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Serenes Forest Mafia Mafia 4 - Game Over


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ughhhhh. right. whatever

I think it was easy to forget with Psych's whole "WAIT I MIGHT BE A VANILLA AND CULT MIGHT NOT EXIST" which I still don't understand either but it made me assume that maybe there just isn't a cult and Psych just misread his role I mean why else would Eclipse be playing /shot (THIS IS A JOKE I PROMISE)

i didn't misread my role, but i took a leap of logic and assumed there may or may not be a cult

but regardless of that i can not be recruited

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sorry guys I was just really busy today (not even related to the book :(:); hopefully I will have more time to mafia tomorrow

##Vote: Elie

I still think that his reasons for pushing me and not Marth are really selective and everything else from yesterday still stands. I don't see how the Mitsuki/Elie interactions are in his favour at all- her thing on him after she was outed scum could easily be WIFOM. And on D1 she pushed him a lot but constantly had him as a #2 scumread, but even after she unvoted me because she didn't think I would be lynched, she voted for Marth over Elie, even though Elie was a perfectly valid wagon at the time, and she never really mentioned Elie in that post where she voted Marth either. This looks like scum distancing to me.

On Elie's side. he pushes Mitsuki a little for having bad rolespec but ultimately dismisses it because he's not sure whether it's actually scummy or if he's just distracted- but if it's the latter, why does he never come back to it at a time when he's not distracted? Then at the end of the phase he defends Mitsuki from my vote on her because her role seemed implausible to me, at a time when it seemed she would be lynched.

And finally he has given no actual reasons to fake 0-shots. TBF making your role out to be weaker than it is doesn't have much scum intent but I'm not seeing any town intent in it either. And he was curiously elusive about his role yesterday when I corectly assumed he was Co-Driver.

Refa I think is town- mass follow + mitsuki's role seems incredibly abusable to me if they were both scum, even if Refa's role is limited.


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Unless I absolutely need it, I'm probably not going to read too far backwards. Otherwise, I'll never get a proper posting done. Since Mitsuki is Fresh Stuff (at least for me), and I said I would, I'm going to put down what comes to mind in her ISO.

- Hydra spec is weird spec

- I see word nitpicking in regards to BBM. As of her vote for him in D1, currently reading BBM as town through that single associative read.

- Null on the Elie interaction

- Interesting that she has a scum read on Iris

- Also null on the Bizz interaction

- How did that hydra slot drop so low?

- As of the Marth vote, still thinking that BBM is town

- Ew, she's sidestepping my slot

- As of day 2, I have no idea why there's a vote on bearclaw

- Or Elieson for that matter

So, I've got a few town reads and a couple of weird ones, including myself. ;/

I can't control the actions of my previous self, and the fact that I can't figure out the logic behind her posts is annoying. I didn't get a nice post card that said "push X and Y, hearts and kisses".

Not boron, scorri*

Why did I misread scorri as boron. Wow I'm stupid.

I'm miffed that I don't even show up.

As far as I'm told, it's not that way

I'll have to interrogate Paperprims about that, because I have 0 info about what happens if one of us is culted (or killed, for that matter)

. . .got you.

##Vote: Elieson

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Sorry eclipse, by that I meant the boron slot* all of the slots at once confused me and I had trouble remembering them. ): sorry!! Just pretend I mentioned you

Please dont be mad at me

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Hey, it's fine! I know the sub thing is super-confusing, for all sides. I understand why you'd be squicked out by Boron, but I can't really defend her actions. I can answer to my own stuff, though~!

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Elieson (3): Refa, BBM, eclipse

Refa (2): SB/Kay, Weapons

SB/Kay (1): Quote

Shinori (1): Belisarius

Not voting (10): Bearclaw, Elieson, Eurykins, FFM, Iris, jalmont, Polydeuces, Psych, Reinfleche, Shinori

Day 2 ends in 38 hours and 55 minutes. There are 17 players alive, hammer is 9.

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Back in my day, eclipse calling out her previous self was a scum tell.

Are we lynching Elie as a cult hunt? Pretty sure he's not scumbuddies with Mitsuki, BBM, seeing as she outed him in the first place.

And on further consideration, I really feel like Mitsuki could have made a much case on BBM if they were buddies.

