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Fire Emblem: Wretched Whispers, Act 2: Warpath


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Vale shuddered for a second, eyes closed, before looking up at Declan. He leaned against the wall outside the inn by the door. "No black magic--as far as I'm aware," he responded, his breathing still slightly abnormal. "It hasn't happened in a while. What happened in the skirmish earlier--might have something to do with it, but..." He stopped there. The voice in his head, although quieter, lingered and continued to haunt him. "That was an appalling performance by me, and I think I broke a glass too," he chuckled bitterly, "pretty sure that innkeep's even more furious now." He kicked at the ground aggressively. This time it was hard to tell if he was angry or not--even from his perspective, he didn't know. He didn't know, but an unusual rage shot throughout his body. "I'm sorry... about that. It's something I still haven't gotten over. Damn it..." He looked about ready to collapse again, but he kept himself steady this time.

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"Hey Taima," Sheikah spoke quietly from the room nearest the stairs. Her quiet footsteps could be heard before she opened the door, her belongings scattered and expression sullen. "Sorry for all the trouble. I'm sure you can guess the story... Isaiah was her brother, and he was one of the people who stayed with me when we left Sorkaan, and he didn't make it, so..." She shrugged, somewhat defeated. "Every time I start feeling like I'm on the right path there's something sending me back..."


Cara sighed heavily, only shaking her head sadly and collapsing onto a small seat behind the bar. "Isaiah," she mumbled, burying her face in her hands and inhaling sharply. "Isaiah, Isaiah... what would you do?"

"Your brother was a good man, Cara. Don't make a mess of yourself over something uncontrollable." Borvan sighed. "I said it before, I'll say it again... war isn't good for anything but misery."

"Shut up," she grumbled. "Don't be a smart-ass about your wise knowledge or whatever and you're totally right or something... I'm just gonna go. I need my own time." Cara half-heartedly pushed open the door behind the counter and wandered in, a thudding sound following not too long after.

Borvan frowned, then picked up the broken glass on the ground and placed it on the counter. "Still hasn't recovered from her loss. It's been about a year now, so I guess you can't blame her too much... you could say I haven't really bounced back from mine, either."

The Show

The lights slowly dimmed as more and more people poured into the theatre to watch the unique performance. Mina moved slowly and elegantly as their show begun, extending her hands as Melanie cast her spell and causing them to glow with energy, visible even through her dark gloves. She raised both of them overhead in signal for Wolfgang and Lugos to begin their own magic combination.

End Shop

"Great, here you are!" The shopkeeper accepted the payment and handed over the staff, smiling. "Have a wonderful day!"

Edited by Reinfleche
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Declan was unsure of what to do. He hadn't had to deal with something like that in his life, and he wasn't really prepared to actually comfort Vale. He placed a hand on the swordsman's shoulder, partly to help him keep steady and overall together. At least, for now; he figured that his comforting wouldn't be enough. Maybe.

"Vale... Look, I'm not sure what happened in there, or what may have caused it. But something happened in there... That broken glass doesn't matter if you're feeling broken up too." Declan replied softly, inwardly kicking himself for such a cheesy line. "More importantly, did you get injured when all that happened to you? If so, we gotta go get you a healer. Either way... you'll need better help than me."

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Taima didn't hesitate as she dropped her armor and weapons and wrapped her arms around her boss. "Hey there now. It's alright. People deal with pain in different ways. And what she's done is just let it all build up inside her, ignoring it's demands to be felt. You've been trying to move on and that's good. You can't just sit and wallow in your misery, pretending that it's ok to never move past it. Does it suck that her brother died? Of course. But it wasn't your fault. He followed you. He knew the risks going into battle and he chose to go anyways. She's grieving, yes, but that doesn't mean that her anger, her hate towards you is justified."

She released the smaller woman and sighed. "I know that... I'm just saying words and I don't know what you or she are feeling but... I believe that what you're doing is right. You're moving on, learning from the past but not letting it chain you. Instead, you're trying to grow stronger so you're never forced to be in that situation again. And that is all you can do. You can't bring her brother back. But that's ok. It doesn't make what you're doing now wrong."

