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I did almost finish PoR on Normal. But I couldn't get past the Black Knight fight. I hadn't leveled Ike up enough. Normal mode is different that units don't gain as much exp as in easy mode. And that hurt. >_<

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I did almost finish PoR on Normal. But I couldn't get past the Black Knight fight. I hadn't leveled Ike up enough. Normal mode is different that units don't gain as much exp as in easy mode. And that hurt. >_<

did you use those band things that ya get after the first play through? cause i found that giving ike the thief band really helped him in his stats surprisingly.

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ana why

You say that you love Tellius, but you've never beaten either on higher than Easy? Easy?

I mean, my first run of RD was Normal, and I'm terrible at video games. I use one of Fiona, Meg, or Ilyana every run, and I always play normal.

I mean, if you love Tellius, then you ought to play on at least Normal in both games because Chapter 1 RD is really easy more or less.

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ana why

You say that you love Tellius, but you've never beaten either on higher than Easy? Easy?

I mean, my first run of RD was Normal, and I'm terrible at video games. I use one of Fiona, Meg, or Ilyana every run, and I always play normal.

I mean, if you love Tellius, then you ought to play on at least Normal in both games because Chapter 1 RD is really easy more or less.

hmm that is true actually. also high fives for Fiona usage on normal mode.

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Fiona is a great tank who can double the spirits with dat 34 speed. Her only really dodgy stat is Strength, and even then Energy Drops and BEXP are a thing.

Of course, she is a pain to get started, but she is great after promoting to Lance Paladin.

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I did almost finish PoR on Normal. But I couldn't get past the Black Knight fight. I hadn't leveled Ike up enough. Normal mode is different that units don't gain as much exp as in easy mode. And that hurt. >_<

You can run away from the BK fight. Its so fucking luck based, i dont even bother actually doing it anymore. (I have beat him before though. Yes, on Normal.) PoR on Normal has less EXP gain, but its all about not using so many units. Pick out a team and consistently use them and you will have a bunch of guys at level 20 by the time you finish. You would be able to have enough wiggle room for at least a solid team of 8 guys.

Fiona is a great tank who can double the spirits with dat 34 speed. Her only really dodgy stat is Strength, and even then Energy Drops and BEXP are a thing.

Of course, she is a pain to get started, but she is great after promoting to Lance Paladin.

I agree with this. Fiona can tank like a bawss. Shes just...SUCH A PAIN to raise.

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Can't you like exactly beat him on HM if Ike has Max Strength or something? I guess if you're not using Mist, it'd be harder because that Bishop dude.

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Can't you like exactly beat him on HM if Ike has Max Strength or something? I guess if you're not using Mist, it'd be harder because that Bishop dude.

Nope. You have to activate Aether at least once.

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Dondon, you don't know ANYTHING about my experience. I actually have more experience with RD than any other FE game, even PoR. You have no right to tell someone not to listen to me. That is very rude.

yes i do, on both counts. you've never succeeded at a difficulty higher than easy mode, and i'm a much better player than you.

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Mia is one of the worst sword users in the game. She's weak and doesn't have much defense. Edward and Zihark are both better than her. Lucia is probably the worst though. I don't know about Stefan, as I've never recruited him in RD. xP

Mia and Zihark have the same defense at base but she has more health and they both have the same base strength. More importantly though Mia is only 2 points away from capping speed which means you can bexp her strength up since strength is her 4th highest growth. Zihark on the other hand can't do this since his speed is 7 points away from capping and even after doing so, strength is only his 5th highest growth. Also Edward is never catching up to Mia level wise.

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Also Edward is never catching up to Mia level wise.