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Eclipse what? I said I don't know what happens if bear dies, and then I said I was given no info by the mods as to if my role changes if bear dies/is culted. How is that inconsistent?

BBM I had no reason to out additonal information with my role and you haven't been reading me thoroughly if you think I eluded your questionng; bear never told me it was OK tofullclaim. I was not about to fullclaim and throw bear into the fray unless he said OK. If I responded to your codriver spec yesterday, I'm certain that my reaction would've led you to believe it was true, and claim stuff would have come up.

So, why did I fake the 0 driver thing:

Did not have permission to fullclaim from bear so I improvised to keep part of my (apparently powerful) role hidden

Claim something that would make me look undesirable for potential culting (which, bear and I coordinated our action on theory of cult targeting Refa, which bear claimed for us already)

Keep bear out of the spotlight when it was not necessary for him to be brought up

Take that as you will, but I'd like eclipse to reread me and tell me exactly how I what I said is contradictory when both of my posts show that I can't answer the questions I was asked.

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I honestly wonder how you're going to justify saying stuff like this if I ever get lynched and flip town.

After responses like this I'll be pretty surprised if you do?

SB we drove Refa and Pysch because we're both town- reading Refa and Pysch is cultproof and we wanted cult off someone we were town reading.

Why did you two decide cult was a higher priority than scum here? Like, if you thought you were a protective role, why would you use your role to screw with the mafia kill?

Poly, it's cool that you didn't hook Via and all, but who is scum? Shinori hooking Via is kind of silly but Mitsuki flipped the scum hook so I doubt they would have another? I guess he could be cult but going after cult is kind of difficult atm so there's no point looking too heavily at Shinori yet imo.

I don't really buy BBM's logic that Refa is town because his role is too op for scum with Mitsuki because SFMM games typically are pretty ridiculous rolewise (see: Mitsuki's flip) but I agree entirely on his Eli case and would go for him if I can't get a Refa lynch.

So, why did I fake the 0 driver thing:

Did not have permission to fullclaim from bear so I improvised to keep part of my (apparently powerful) role hidden

Claim something that would make me look undesirable for potential culting (which, bear and I coordinated our action on theory of cult targeting Refa, which bear claimed for us already)

Keep bear out of the spotlight when it was not necessary for him to be brought up

Why did you need permission from bear to claim? It's not like you're masons or anything so how do you know that he's trustworthy anyway? You didn't have to claim your neighbour so even then you could've just driven stuff away from yourself if you thought you were that big of a nightkill target. The culting is kind of a null point, and not claiming your neighbour accomplished that anyway???

lol that's a weird comment. I don't really care what you appreciate, but everyone - except Weapons who was outed by Refa - had already volunteered most of the information that I'm just trying to clarify so if you consider that rolefishing that's your thing. Not like they are required to answer the question.

I haven't claimed any of my actual role, Weapons had no reason to give info and the only info on Refa's role out there was who he visited. So yeah that's a lot of rolefishing. I also feel like your Shinori vote is really easy, why is Shinori scum off of the hook alone?

I'm something like Refa > Eli > bear > Beli atm.

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Whoever compared mafia to homework before didn't lie.

Weapons' role confuses me. Apparently he can help Prims (AKA BBM), so I'd like BBM to confirm if that actually happened last night. His priority list on D1 is townie since he was pushing Mitsuki for the majority of it, although I don't really get why he left his vote on me for so long though. Also I think he'd be more open to consolidating on BBM/Elieson as scum. I don't get why he's scumreading me in part due to my vote on Boron since he was fine with it yesterday (and I don't really see what's changed about that), but whatever. Also I don't get his Rein scumread since Rein's role doesn't make sense with Mitsuki's role at all (ignoring the fact that I've been reading him as town and he outed scum). So yeah, I think he's town but his cases today confuse me.