Edited by scorri
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"I--oh," Vale breathed, looking at his left hand. There was a gash across his palm; it was bleeding from right below his index finger to the base of his thumb. "I must have cut it on the glass," he said blankly. His mind was still processing Declan's words, but he remembered thinking how he didn't expect such a gentle response from him. "I just... sorry. Something happened a few years ago when I was in my first mercenary group." He paused. "I got the--overwhelming feeling like I was in danger, even though I wasn't, I guess. I'll be honest, I'm scared to go back in there." He wanted to cover his face at this point, he was so embarrassed; but he tried his best to keep what he had of his composure. Perhaps this was why he felt so tired before. Perhaps...

"I... should probably do something about this I guess," he said, staring at his hand again.

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Declan winced a little at the hand injury, but it could have been worse than that. Still... "We gotta get that cleaned... maybe there's a doctor around or something? Shit, I really don't remember the place too well..." When Vale brought up his old mercenary group, Declan felt some unsavoury memories of his own past bubble up.

"Trust me, mercenaries are still better than bandits or something... take it from me, you don't wanna get mixed up in that kind of life. It's... never good." Declan had to wince himself when he thought about it, but shook that off. No, this is more important right now. Gotta focus... Declan began to look for a doctor's office or something along those lines, motioning for Vale to follow him. "Just be careful... There could be some thugs lurking around here. They're like beasts that way; they'll pounce if they smell weakness on you, and that cut's not gonna do you any favours. Let's get that patched up quick."

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"Well, I mean, I don't disagree with you," Vale replied, finally feeling more like himself, "I mean, I was just vouching for us in there, you know. Sometimes I feel like I'm prepared for anything, and then I think about... that." He sighed with his eyes half-closed. "I managed to stay away from that. I'm good about fending for myself, usually, so I didn't have to resort to stealing, or something. I mean, maybe a couple minor things... ugh." He looked to the side--he didn't know why he admitted that. It's not like he ever hurt or killed anyone... maybe pickpocketed a couple of times when he was especially desperate. But it stopped after he finally found real work.

"I don't remember who I mentioned this to before, but I did have an employer that died. And, well, uh." Funnily enough, he found his words hitting a wall every time he tried to talk about it. Maybe now wasn't the time, anyway. Maybe what happened in there was just a fluke, and it wouldn't happen again. Don't let them hurt me, he thought, but couldn't say aloud. Oh gods, don't let them hurt me...

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"Thank you." Diana took the staff and stashed it with her other belongings, and then left the vendor. Diana took a look around while ambling down the road. She noticed a sign pointing toward a building, saying "Gem Shop". Diana mentally noted its location for later. Carrying around all my stuff does get tiring... maybe I should drop by the inn to unload some of it.

Diana approached the inn, seeing Declan and the swordsman from a few days back. Oh geez... I never got back to him to apologize. Maybe now is a good ti- Her thought was cut short when she noticed blood dripping from the swordsman's hand. Upping her pace, she started to find her weakened staff as she approached the duo. "Declan? What happened to... uh..." Diana stammered as she realized that she didn't know the swordsman's name. "...I'm sorry, but I never caught your name. Worry about that later." Diana started to channel the staff's healing power. ...Well, this is still awkward...

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Declan was relieved when Diana came by to heal up Vale's wounds. It really did help, though he didn't think it was just his luck; his luck usually wasn't that good. "He cut his hand on some glass from the inn... The boss and innkeeper were yelling at each other, then something happened to Vale. I guess that fight must've hit too close to home or something...?" Declan replied, pondering the situation. What exactly did happen?

Turning back to Vale, the swordsman was recounting days of his youth and how he'd had an employer that he'd lost. Maybe it had something to do with that...? "Yeah... I know how losing a close colleague is, Vale. All too well... That's why I was worried that it was dark magic that had been inflicted on you..." Declan sighed as the memories of that day played back to him internally.

I'm not going to let that kind of thing happen... Not ever again... Even if it kills me.

