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British Mafia - Game Over! Britain Wins!


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do you know what time it is? time to rip into some play

makaze your play was pretty much completely self-serving. pretty much everything you did was only to your benefit and not necessarily town's. you wonder why people thought you were the most likely sk for most of the game?

mafia is a team game. as town, you still have to work with the other townies to lynch the scum.

also the AtE under pressure was completely awful (example: a and b). don't ever do that shit again. particularly when you turn around and think you're really important to town (see: n4 announcement, and this post) when you're under less pressure. there was an instance of someone thinking they could non-content and get nightkilled in a relatively recent game, just because they were insomniac. said person did ~absolutely nothing~ for some large number of day/night phases, and had to be mod-prodded to give content or get subbed. don't go down that route.

purposely trying to mislead town with red herrings (example: here) is at best a waste of time and at worst a complete detriment to town, as that is 110% scum behavior. there was nothing to gain for any of those irrevelant lines of reasoning.

also if you really think cam was sk, why would he intentionally gamethrow by asking to be voted? if he thought he had no chance, there would have been a surrender. most of us here do not appreciate intentional gamethrowing when the situation is not an inevitable loss.

i could probably go on but i need to sleep and i'd probably end up rehashing similar points.

Points taken. This game was half intentionally chaotic and half not for me.

The one thing I am proud of this game is my strong voting record which was almost entirely direct hits.

Only counter comment I have is about the Cam vote toward the end: I don't think he actually wanted me to vote him, but it was a horrible defense and kirsche was going to die anyway. He had done a lot of lazy things throughout the game; this looked anti-town so I jumped on it. Didn't feel good about a hammer and didn't want to sit on Eury with her good claim. I waited as long as I did to switch my vote because of the reasoning you suggested: It didn't make a lot of sense. That said, stupid plays exist. If they are also anti-town that's a half-tell at least.

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what was the point of being intentionally chaotic though? it didn't make people listen to you much (which you need to push cases)

also re cam: you have not seen cam be lazy

Edited by Curly Brace
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You only got fearkilled after making a non-zero amount of posts... amateur.

I got lucky with my sub, it meant I could be as reckless as I wanted without having to fear the noose, which seems to be the best strategy to avoid it. My reads weren't that great but in the end none of my ML pushes went through so it's all good. Not getting frustrated at the game made for a nice change of pace, I should try it more often. GG, but I guess the D1 lynch took the wind out of mafia's sails.

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what was the point of being intentionally chaotic though? it didn't make people listen to you much (which you need to push cases)

Seeing how people react. Not necessarily for town, but to get meta for later games. As I said many times, my investment in the game was low. I was ready to die at any time. I took the knee-jerk reaction at most points because of that. I'm very surprised that I did as well as I did given this.

What I learned: How not to be an SK.

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the only way you were dying is due to a town vig. which was unlikely given an sk

also getting meta for future games is not what you should be doing: if you want metareads, there are plenty of past games to derive them from

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the only way you were dying is due to a town vig. which was unlikely given an sk

also getting meta for future games is not what you should be doing: if you want metareads, there are plenty of past games to derive them from

My heart wasn't in it to play well this game from the start. Not much of a defense to be had for my behavior.

Rest assured that if or when I join a game again I will be much more invested because I will have had ample time to consider it. I felt a little rushed into this game before I knew it after Training Mafia. I won't be playing again for a month at the least.

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Woohoo, win! I'm terrible at conforming to PRs but I didn't sub out so at least I could get bonus points for that maybe? :P

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or I could just do them now lol


Paper: to be totally honest I wasn't even confident on you being scum, I was just like "welp not doing anything, policy lynch imo", meta was just a bonus. re: perfectionism: worth keeping in mind that providing shitty content is going to do you better than basically none at all like here

BBM: I'm glad you died cuz I was gonna vote you going into D2. RIP

Elieson: your sub-in post was good and pretty obvtown from my PoV, I was sad when you died overnight but not really surprised

Psych: ilu Psych but I can never read you ever. Next time you're doing silly things I'm just supporting your lynch on policy because I can't even tell anymore.