Not completely true. Edward is one of the more important DB units, and the DB chapters in Part 3, and all of the Part 4 chapters (whichever team you put him on) have a lot of relatively weak enemies (Part 4 has a lot of weak enemies, and so does 3-12), so it's actually pretty easy to catch up. (Also that 60% strength growth on Edward is ridiculous)

Edited by Kamina
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If you play easy mode casually, Edward could easily be Mia's level for 3-6. I personally like using Edward. Defensively he's less reliable than Nolan but for someone who doesn't play LTC he'll turn out just fine and will probably do better than Sothe come part 3 since he isn't promo-locked and he gets the Caladbolg to play around with too. But mostly, comparisons between Edward and Mia are pointless. They pretty much never exist at the same time due to the way this game is split up, so you use them both because they're part of the given resources. Edward is a critical part of the first couple chapters so you use him and Mia existing and being better than him for no effort has no bearing on that.

Honestly, aside from like... Lyre and part 4 Vika, everyone in this game is extremely easy to train in easy mode. You have tons of BEXP to go around, the part 1 enemies are mostly non-threatening and you can seriously train half the DBs to be competent rather than just a small handful as you get into the higher difficulties. You're handed a bunch of win buttons near the end in the form of laguz royals, and if you play easy mode the blessed weapons are insane and will make any character uber. So just have fun, use who you like, get a feel for the availability of the characters for subsequent playthroughs that require stricter resource management.

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Mia is one of the worst sword users in the game. She's weak and doesn't have much defense. Edward and Zihark are both better than her. Lucia is probably the worst though. I don't know about Stefan, as I've never recruited him in RD. xP

Mia is one of the most improved units in FE10. She's by far better than she was in FE9.

She has the best defense growth of all swordmasters and her strength growth is almost good as Edward's. Her base stats in skill and speed are damn high, so she dodges very much. She even could do a solo in some maps in part 3, if she got a few levels.

Swordmasters never have very high strength and defense!

PS: It's not a shame that you haven't beaten it on normal and hard yet, because FE10 is pretty tough. Though you cannot give subjective and wrong statements about the characters, if you haven't explored everything of this game yet (Stefan)! This was not your only one comment, which was incorrect.

Edited by TalesOf Hysteria
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yes i do, on both counts. you've never succeeded at a difficulty higher than easy mode, and i'm a much better player than you.

We all know that you're right, but why be so damn pretentious about it?

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yes i do, on both counts. you've never succeeded at a difficulty higher than easy mode, and i'm a much better player than you.

This reminds me of someone challenging VincentASM at FE trivia.

Though, dondon's a lot more blunt at flaunting his credibility.

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Dondon, you don't know ANYTHING about my experience. I actually have more experience with RD than any other FE game, even PoR. You have no right to tell someone not to listen to me. That is very rude.

I've replayed RD many times, and never were any of the Dawn Brigade members on par with the Greil Mercenaries. The GMs always outclassed them by a long shot. And I play on easy mode (because of how hard the game is). I can't even get Laura to be better than Mist or Rhys.

Ana, if you think the game is hard, then maybe you shouldn't be giving opinions on characters.

Edited by Chiki
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Imo Haar is overrated. Sure he's awesome in part 2 and 3, because he's the mobile wall. But he's not that great in the endgame, because of his low resistance and kinda eh speed.

Especially in endgame 1 he will take a nap once more...

In the beginning: Haar > Jill

In the endgame: Jill > Haar

Haar is the wall in part 2-E. He also could clean the right bottom area, before the Crimean Knights will appear. ut Jill will displace Haar at the latest in the endgame.

Jill's starting starts are very delicate especially her pathetic 24 HP and 11 strength as a level 14 wyvernrider.

But her growths are insane. She has very high speed, luck, resistance and also decent strength growth. She's more comparable with a falconknight with a much higher strength and defense cap. Her caps are amazing!

Her defense cap is only 2 points lower than Haar's. Especially on harder difficulties Jill is better than Haar, because of her better speed, luck and resistance. Mages and sleep staff almost cannot do anything against her.

