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Almost OC Mafia - Game Over


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wow the amount of people jumping on this Junko wagon does not give me a good feeling about it

Poly- you never even gave reasons for voting GP; dunno if there's time right now, but tomorrow you better give those reasons and say why you switched to Junko rather than continuing to push for GP considering there were still more than 2 hours left at the time of your vote.

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-First post has a chainsaw defense of GP, already talked enough about this. Votes Euklyd because...I don't really know, actually. Presumably because ED1 scumreads don't exist.

-His next non replies only post complains about Shinori's vote and seems reasonable enough. I mean yeah Shinori did say later that he was voting for a secondary scumread to pressure them, but there's nothing wrong with Junko calling him out on it.

-Agree that Euklyd has been tunneling on GP, but Junko's read on Euklyd hasn't changed like at all. Also unless Euklyd is psychic, voting GP because she'd be an easy target later on a few pages in is a bit much to assume.

-I don't get his bussing comment since I've never really expressed suspicion at Shinori...

-Asks why Shin is a scumread of GP's, which is a good question.

-Explained his chainsaw vote on GP, which is a lot of the reason why I felt better about him in the first place.

Conclusion: Three minutes left, better hurry this up. So before I stated I felt better about Junko (and FFM, but that's another case) because he was pursuing other cases. Upon an ISO though, I don't really feel like that's the case. His only scumreads are Euklyd and Shinori (maybe me? I don't even know), and while I'm not bothered by his stance towards GP everything else has been lacking. He hasn't bothered to comment on Euklyd's later content (yeah, it's all a tunnel, but surely you could at least mention that later on? the last time he talked about him was like midday), and yeah there's like one minute left I feel good about this lynch. Will reply to other stuff tomorrow assuming I live that long (ha, like I ever get nightkilled).

##Vote: Junko

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I could probably write some flavour about the lynch, but this video is probably a pretty accurate representation of what happened so why would I bother?

Junko - Town Doctor, was lynched Day 1.

It is now Night 1. You have 24 hours to send in your actions. Night 1 ends at 20:30 GMT+0 on the 23rd of May, or earlier if I get all actions in.

Edited by SB.
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You wake up to find two dead bodies.

Eurykins - Town Universal Backup, was killed Night 1.

Polydeuces - Vanilla Townie, was killed Night 1.

This is going well.

It is now Day 2. You have 72 hours to decide on a lynch. Phase ends at 17:45 GMT+0 on the 26th of May. With 9 alive, it takes 3 to lynch and 6 to hammer.

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Poly was town whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat.

This changes everything...No, no wait it doesn't. It would've if Poly posted more last phase, c'est la vie I guess. Anyways, going to make responses to stuff I missed last day due to being busy and/or asleep before I get the ball rolling today.

I feel like Refa's last couple of posts wrt his Cam read are p bad.

First he says that he is bothered by Cam but he's getting town vibes. I honestly do not know what's giving him town vibes and that's just too easy to say.

Then he says Cam's play has been objectively scummier than Poly's , but then says his play is better, which is wtf? What part about Cam's play is better or makes you feel better, Refa? And why is Cam below Shin in his priority list, when Cam has posted more and done things SCUMMIER THAN POLY according to him?

Fair enough, I've been having a hard time reading Cam this whole game, honestly. What I mean is that he's done a few objectively scummy things that I've already pointed out, but his overall play portrays him as someone who is actively scumhunting (and while I was bothered by his sudden GP townread, I wasn't sure if it would make sense as a scum play). LOL, you really couldn't see what part of Cam's play was better than Poly's? Cam was below Shin because I am nullreading Cam; I couldn't see any town intent from previous Shin posts, which is why he was higher than Cam.

Refa, scum can play well too! And surely if someone's playing scummier than someone else, that's more of an indicator than how well they're playing? So CONFUSED. Your read on me is kinda an echo from Marth, but I'm not terribly bothered by it considering my masses of content!

When I say "well", I am implying that there's town intent there.

did anyone ever ask refa to explain? because i'm CALLING U OUT BRO


(also yes)

Town wouldn't be passive aggressive in that situation, especially newb town. I don't like how you're handwaving it with "well, town has been passive aggressive before" because that's completely missing the point (context is a thing).

No, I'm not relying on meta. I'm voting FFM for those same reasons...Anything else I've said on the topic is justifying why I don't think his claim came from a townie's perspective, which is the main issue here (pretty sure everyone would agree that his claim was bad).