Boron: you played really well this game, no idea why sk had to shoot you instead of mafia. really the only reason i still thought you might be scum on n2 was paranoia

bladescape: man I don't remember anything you did. D1 inactivity is lame. well, you played alright

FFM: gotta not get lazy next time, your D1 was not as bad as people acted like it was but then I thought you were scum because you turned into #COASTMASTER once nobody suspected you. also the AtE was kind of lame

Shinori: lol shinori. like Psych I seem to misread scum-you a lot for some reason. your D1 post was really solid but then you just stopped caring, if you actually bothered I think you could have made it pretty far but the claim and laziness (and possibly being busy too?) killed you

Junko: sorry for being a weak mason buddy while you were still around :X don't have much to say but you were alright before you got busy

Baldrick: was fun having a quicktopic with you, I feel like I was partially responsible for swaying you toward cam/makaze so I felt bad about the end of D2 :T but yeah I enjoy playing with you because you're to-the-point without being noncontributive

j00: I am still going to take credit for catching you on the grounds that the D3 coasting was SK as fuck, getrekt

kirsche: subbed in when I died then got screwed by shinori being a dick lmao gg

Cam: you went into COASTMODE after D2 which i question since you were suspicious on role due to the existence of a SK. I dunno I just couldn't trust you all game. I'm not sure whether effortcam or normal cam confuses me more.

Darros: I couldn't get a read on you for the life of me so I'm glad the wagons worked out the way they did

Kay: aaaaaa kay why do you always lurk out

eclipse: Thanks for subbing in and saving your slot! I actually thought you were a tracker paranoid Makaze might be a ninja, cop+masons seemed like a lot but I guess lovers balanced it. in any case GJ

Walrein: who subs out on their first game on a forum wtf

Eurykins: yeaaaaah hopefully Makaze flipping town should explain why hunting SK over scum is silly; I already explained why he was obviously not mafia and hell, his attention-drawing play was so over-the-top it was hardly survivalist like a SK would be. If you had tracked him to a kill I'd maybe understand, but...

Makaze: despite white-knighting you I could never fully shake off the feeling you could be mafia making the most of a shitty buddy situation before eclipse outed her result. your posts just radiate sleaze for some reason. you should definitely tone down the AtE.


Mason quicktopic is here if anybody's curious.

Edited by Prims
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and of course, thanks Shin for hosting and putting up with four E: FIVE sub outs on your first game. The set-up was pretty neat and I had fun playing :>

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It's okay, it's not like you wanted me to replace into an auto-loss or anything.. :angry:

I only started reading around when Shinori outted the SK anyways so I'm sure this was a game!

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Thanks for hosting this~!


I didn't follow my PR for obvious reasons.


Eh, I was damn lucky that I wasn't outright killed, because I didn't crumb my role, I pretty much stated it outright. Sorry if I got on anyone's nerves~!

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maaaaaan, i was super motivated for the first day (IRL, that is) and then it just literally all disappeared at once

i need to find another supply of whatever the fuck it was i was eating during kirby

re "VOTE ME" it was largely #yolo (won't even call it a play because i wasn't actually expecting to get anything out of it); i was pretty done with the game and didn't want to bother defending myself from mostly legitimate points

i figured if i actually had to flip it would be a) hilarious and b) obvious to go lynch kirsche instead so no harm done

had kirsche flipped town i probably would have fought a little more but idk if i could've done anything gg

makaze - i had trouble taking most of the things you said seriously because way too much of it was self-centered

Edited by CT075
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Is noone going to complain that Shinori outing the SK was a dick move that had no benefit to him whatsoever because it was a dick move that had no benefit to him whatsoever seriously.

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Is noone going to complain that Shinori outing the SK was a dick move that had no benefit to him whatsoever because it was a dick move that had no benefit to him whatsoever seriously.

Right. Never do that again.

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makaze your play was pretty much completely self-serving. pretty much everything you did was only to your benefit and not necessarily town's.

There's nothing necessarily wrong with this, you just have to be smart about it. If you are town, by definition playing to your benefit is playing to the town's benefit. I would consider my play fairly self serving. Prims does self serving things too (eg telling people to suicide onto his scumreads). If you are town you are the only player you can always 100% trust (and most of the time there is not another player you can trust to that level), so there needs to be some level of it. Edited by Paperblade
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@Prims- My role was provable and obvtown so I wouldn't have been lynched anyways GET AT ME. Also I correctly guessed the SK two days before you.

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I'm still mad that I hooked eclipse even though I was so close to just letting her investigate me. Btw what isn't shown in that role pm is the ability I gained when Shinori was lynched: I became essentially a godfather, so had I not hooked eclipse I'm pretty sure I could've coasted through on the inno report which is super gay.

I think I'd be more mad at Shinori if I started the game rather than got subbed into the role.

Anyway ggwp.

Edit: Makaze I don't think you were as bad as Manix implied, but do try to work on your reading comprehension a little bit. Your posts were amusing regardless, especially how worked up some people were getting over them.

Edited by kirsche
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@Prims- My role was provable and obvtown so I wouldn't have been lynched anyways GET AT ME. Also I correctly guessed the SK two days before you.

how is jailer an obv town role? I'm pretty sure mafia jailers have existed?

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