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Saddest Daddy Death (potential spoilers?)


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The Fire Emblem series is no stranger to killing of father figures; one of the first major events of the first game is the death of King Cornelius, Marth's Father, in the bloody war with the dark dragon. Some deaths are experienced firsthand, like the death of Greil before his son Ike, and some are only mentioned briefly, like the death of Lyn's parents mentioned in the Prologue of the seventh game. Which death gave you the most daddy issues and why?

For me, it was in FE9 when Greil was murdered in front of his son by the black knight. It was just super emotional, probably due to the voice acting and PRCS, but it actually made me cry the first time I saw it.

And, I know it isn't really the death of a father, but Emmeryn's death scene was extremely climactic and heart-wrenching. (She's a family member so she counts.)

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Elbert for me, he seemed like a really kind old man, I never really sympathized with Greil that much. Isn't it mentioned in Radiant Dawn that Greil could have killed the Black Knight if he wanted to? Or am I mistaken?

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For me, it'd have to be Elbert...

It was pretty painful to see him die, especially when compared to all the other heroes' fathers I had heard about at that time, he actually might've stood a good chance at surviving....

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Elbert for me, he seemed like a really kind old man, I never really sympathized with Greil that much. Isn't it mentioned in Radiant Dawn that Greil could have killed the Black Knight if he wanted to? Or am I mistaken?

I'm inclined to agree with Elbert. I was more attached to him and he had been more significant within the game. Greil's just sort of in charge and then dead. Although FE9 is also my least-played FE, so I may be misremembering. Most other fathers are dead going into it, aren't they? I guess we have Uther's death (brother, I know) plus then Hector in FE6. Also FE4, where you've got Sigurd's dad pretty late and then... everyone's dad... Oh, and FE2's thingummy, but NES writing doesn't really qualify for saddest.

Greil at one point could have beaten him, certainly, but by the time of the fight I think he had decided to quite fighting and had severed all the tendons in his arm or something so he had absolutely no chance of winning. Thus the BK not being satisfied with that fight.

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Greil. No contest.

Obviously the guy had "gets killed in the first act to make room for his kid" written all over him but the execution was flawless. He had been around for a while, acting as the leader of the group. As a result, when he wasn't around anymore, we really felt the hole he left behind.

And man, did they sell his death. The funeral scene and the group breaking apart afterwards. Mist refusing to stay hidden so she can die together with her brother. And more subtly done, she and Rolf enter the battlefield after a night that taught them just how easily their family members could vanish if they weren't around to protect them.

Every single member of the group is shown being impacted by this event. And that is only in the first chapter after his death.

He actually stays a presence during the rest of the story. There are quite a few scenes related to him that leave quite an impact. Like Mist and Jill's A support or Ike using the words that his father used to address his little group: "At a time like this, it doesn't matter what our blood ties are. We are family. So if you don't want to cause your family any grief, then live!". Except the people that Ike called his family included members of every nation, ever race and every social status. It showed just how meaningful the impact Greil had on the world, that it was ultimately because of him that Ike was able to change the world. And this came not from his role as a legendary general and unbeatable swordmaster but from his far more humble role as a father, friend and leader of a small group of mercenaries.

Edited by BrightBow
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Greil at one point could have beaten him, certainly, but by the time of the fight I think he had decided to quite fighting and had severed all the tendons in his arm or something so he had absolutely no chance of winning. Thus the BK not being satisfied with that fight.

Okay, thanks for clearing that up, if he was capable of beating the Black Knight, then I'd call Greil out for not caring for his son's safety. I guess Sigurd and Greil are the next saddest deaths to me.

The title should be changed to "Lots of spoilers"

Edited by Knight
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For me, it was Greil, because Ike watching his dad fight and get stabbed like that is just damn, and Ike couldn't even understand the real circumstances of the scenario until later in the game. And that isn't even mentioning that he ALSO watched his father kill his mother. I just always felt bad for the poor guy.

I think Ike is the only lord in the series so far that had one parent kill the other, in fact.

