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British Mafia - Game Over! Britain Wins!


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Itt shin is a liar. Anyway I'm drinking tonight then working tomorrow so I may not be around, so I'm voting now. Whoever quick hammers is scum.


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Game too slow...

I feel much better about Eury with that claim, so...

##Unvote: Eurykins

##Vote: Cam

His defenses have been extremely weak and amount to 'vote me then'... Paired with lack of actual hunting, it's a scum tactic.

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(not playing)

baldrick is scum lynch him

it's all his fault

you can tell because he's a noavi

(not playing)

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Assuming the game isn't over with this lynch, Cam's next.

Cam should be first, the cases on me are weak and based off of faulty assumptions. You assume that the Sk is ascetic, that having 2 scum reads is "spraying and praying" and Cam's assuming that Shinori actually told the truth when he died.

Darros why is my slot scum? I'm confused regarding your reasoning because every time I read that I see "kirsche is scum because he was not shot" which is questionable at best as it can be applied to every other player currently living.

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"I wonder how we can start winning in the footy. Maybe if we start biting people we could score a little! Yeah, we have loads of blokes who are no good, they can gnash a few necks!"

kirsche (3): eclipse, Cam, Daross (L-1)

Cam (2): kirsche, Makaze

Not voting: Eury

Big Ben says there are 4 and a bit hours left in this phase! With 6 alive, it takes 2 to lynch and 4 to hammer! Phase ends on 28/6 16:00GMT+0.

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You all come together deciding to recite the national anthem. However, kirsche makes one fatal flaw... he said God KILL the Queen. Eury steps forward, rather disapprovingly, reciting a long passage that nobody will probably pay too much attention to.

"I do say, nobody's kicking me off the throne! Not my son, and definitely not my grandson!"

Having been sent to his room, kirsche's plot has been foiled!

Dear j00, kirsche

You are Prince William.

"As I learned from growing up, you don't mess with your grandmother."

You are Prince William, the second in line to the throne! Your marriage and new child have further cemented your desire to take over the country! The people like you, you have a lovely family, you'd be the perfect king! Unfortunately someone seems to have taken all your crumpets! If only you could get them back! Crumpets are a true sign of Britishness, the coppers won't take kindly to that, they'll think you're not part of Britain!

You are an Independent Prince! You have quite a few abilities, and may gain more as you kill off your family! You can use one of your abilities each night alongside your kill. Your abilities are the following;

Serial Killer: Each night you may reply to your PM "Night X - Kill PLAYERNAME". This will cause you to kill said player unless another action or role prevents it from happening. You have enough sense not to kill yourself, because that would be silly!

Bulletproof Bowler Hat x1: The first killing action to target you will fail. This can only be used once. This does not apply to lynches.

Insomniac: Your dreams of stealing the crown keep you up all night, preventing you from sleeping. This allows you to post during the night phases, providing you follow all the other rules!

Jailkeeper: .Each night you may ask "PLAYERNAME, to the dungeons with you!". This sends the player selected to the dungeon, preventing any actions they use from happening that night and anything that targets them with fail.

Your fakeclaim is Prince Harry, the British Insomniac, PR: You must express a fondness of partying and inappropriate fancy dress.

Post restriction: You must treat your family with respect!

You are allied with yourself, you win when all threats are eliminated.

The game has ended! Britain remains glorious and victorious! Well done! Post game will follow at some point!

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Dear Makaze,

You are David Attenborough.

"Nature isn't positive in that way. It doesn't aim itself at you. It's not being unkind to you."

You are truly in touch with nature, always having something to say about it! Not really one for business or politics, you'd much prefer to conserve and observe the natural world... which is why you must destroy the mafia!

You are the British Announcer. Every night, you may post a message in response to your PM. That night, a mod will post it in thread anonymously at the end of the night phase.

Post restriction: You must show interest in nature and describe things in an overly longwinded fashion.

You are allied with Britain, you win when all threats are eliminated.

Dear Kay, eclipse,

You are Johnny English.

"Look pull yourself together, it's only a bit of poo."