You're getting pretty defensive over one vote, even when you're hardly the biggest wagon.

Will post more later.

How is that scummy?

I honestly don't see how my posts have improved "a lot", considering they're barely progressive compared to the efforts of other people. Mind elaborating?

Seems like you're just trying to justify dropping your earlier vote on me.

2. He stopped being passive aggressive and making comments that did nothing to progress the game forwards (specifically, after his WTF late RVS vote on Cam). I don't really agree with his logic but it's not coming across as townie and I can see a natural progression in his reads (hence why I'm not bothered by him).

Reading is a thing.

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Also everyone should list out the top three people they think are most likely scum while I'm parsing through yesterday's events.

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Because if someone called them out on bad play, the expected response would be something along the lines of "Drats, I didn't know any better" or something to that effect, not "Maybe I would have known that if I had played more Mafia games".

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##Vote: Shin

Eury flipping town makes me somewhat less sure about my Euklyd read, be as it may that he's likely to call this reconsideration scummy. The fact that at least half my wagon was composed of proven townies might also indicate something about the alignments of the remainder? I'll reread BBM and Euklyd once they've posted reads, but nothing's changed as far as Shin is concerned.

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Because if someone called them out on bad play, the expected response would be something along the lines of "Drats, I didn't know any better" or something to that effect, not "Maybe I would have known that if I had played more Mafia games".

why is that response exclusive to town
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##Vote: Shin

Eury flipping town makes me somewhat less sure about my Euklyd read, be as it may that he's likely to call this reconsideration scummy. The fact that at least half my wagon was composed of proven townies might also indicate something about the alignments of the remainder? I'll reread BBM and Euklyd once they've posted reads, but nothing's changed as far as Shin is concerned.

I'm still a little lost to where this strong read's come from. The amount of text dedicated to a read isn't an indicator of how scummy you think someone is. If you actually read the content of what I'm saying, there's a lot of discussion to why I don't think they're scum. Poly's explanation was poor, "I know how FFM plays more than Refa" is most definitely a grasp at meta. The rest is that I'm inactive and hard to read?

I feel pretty good about BBM, his Junko read made sense and he realised when the wagon got rolling. Imma look over the end of D1, I suspect he may be right with the wagon. Especially with the number of "confirmation" votes.

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Euklyd/Shin/Shinori scumteam CALLING IT NOW with Marth wild card

I think GP is town for the reasons I stated yesterday. I also think Refa is town because there was literally no reason as scum to tie himself to a mislynch when it was already going through, or to put in the effort to case Junko at that point in the phase. I know I was on Cam's case a lot yesterday but ultimately I think he's town just on EFFORT that I'm not sure he'd put in as scum. Probably my weakest townread though. I think FFM is town for the early VT claim unless he's Mafia Goon but I don't think he is because assuming a 3 man scumteam, considering we know there's the QT infiltrator, a probable scum info role, and a probable scum hooking/redirecting role, there's no real space for a Goon. I also know I'm town, so that just leaves Euklyd/Shin/Shinori/Marth.

I didn't talk much about Euklyd yesterday because tbh I thought he was on the right track with GP for most of the day. I can't fault him for his GP case because I agreed with a lot of it at the time but his other stuff feels very cursory and it's literally just the one post, #144. The fact that it's all kind of stuffed in there gives me the feeling he was just forcing himself to speak about other people because he was aware he was tunneling.

As for Shinori I talked about this yesterday- his play for the latter half of the day was basically just voteparking Junko and popping in every now and then to justify it. He also never ended up saying why he decided Junko was worse than GP (initially he just voted Junko because GP had more pressure).

As for Shin/Marth I'm kind of tired and it's late so I'll get into this more tomorrow but my gut says Marth is more likely to be town. However, Marth, why did you vote Junko? #140 indicates you found his play a little problematic but not really scummy. Yeah consolidation and all but even from your phone you could have tried at least suggesting another target? Also we already had the minimum number of votes required for a lynch so consolidation wasn't strictly necessary.

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I'll be busy for most of the day. I'll be back after work.

Still trying to think about night action stuff.

This is pretty dumb; if you have some sort of possible investigation guilty you should out it; if you don't, you should stop crumbing your role. Or if this is just about why the people who died died, it seems obvious to me that Eury was killed by the mafia and Poly was vigged? I doubt there's an SK in a 12p game.

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