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Vale sighed in relief in the soft glow of Diana's staff. "Declan said it already, but yeah--it's Vale. Nice to meet you again, uh," he sifted through his thoughts from the last battle, "Diana. That's right, yeah? I heard one of them shouting your name when that one passed out, uh," this time the name escaped him and he didn't try to find it this time, so he ended it there. "Yeah, I almost fainted in there, and I dropped a glass of beer over myself." The thought occurred to him that he did, in fact, still smell like beer. But his extra clothing was in the inn. He bit his lip. Plenty of men smelled like beer in this town anyhow.

"Well, it wasn't just that," he continued in response to Declan, but the words stopped at the tip of his tongue again. He knew it was a story he'd have to tell at some point, but it was like something invisible was holding him in place. "It was what happened after." Now was not the time, yet. He changed the subject to something slightly relevant. "That last skirmish we were in, you know, I got blasted something terrible by a shaman, and it was the first time I felt that. Dark magic, I mean." He felt the ghost of that throbbing sensation in his arm. "It was something else I wasn't prepared for. It was the first time I felt really scared since the incident from those years ago." He looked away again. This was still so embarrassing; he was supposed to be dealing with this alone. Why? Why now, of all times?

"Look, just... it happens like this." He formed a kind of outline in his head and illustrated it with his hands as he continued. "Something makes me feel like I'm back there, in that place, where I was... and I feel unsafe. Like I'm going to die. And I panic." He tightened up. "I must sound like a damn... flower." (Fragile, perhaps, but beautiful at least. Usually more pleasant-smelling, though.)

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Artemis nervously looked around the theater as the group made their way to the stage. Performing in a secluded room was one thing, but to do the same in front of a crowd was nerve wracking, to say the least. Noticing Sierra (which was not the easiest feat, considering her seating) excitedly waving at them, Artemis less enthusiastically returned the gesture. I wish I could be that confident...maybe I could still leave. After all, my part isn't really that important to begin with. Even if it was, anyone can replicate it, right? Besides, I'm really not feeling that well. Yeah, it's probably best for everyone if I just...drats, she thought as she realized that they had just made it onto the stage and the performance was about to begin. There really was no backing out of it now. While the other members were focusing on finalizing the plan and saying words of encouragement to each other, Artemis was looking off into the distance while twirling a strand of her hair, more than a little tense. "Yeah, I can do that...probably," She said distractedly to Magali.

Luckily, Artemis became more relaxed as Magali started dancing; she couldn't let everyone down now! Seeing Melanie focused on casting her spell, Artemis figured it was time for her to do the same. Chanting the necessary incantations, Artemis proceeded to set each of the respective orbs that Melanie had created on fire. Taking a few deep breaths, she then loosened her control over the fire just like they had previously rehearsed; all according to plan, after all. Now everything was in Magali's hands, quite literally.

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As the group moved on to the stage, Wolfgang was seemingly unfazed by the crowd. He wasn't taking the spotlight here, so he didn't really feel any stage fright. As long as he did his part and the show would be a success, he was happy. He looked towards Artemis, who was seemingly nervous about performing. He shurgged, and continued to watch what Mina and Magali were doing. Now was not the time to get nervous, she'd just have to deal with it herself and steel her nerves.

Noticing the signal for his spell, Wolfgang immediately conjured an orb of darkness that began to spin and slowly circle around Mina, before slowly coming to a halt in front of her. " Now's your chance, Lugos!" he muttered to the anima caster as he thought to himself, Maybe I should've made this one bigger! Oh well, I'd rather not risk a mishap here.

OOC: Just want to say how awesome I am for typing anima as anime earlier.

Edited by Bluedoom
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Well, that was a crowd... and there Sierra was, front and center, looking so chipper one would never guess she had been sad not too long ago. Well, time to wait for her cue and see how things went, she supposed.

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How nice, now it's my time~. Magali was content to see the girls had done their duties well, and now it was time for her to spice up her show.

With a moment for Mina to start the act on her side, Magali flowed with the fire, which followed her more freely. It's wonderful how a single practice can prepare people this much... She continued with her spins, to dance with the fire, to have it contour her shape and attire (and, with a bit of magical aptitude, do her no harm). She'd almost look like a fire deity with some artistic interpretation --that was the intended effect, in her mind--.

