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Super Smash Bros. 3DS/Wii U Tournament Hub (Please see post #1644)

Ema Skye

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I told you guys PJ was good... xP

But since he's beating all his opponents, I don't feel embarrassed about losing to him so bad anymore. :P

Losses are nothing to be embarrassed about. They are a chance to learn and improve. That being said, PJSalt is really good.

Edited by Shulk
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I'll add you on here and I may need to be subbed out of my own Friday tourney because I found out today I can only really play online on sat and sun.

Good matches Ace, Euk and Zuko.

Not to mention all the friendlies I did with various people after

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In an effort to try and make this thread more organized, I've consulted with a few others to create a better way to deal with signup posts.

We are going to be trying a new system using the tournament organizing site www.challonge.com. It's the site I used to generate the bracket. This does mean that you will need a Challonge account to participate, but they are absolutely free and I've yet to hear about any privacy issues involving the site. You can go to the Challonge website to sign up.

Tournament hosts will post a signup post, which looks like this. All you have to do is click the sign up button and you will automatically be entered into the tournament.

Once you are there and in order to confirm your registration, you must go to the discussion section (click discussion on the left side of the screen). Make a post with your FC and your SF username if it is different than your Challonge account.

Our first tournament we will be using to test this method is Reinfleche's FISTS OF FURY tournament, which will be posted shortly.

If you have any questions about using Challonge, please contact myself or the tournament organizer through PM or profile wall.

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EDIT: Please read Doofina's post at the bottom of the last page to learn more about Challonge.

Fists of Fury

Date of Event: Sunday, October 12

Start Time: 3 PM EST/ 12 PM PST Sunday, October 12

End Time: 2:59am EST/ 12 AM Tuesday, October 14

Tournament Host: Reinfleche

Tournament Rules

+2 stock, 5 minutes. Each set is Best of 3. Finals is Best of 5.

+Double Elimination

+Maximum Number of Participants: 16

+In this tournament, the only legal characters must be able to construct a moveset in which they use no weapons, which I am defining as assistance outside of their own powers. The list of characters allowed is this as follows: Luigi, Bowser, Yoshi, Donkey Kong, Zelda, Ganondorf, Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Charizard, Lucario, Captain Falcon, Sonic, Greninja, and Little Mac. I've talked this list over with a few people already, but if you feel like you have a very strong case for why someone should or shouldn't be legal in this tournament, tell me.

+Custom movesets are allowed, however, Ganondorf cannot use his "Warlock Blade" custom neutral special move, as it is a weapon. Custom equipment is not allowed.

+You may change your character and/or custom moves in between matches.

+Items must be turned off!

+Each match can be played on one of the following stages: Battlefield, Final Destination, Prism Tower, Arena Ferox, Reset Bomb Forest, Yoshi's Island, Rainbow Road, and each For Glory stage. Every other stage isn't able to be played on. Once a stage has been played on, it may not be played again.

+Leaderboard Points: +20 for winning a set.

+Please contact me by October 10 if you are not able to make it to the tournament so I can give your spot to someone else.

This will be the test run of the Challonge bracket system. The page for this tournament is here: http://challonge.com/sfssb3dsfistsoffury

EDIT2: Please post your friend code in the discussion page on Challonge.

Edited by Reinfleche
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Luigi is allowed, but his bro isn't? xP

Oh well, I'll join since I'm a Luigi mainer.

Mario uses his cape and FLUDD.
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Fireballs count as within Luigi's own powers, and Yoshi lays the eggs in some games, so they count too.

Well, okay then, if that's how you view it. :P It's your tourney. lol I'm just glad I can use mah main man in green!

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