"Fire Emblem: Chronicle of the Twin Dragons"


Edited by shadowofchaos
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I had an issue I need help with...

Since I am unable to watch Nintendo's stream live due to having to attend class, does anyone know how I would be able to watch it after it is released without encountering any trailers or news relating to the event. (like seeing news on a google search or seeing Nintendo's trailer uploads on Youtube) I really don't want to spoil myself about anything from the event until I see the whole thing.

Don't want to dilute the experience in anyway.

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There'll probably be left over versions on Twitch/Youtube, just ask someone to PM you the direct Twitch/Youtube link without spoilers. (There could be spoilers in the suggested videos section of youtube though).

I was also under the same case for the Smash Bros E3, which I actually did get spoiled for since I didn't save a link to the stream and had to go through the main site to get the link, of which had already updated all the returning/new characters revealed in the event.

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That sounds like sort of an odd set of positions to have, regarding not wanting to be spoiled. I mean I've always interpreted the point of trailers and press releases to just be to get information out to people, so it hasn't occurred to me that there's any way they could really be spoiled, so to speak.

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