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Tyne-Wear Mafia - Where Are They Now? Special Bonus 2016 Update


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Sorry for my absence, I was busy being a different kind of FULLY SICK for most of D1 and D2 happened too fast while I was trying to catch up, so I've been on the backstep for most of the game and it's been really hard to catch up since I was almost certainly going to have activity issues anyway because college and also I'm Rein. Seriously if Juliette didn't offer to try and help while I was sick we might not have been able to make any real posts so far.

I am backup, but I only get terrible bad versions of roles that are dead and confirmed to be town, which has so far turned out to be pretty much useless. I got a 5 word announcer with BBM's post (NOW IT'S REIN TIME 8]), and no other power roles flipped "confirmed" town because SB doesn't count even though it seems like he was almost certainly town vigilante.

Not really liking being process of elimination voted here by some people since a lot of the process of elimination isn't really very sound. At this point I guess people just want to inactive hunt because people think scum aren't among the active people due to interactions with flipped mafia and stuff from what I'm gathering, so one of the inactive people is probably getting lynched, right?

I still haven't read the entirety of the game so I'll probably do a lot of my catching up tomorrow. There's still around 24 hours in phase going by the start of this one I think so I'd like to reread before placing a vote- normally I'd be really against doing this but I'm just so far out of the loop still that I don't have faith in myself to be able to place a vote with good judgement. But I'd rather put up something now than consign myself to dying uselessly.

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guys let's not lynch Rein cause Paperblade died the same night as Rein and if he was scum, he would have gotten the watcher role (I can be wrong, but this is how I feel about it) and I actually don't want to lynch him.

also, since scum had a watcher, I think there is a very good chance SK is a ninja, or has a one shot ninja ability

I would rather lynch FFM actually

happy that Strawman exists again and will hope he keeps up

also, whenever I think of the game, I never seem to remember Beli is playing


##Vote: FFM

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guys let's not lynch Rein cause Paperblade died the same night as Rein

and if he was scum, he would have gotten the watcher role (I can be wrong, but this is how I feel about it) and I actually don't want to lynch him.


and what? I don't see why the backup can't be mafia but backup town roles, would fit this situation actually.

Rein - Your explanation makes sense but the timing (after five votes) is awfully convenient. You've both been online and active on all of the past days (and earlier today) but couldn't even drop in here to say you were "busy," yet you still take the time to make an announcer post? I don't like it. I'd still be committed to lynching you but it doesn't look like that has a chance anymore.

I believe we have about 20 hours scorri.

Gonna keep my vote for now.

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To be honest Rein should be modkilled. Six days without so much as a hi is inexcusable and disrespectful to everyone. What are the usual modkill rules here?

'fuck up and i will fuck you up'

but i have faith in rein/juli

which was apparently justified a few posts above

Edited by Parrhesia
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That's all well and good Rein, but I still have no idea what you think from that post. You put a lot of effort into saying why you weren't here and why we should lynch "inactives", i.e you, but I see no attempts at content. Juliette said my Randa vote was bad but voted him anyway despite this, and the read on me feels an awful like Refa's with regards to mannerism, but that's pretty much it. I'm still totally cool with a Rein lynch, although I feel there's limited information we'd get from it.


I still don't like Beli, but I don't see it happening.

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Me inactive for this phase worse than those who have been inactive the entire game?

No, you being an inactive and being scummy makes you worse than the rest of the game. I don't want you lynched because you are the most inactive, because you aren't the most inactive, I preferred your lynch because you are the scummiest out of the inactives. Yes, being away for a phase makes you an inactive.

Do you get it now?

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Also in terms of doing stuff Scorri has done less and promised less and will probably never give us any more due to her eternal boredom. Scum rein would have probably offered an alternative to himself rather than bothering to reread. Sadly, I don't really like how it took more than 72 hours for him to bother reading the game, although I guess that's standard Rein *obligatory 8/10 comment*.

I'd still prefer lynching someone who is actually scummy though.

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Do you get it now?

Hmm, no not really, actually.

With either Poly or Rein we could catch them with tracker because if they're telling the truth they shouldn't be visiting anyone. But of course if Rein is lying and inherited other roles too and is maf then that doesn't work as well (as he could have inherited redirect). So I'm not quite sure if I want to recommit to a Rein lynch yet.

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Out of the people with votes we'll probably have trouble lynching someone other than Rein. I'd lynch FFM > Rein > Poly out of the three but FFM doesn't seem viable so.

is it too late to swing to scorri

I would not vote Scorri.

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I don't want to lynch FFM. I'm annoyed Poly disappeared but feel like this is just what he does as town now. I feel bad lynching Rein though since he seems more likely to put in effort on future days than Poly.

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Posted · Hidden by Integrity, August 12, 2014 - i think im supposed to do this
Hidden by Integrity, August 12, 2014 - i think im supposed to do this

Hm, I agree its probably to prevent back up of vig, but I don't think that necessarily means scum backup.

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Twitter famous, you appear to have screwed up, since I'm assuming that's your anony account, not your real one.

Weapons: *why* You have yet to give an actual case on me besides "she's inactive, lol" and there are others who have been just as inactive as me, with less excuse.

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You know what's really frustrating? When I call Weapons out to make an actual case on me and then he just disappears. Cause that's twice now I've called him out on it and he's ignored me both times. He's constantly been tunneling on me since D1 for literally no reason other than I've been inactive and has *completely ignored* the fact that I've had legitimate reasons for being inactive, including literally not being online during all of D2.

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