You're one sneaky spy! Except not really, you actually kinda stink. Unable to even complete the simplest of tasks, it's a miracle you've kept your job. You're not even real, although Rowan Atkinson ensures your hilarity.

You are the British Britcop. Somehow managing to set off every trap yet evade detection, you are able to infiltrate anyone's home by answering your Role PM with "PLAYERNAME, let's find out, shall we?" Upon doing this you will check the player's kitchen for crumpets and teabags, thus finding out if they're really British or not.

Post restriction: You must show signs of incompetence in your scum hunting.

You are allied with Britain, you win when all threats are eliminated.

Dear Cam,

You are Rupert Murdoch.

"Why would I spend $5 billion for something in order to wreck it?"

You are a media mogul! As CEO of Fox and News Independent, you have some serious moolah! You're not actually British, but you're against the threat anyway! If you can save the country, maybe your sales will go through the roof!

You are the British Nexus. When someone tries to go against your company, you push the blame on a random player, since you don't want to get in trouble yourself. This means all non-killing roles cannot affect you and will be randomly redirected to someone else. Unfortunately, assassins are wise to your games and you cannot redirect a killing action.

Post restriction: You must blame other people for your mistakes and consider the profitability of your actions.

You are allied with Britain, you win when all threats are eliminated.

Dear Darros,

You are Stephen Fry.

"It only takes a room of Americans for the English and Australians to realise how much we have in common."

You are Stephen Fry, Britain's voted favourite celebrity to be their neighbour. Witty, charming and oh so posh, you've claimed the hearts of millions from your stunning performances in "Blackadder", a wide array of theatrical pieces and your own quizcom!

You are a British Bulletproof Vest. If anyone dares try to strike you down, your soothing voice will convince them that there's much more to life than murder and give them a good book to enjoy that night instead. Unfortunately, you only have one volume to give away, leaving you defenseless should someone try to strike you again! Be warned, there may be some brutes out there who simply cannot stand such fine literature and will beat you senseless with your own book!

Post restriction: You must remain polite at all times, making amusing yet fitting quotes whenever possible.

You are allied with Britain, you win when all threats are eliminated.

Dear Walrein,

You are her royal majesty, Queen Elizabeth II.

"The British constitution has always been puzzling and always will be."

You are monarch of mighty Britain, except you actually don't really have much real power, but people love you anyway! In between keeping Phillip out of trouble and making good impressions, you enjoy taking the Corgis for a walk.

You are the British Guv'nr. By PM'ing a mod with "I do say, I would rather you didn't do that", you can prevent a lynch happening on that day. You cannot do it when you're being lynched, because that would be silly!

Post restriction: You must mention that you don't intend to give up until you die.

You are allied with Britain, you win when all threats are eliminated.

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do you know what time it is? time to rip into some play

makaze your play was pretty much completely self-serving. pretty much everything you did was only to your benefit and not necessarily town's. you wonder why people thought you were the most likely sk for most of the game?

mafia is a team game. as town, you still have to work with the other townies to lynch the scum.

also the AtE under pressure was completely awful (example: a and b). don't ever do that shit again. particularly when you turn around and think you're really important to town (see: n4 announcement, and this post) when you're under less pressure. there was an instance of someone thinking they could non-content and get nightkilled in a relatively recent game, just because they were insomniac. said person did ~absolutely nothing~ for some large number of day/night phases, and had to be mod-prodded to give content or get subbed. don't go down that route.

purposely trying to mislead town with red herrings (example: here) is at best a waste of time and at worst a complete detriment to town, as that is 110% scum behavior. there was nothing to gain for any of those irrevelant lines of reasoning.

also if you really think cam was sk, why would he intentionally gamethrow by asking to be voted? if he thought he had no chance, there would have been a surrender. most of us here do not appreciate intentional gamethrowing when the situation is not an inevitable loss.

i could probably go on but i need to sleep and i'd probably end up rehashing similar points.

Edited by Curly Brace
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Another big thing: thanks for everyone who subbed in (and sorry Shadoweh for trying to conscript you for nothing lol) because this game needed more subs than we really expected to need.

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