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Sigurd, obviously. It's even MORE sad when you start Gen 2 and your Lord is some whippersnapper (I mean later on you find out that Celice grows into even more of a badass but it's that initial feeling of basically starting a new game with all chumps and Oifaye). It's also the only death that makes you feel sad through the gameplay than just because story reasons (I mean, it's pretty sad story wise too but yeah).

And, I know it isn't really the death of a father, but Emmeryn's death scene was extremely climactic and heart-wrenching. (She's a family member so she counts.)

It really doesn't...

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Greil. No contest.

Obviously the guy had "gets killed in the first act to make room for his kid" written all over him but the execution was flawless. He had been around for a while, acting as the leader of the group. As a result, when he wasn't around anymore, we really felt the hole he left behind.

And man, did they sell his death. The funeral scene and the group breaking apart afterwards. Mist refusing to stay hidden so she can die together with her brother. And more subtly done, she and Rolf enter the battlefield after a night that taught them just how easily their family members could vanish if they weren't around to protect them.

Every single member of the group is shown being impacted by this event. And that is only in the first chapter after his death.

He actually stays a presence during the rest of the story. There are quite a few scenes related to him that leave quite an impact. Like Mist and Jill's A support or Ike using the words that his father used to address his little group: "At a time like this, it doesn't matter what our blood ties are. We are family. So if you don't want to cause your family any grief, then live!". Except the people that Ike called his family included members of every nation, ever race and every social status. It showed just how meaningful the impact Greil had on the world, that it was ultimately because of him that Ike was able to change the world. And this came not from his role as a legendary general and unbeatable swordmaster but from his far more humble role as a father, friend and leader of a small group of mercenaries.

This, all of my this.

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Sigurd. It's horrible how he dies and how Celice has to grow up without ever knowing his parents. I also love how his death affects Oifaye's character and how Oifaye becomes the closest Celice has to a father.

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Plot-wise, probably a tie between Elbert and Greil, for reasons already stated.

Sigurd's death hits very close to home because he's a character you've bonded with for the entire first half of the game, so losing him is more painful for the player. And the way his death scene plays is just cruel. After just discovering his sister and his bro-in-law were found dead in the Yied Desert, Arvis leads him into a false sense of security and betrays him and his whole army, taunts him with his wife he hadn't seen in a long time, and kills him on the spot while the screen freezes and the ultra-sad music plays. It's horrible.

Honorable mention to Hector in FE6, mainly because of the scene where Roy tells Lilina the sad news.

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Elbert for me, he seemed like a really kind old man, I never really sympathized with Greil that much. Isn't it mentioned in Radiant Dawn that Greil could have killed the Black Knight if he wanted to? Or am I mistaken?

I thought in PoR it's implied that if Greil took the weapon the Black Knight offered him he could've killed him.

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Elbert, Greil and Sigurd all hit me pretty hard.

Eliwood traveled all that way JUST to witness his father die in front of his eyes. Thats tragic man..

Greil and Sigurd have been said why better then I could already

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I thought in PoR it's implied that if Greil took the weapon the Black Knight offered him he could've killed him.

In the days of his prime, perhaps, but not with all the tendons of his primary sword arm severed.

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On the positive side, if you somehow get Jill recruited by him it's less sad overall!

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On the positive side, if you somehow get Jill recruited by him it's less sad overall!

I always have Jill kill him for the feels. It just seems poetic, for some reason.

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  • 11 months later...

Sigurd hands down.

He fights a war for a kingdom that turns on him for bieng an honest good guy and can't do shit about it,

He's forced to fight his brother in arms Elto and has to deal with him bieng murdered by his own king and can't do shit about it.

He fights knowing his wife is lost and had to deal his best friend and sister get cowardly murdered and can't to shit about it.

He fights knowing cowards murdered his king and placed the blame on his father who also dies in front of him.

He fights knowing he will never see his son again becuase fighting the entire country surely means death sooner or later.

To top it all off before he dies Alvis brings his wife to his face and says haha i stole your wife. Then cowardly kills sidgurd and most of his army.

Sidgurd has his friends and family taken away from him, his homeland robbed of him, his good name ruined, and his life stolen.

Sidgurd truly has the saddest of tales. He was stripped of everything that made him the Holy Knight he fought to be and died with almost nothing.

...you best your arse I killed Alvis over and over again with celice.

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