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Serenes Forest Mafia Mafia 4 - Game Over


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Actually, I have more of a JoaT role with one-use Flavorcop and Slowcop. I already used my flavorcop role and I used up my slowcop investigating eclipse (which didn't help seeing as how she was lynched anyway).

I didn't bring it up earlier because I thought if the mafia knew I would be NKd.

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Guess who visited BBM, guys.

Would prefer to keep SK alive cause that's scarier for everyone.

Only if they promise to NK mafia. :3

Also seriously guys, we have what? 6/11 claims (7/11 if you have any idea of what Bizz's role is)? Can we just MASSCLAIM.

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Correct me if I'm wrong on any of these.

bearclaw- Vanilla (turned from Co-Driver)

Belisarius- A ROLE

FFM- 1-Shot Flavorcop 1-Shot Lazy Cop


jalmont- A ROLE

kirsche/SB- A ROLE

Psych- Cultproof Vanilla

Refa- Non-Consecutive Visitor w/A Twist (SCUM WHO DOESN'T WANT TO OUT HIS ROLE)

Shinori- 2-Night Roleblocker


Weapons- BBM Watcher

Also if we know who Shinori targeted, I feel like we could break this open.

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If we lose after mislynching once, I'm going to be so mad. Anyways, Iris is probably the SK. I don't buy Psych's cultproof thing, and SB/kirsche are probably mafia because lol @ them not dying over Poly/Eurykins.

if i'm alive i'm not in the cult

also I'm kind of just done with Iris and she's now like super scum to me ##vote iris

bearclaw- need a reread

Belisarius- need a reread

FFM- blehhhh

Iris- scummy scum scum scum

jalmont- need a re-read, not looking good

kirsche/SB- ehhhhhhhhhh

Psych- Cultproof Vanilla

Refa- town

Shinori- ehhhh

Via- town

Weapons- town

I'd be okay with a kirsche/beli/ffm lynch if we don't want iris

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... whiiich is why I was confident there was an sk but it seems that extra n2 kill came from mafia sigh

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.... or maybe I misread the Via role and shinori blocked the real sk today?????

It's 3am and a fucking storm wokr me up

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okay, thanks prims

##Vote: Iris

either Iris or sb/kirsche today I swear to god.

Also I'm just gonna go ahead and say because #yolo: there is an unspecified number of other parts to my role that I do not want to reveal yet (inb4 psych: "one of them is that you are also cult")

Questions of the day:

Who did shinori target last night?

What the do the cats do????

(tune in next time)

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Is massclaim still gonna be a thing with a cult around? I don't really believe FFM's claim regardless but I'll elaborate more if we do keep up the massclaim.

We're not lynching Iris unless we think she's been culted, or me because I could've just hid the vig (since I would've had Mitsuki's reports nobody would have attacked me for keeping it quiet) and then forced us to waste a lynch on Mitsuki and then just shot it if we reached *YLO or if I was gonna get lynched or something.

There's probably only one scum left considering scum!vig is a thing so Shinori should out who he hooked soon.

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Is massclaim still gonna be a thing with a cult around? I don't really believe FFM's claim regardless but I'll elaborate more if we do keep up the massclaim.

We're not lynching Iris unless we think she's been culted, or me because I could've just hid the vig (since I would've had Mitsuki's reports nobody would have attacked me for keeping it quiet) and then forced us to waste a lynch on Mitsuki and then just shot it if we reached *YLO or if I was gonna get lynched or something.

There's probably only one scum left considering scum!vig is a thing so Shinori should out who he hooked soon.

I don't see why we would.

Right, you outed being gunned before Rein said anything about Mitsuki's reports IIRC. That's a good point, I guess.

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Cult probably have fakes and scum clearly do, considering what we've seen already? I wouldn't be against it I guess but I'm not super happy about it.

Via: my role implies there's a third party of some sort and all kills are accounted for right now so I don't think it's an SK?

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Well, we already have 7/11 claims anyways and if you can prove that FFM is scum with your claim (which you kind of implied), I don't see why you wouldn't go for it. Also I forgot to say it above, but I agree on the mafia having 4 members thing.


Bearclaw- He's actually been super inactive since like Day 2 and his role turning into vanilla is weird (I think it'd be more likely to turn into a full driver like in Healer, but *shrugs*) which makes me think that he got culted.

Belisarius- Definitely not culted, also general play doesn't make me think he's CL.

FFM- His claim doesn't really strike me as a cult claim considering how easily proveable it is (and considering a lack of town cops it makes sense to me anyways).

Iris- I can see her being culted after Day 1 but general play makes me think that she's not CL.

jalmont- I dunno. Like I thought he was town, but I guess he could be some kind of cult maybe.

kirsche/SB- I don't think they'd be so insistent that there's a cult as CL. Also apparently they still have a role so yeah.

Psych- His cultproof claim could be WIFOM as CL, but otherwise I don't think he's cult.


Shinori- Basically the same thing as FFM. It's really weird how he seemingly hasn't targeted anybody two nights in a row though.

Via- Obvious cult leader I don't think they'd be as upset at Psych constantly calling them CL as CL and definitely not culted because lolvig.

Weapons- Basically the same thing as FFM.

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I don't think bear not becoming a full-driver is a point against him considering Eli would probably have just shot town!bear night 1 and taken full control of the drive if he was able to get that?

FFM's claim really isn't provable either, all he needs is a 1-shot rolecop or w/e in order to get the namecop and the slowcop did... nothing at all. Neither did the namecop, really. My claim isn't 100% proving him as scum but there's kind of some overlap there? I guess I might as well claim it to see

I'm Vhaoz, Town OTP. Rip Mitsuki. I'm basically a 1-shot cop/empowerer who can self-empower in order to recharge the cop. I tried targeting Refa N1 but the drive happened and I got Psych as an inno instead. N2 was recharging, and then N3 I checked Refa and got inno on him too. I only check scum because Vhaltz only looks at scum meta but Psych is probably clear from being cult on his D1 cultproof claim anyway.

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