Endgame performance is overrated. Heavily overrated, may I add- And not just in this game (see: "Canas is gr9 because Luna on Drafon). Haar beats Jill pretty easily throughout most of the game. He makes even more of an impact in HM. And yes, he does have a bit of Spd issues, which are usually fixed by a Speedwings. And that, seals the deal. His only problem is doubling and it's all gone, so he can fly, 1RKO everything and never die. Jill needs most of the Dawn Brigade's resources (which I admit, she doesn't have THAT muchc competition for) and she still doesn't match up to Haar.

Jill is only really better by Endgame, but it can only mean so much, when:

4-E-1: Yeah, there are two Sleep staffers. But this is a strategy game for gawd's sake...a smart player will be able to take them out for it to not matter.

4-E-2 is simply beat BK on Turn 1 and win. Only Ike can do it, neither here, really...

4-E-3 is another 1 Turn, since you don't want to spend a million turns KO'ing infinite Dragons (which Haar is stronger against, anyway). Granted, Jill does double Dheg, but neither of them should be taking him out anyway.

4-E-4, Jill does do better than Haar in every way here due to higher Res and being able to double Lehran. 1RKO'ing isn't exactly an issue with Haar and the Brave Axe.

4-E-5, Jill wins again.

Conclusion? Jill does overly better at Endgame, but, I wouldn't consider that really significant when Haar is just doing much better throughout 80% of the rest of the game.

Nolan's 20% Magic helps him reach that 5 cap, which helps a lot when giving him BEXP.

It's actually not using at all...Mag, is Nolan's LOWEST growth, meaning that it won't benefi thim in the least for BEXP slowplaying for his other stats. And BEXP bumps up the 3 highest growths. If two or more growths tie, they get a random chance of proc'cing between each other.

Mia is one of the worst sword users in the game. She's weak and doesn't have much defense. Edward and Zihark are both better than her. Lucia is probably the worst though. I don't know about Stefan, as I've never recruited him in RD. xP

"Weak and not much Def"? You do realize that Zihark and Edward are frailer, right...? Zihark has lower HP/Def bases AND growths. Edward has a slightly lower Def growth but a crappy Def base...

I'm actually not a Mia fan (I prefer Zihark & Edward), but I admit that she's the best SM in the game. ARGUABLY the 2nd best sword user in the game, only losing to Ike. For one, her durability sholudn't be much of a concern when she has excellent Spd, good luck and is actually best paired with Ike (because of support synergy, not any shipping reason). Her concrete durability grows out to be pretty damn passable (just look at that manly 40% Def growth, lol). Her offense is probably only behind Haar & Tiamat's, due to basically claiming Adept for herself + a Steel Forge. She KO's General...in HM.

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So...if I'm not using Edward, is that alright? I've heard good things about Mia and Zihark, too. Right now I'm on chapter 2, I got Micaiah, Nolan, Laura, and Sothe being used. Or is it really that bad if I don't use Edward? Also once again, I have the dracoshield to Micaiah because she got killed in one blow by the boss in the prologue without Edward.

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So...if I'm not using Edward, is that alright? I've heard good things about Mia and Zihark, too. Right now I'm on chapter 2, I got Micaiah, Nolan, Laura, and Sothe being used. Or is it really that bad if I don't use Edward? Also once again, I have the dracoshield to Micaiah because she got killed in one blow by the boss in the prologue without Edward.

Edward is pretty good, because he can double most of the enemies. He's really a helping hand, although he's fragile. You should use Sothe only for stealing or doing chip damage, because he only gets very few of exp. Edward will be at least as good as Zihark or even better than him in strength, if he reaches the same level. Zihark has "adept", earth affinity and better resistance. Otherwise I prefer Edward. I recommend to use Edward in part 1 and both in part 3.

Edited by TalesOf Hysteria
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No, there's nothing wrong about not using him at this point. It's only at 1-P, where he's forced and you're just going to want to use him...at least to feed Micaiah kills, if you're not into him for the long run (which, he's pretty great at, not so much in HM as in NM).

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