I feel like SB's first post should have had more opinions than a scumread on me since it was on Page 5. This problem kind of persists through his next couple of posts, where he has a lot of comments but only has reads on me and BBM. Later he scumreads Blitz for taking both sides of the Bizz/BBM argument but he does the same thing WRT me/BBM so it comes across as hypocritical. Additionally, I don't like how he completely ignored Mitsuki's shitty read on him. Like what (he also never really talks about Mitsuki until she becomes a wagon). Also he mentions Elieson like 3 times before voting him over me, someone he's been pushing the whole game (and considering the timing, it didn't seem to be for consolidation). His huge post here is pretty OK though; it's nice to actually get a list of solid reads from this slot. Also I really don't like how he's scumreading me for turboing Marth when he himself didn't know who he wanted to lynch yesterday (so FHPOV why couldn't another townie feel the same way), and he could have also mentioned his issue with me backflipping yesterday if he thought it was so bad.

Also Rein, I probably was super passive aggressive and not particularly helpful but SB's tunneling has really been annoying me because he's been portraying pretty much all of my actions as scummy without stopping to think if I'd do them as town. Maybe he's just mad that he vigged his scumbuddy.

Leaving my vote here for now, but I'll probably change it later on because lol vengeful.

##Vote: SB

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My reads are as follows (no explanations, get those from my other posts, you plebians). Cult not taken into account here.





















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In inception I remember sb tunneling me for weird reasons as cum so it wouldnt surprise me if this is just what he does as scun or wha t. Some of his responses are also really weird, i'll pull out specific examples whem I'm at my laptop. Also refa I agree with most of your list with what we know today tbh.

I really don't want to lynch elie and feel scum might be pushing him

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Actually I'm going to leave my vote here since I'm honestly not as sure about eclipse's slot after Boron subbed out and my null reads haven't done enough for me to change my opinion on them. If SB is town and gets lynched, he can vengekill me if it makes him feel better. After all, the only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed.

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It might've been page 5 but a lot of that was taken up by RVS and people spamming, and a lot of the posts were Via multiposting and I didn't think they were scum so yeah. The only STRONG reads I had early on were you and BBM, but there was also Psych, FFM and Eli as smaller scumreads (although I could've been clearer about the last one I guess) and I'm pretty sure I was townreading Via, Iris and maybe some other people? I don't really remember that well. What Blitz did was different to what I did with you/BBM, Blitz used the posts where BBM and Via interacted and cased both of them on it, whereas only part of my later vote on you was based on how you interacted with BBM. I didn't ignore Mitsuki's read on me, and I even called her scummy for it? And wrt my Eli vote we were approaching consolidation (we were sub 15 hours left) and I think I was the only person voting for you at that point so there was no point keeping my vote there? Admittedly I thought I said more than Eli before than I had done but I said that my opinion on BBM had improved and I agreed with the other reads people had given on him.

I guess I could've been unclear before about the Marth turbo thing though. I don't think you're scum just because you turboed someone, I think it's scummy because you completely flipped on your read on Marth from "not scummy" to bad enough to turbolynch (and Mitsuki was one of the wagons too, so) and you still haven't answered why you did that even though I keep asking you. I can see that I might've been tunnelling you recently but at the same time I'm frustrated that you just keep going "nope not gonna respond to that" at my cases. Like, if you want me to see that you could be a townie, explain why you did the things I found you scummy for rather than just ignoring my case outright.

In inception I remember sb tunneling me for weird reasons as cum so it wouldnt surprise me if this is just what he does as scun or wha t. Some of his responses are also really weird, i'll pull out specific examples whem I'm at my laptop. Also refa I agree with most of your list with what we know today tbh.

I really don't want to lynch elie and feel scum might be pushing him

I've tunneled pretty heavily in recent games as town (FFM in Reclass, Eury in SMT) so that's a counterexample.

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I don't just mean your first post, I'm also referring to your next few posts after that one. Fair enough on your Blitz/BBM case. I don't remember you calling Mitsuki scummy for her shitty vote on you, I'd like a link to that. Also didn't realize that your Elieson vote was so close to consolidation, dropping that point.

I've answered it like a billion times, dude (like on both of the EM games). I can't give you a more satisfactory answer there. It probably is kind of dickish of me to not respond to your other points though...meh, it's just not a priority for me but I'll try to respond to your earlier case when I have more of an attention span.

(also I wasn't in Reclass Mafia, but SB did tunnel pretty heavily on Eury in SMT as town)

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The basic gist of it is that I thought BBM's case on Marthipan was good and all of the other claims seemed more townie to me.

Don't see why you'd think I'm being honest if you think I'm scum but now I'm probably just twisting things to fit my reads.

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