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It's Amiibo time


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Finally have Roy preordered, yaaaaaaay~ \o/

And wolfLinkMidna / TPHD. :3

Credit card issues, had to reorder *sigh* A little disappointed to lose my Nov 20th preorder date. :(

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My amiibos, along with a clay figurine I made in middle school and their pet skylander I found in the grass in town.

For the time being... my collection is complete.

...Now if only there were anything I could actually do with Roy.

Edited by Alastor15243
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Went to the mall with my family today.

Walked out with Lucario, Fox, Falco, Sonic, Olimar, Ryu, Lucas, Dr. Mario, Nooklings, Resetti and amiibo Festival thanks to sales.

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Totally forgot this thread existed and ended up posting in the smash thread.

Got Roy on the 18th March delivered from Amazon, I think that was release day?

All I need now is Robin, and my FE amiibo collection is complete until that FE14 amiibo is released. But honestly, I wouldn't be bothered if I didn't get Robin.

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So I decided to pick up Ryu at work since we got him in earlier this week. :) He's cool anyway, and I like that he kinda looks like Ike. lol I mean, if you put his clothes and headband on Ike, there wouldn't be a huge difference. XD

...I need to draw that for Halloween this year. Ike dressing as Ryu. lol

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I have been able to find most of the ones I want except Toon Link, I ended up picking up Charizard and of course Roy as well as Wolf Link, I already had Sheik,Zelda,Link,Shulk,Ike,Marth,Robin and Lucina (Shulk,Robin and Lucina are Japanese). Other then Toon Link I am waiting on Bayonetta and Corrin and I will have all the Amiibo I really want.

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Man, the Roy amiibo is so fucking sexy and detailed. Ike, Marth and Lucina just wish they could look this good.

You probably didn't get a very good Ike. My Ike is sexier than any Roy Amiibo could ever look, imo. <3 I have seen some messed up-looking Ikes though. lol And Marths. Robin and Lucina look alright as far as I've seen though.

Edited by Anacybele
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Yeah, the Ike's were definitely varied of the ones I saw. I picked him up at release and there were ~4 to choose from so I picked out the best one. The worst was pretty derpy, though the other two were okay. Roy also looks very good, though, too.

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I got mine by complete chance since I had it preordered. Got really lucky, which I kind of deserved to be after waiting five months for it (from the time I preordered to the time I finally got it). :P This Ike has a perfect face, straight sword, and it even almost stands up perfectly straight too, doesn't lean too much away from the stand.

Ryu looks really awesome, btw.

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