She moved gracefully to the next part of her act, where she controlled the fire with her palms to one of the spheres, and had it lit one at a time. The fire flickered even stronger in contact with a sphere, but Magali had expected and endured any sting. Thanks to her magical defenses, it wasn't anything that visibly burned her skin. This is going well enough... still some time before the finisher. Do your best, Mina. Magali was in her own world, her own stage. Utmost focus on her own part was second nature.

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Declan was quiet and patiently listened to Vale speak, tending up when he mentioned that he'd been hit with dark magic. He really hated dark magic, even if two people in the group used it. "That... I figured that dark magic had something to do with it, but whatever happened to you, it's not gonna come out like that, the dark magic I've seen can't taint what's already happened." Declan had to try as hard as he could to fight back more bile about dark magic, but saved it. He figured Vale needed someone's support more right now.

When Vale explained more or less how it happened mentally, Declan let out a deep sigh. He remembered seeing this kind of thing sometimes back in his bandit days, and knew how to deal with it. "Yeah, we never really can forget the bad shit that happens to us... That's why we have to make more good memories to balance them out, or even push those bad memories back." Declan continued, biting down more words of bile, this time directed at himself. God, he sounded like a hypocrite. But still, he wasn't the one who was injured right now.

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<--- totally managed to post through some whiskey because I'm awesome like that

Vale smiled; Declan's response to his trouble was wholesomely unexpected as well as it was welcome. "Yeah, I suppose you're right," he said. "I thought I had pushed them far back enough already." He turned to Diana again for a moment. "Thank you for your help." He breathed in deeply, this time to assure himself that he was grounded now. "Sorry if I caught you by surprise, there." Unpredictable things like this always happen in the world of Vale, he wanted to say aloud, but decided against it; the line he used when he was a fledgling mercenary just didn't seem appropriate anymore, but deep down he did want to find a new motto or something to say to people in these situations. Perhaps one of the more chipper members in the group would help him with that--Artemis, he mused, would be a great choice, probably.

But something new troubled him now. "Sorry," he apologized suddenly to Declan, "I hope I didn't hit a nerve or anything. With the dark magic talk." He paused. "I mean, it's nice to know at least that it wasn't what specifically led to this--I think it was more the fright that did it. Let things pile up and then one thing just leads to another--I'm sure you know how that is."

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Peter kept silent as the barkeep exploded at Sheikah, then as Vale and Declan left him with Ivan. The latter didn't seem to be saying much, and the mood had been soured by the outburst of the two women. What a waste of fine beer. He downed his drink, and turned to Borvan. "After all that's happened, I don't think it would be prudent for me to pry. However, I've learned that as long as I held on to the past, I couldn't move on into the future. Might as well spend my energy on stuff I could change. Dunno if the words of this old man will help ya, though. Peter walked out of the bar, and saw Declan and Vale in conversation. Best leave those two alone - Declan's finally openin' up, and I'd hate to be the one that puts him back in his shell. He wandered around town for a bit until he found the weapons shop - and more importantly, a forge.

"Hey, you guys open?"

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As the group transitioned from the practice room to the stage, Lugos realized just glad he was just in the background rather than center stage. He just wasn't someone who liked a lot of attention and would possibly freeze up in front of a crowd this big. But since that wasn't the case he had nothing to worry about, it wasn't like people could tell who messed up with two anime anima users. Seeing Mina and Magali begin he waited for Wolfgang to cast his spell, hoping he'd remember to slow it down.

Thankfully, it seemed that Wolfgang remembered as the ball of flux came to a halt shortly after it was cast. "Yeah, yeah," Lugos mumbled back to Wolfgang. Did he think he wasn't paying attention or something? Regardless, he began channeling his magic into the ball. Thanks to practice earlier he already knew how much was enough so he didn't have to go through what would've otherwise been an awkward pause.

Edited by Oersted
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Diana spent a moment processing what Declan had said, and then promptly sighed mentally. ...There's always conflict, isn't there. She didn't verbalize this thought at that time, she figured there would be a better time for that. Diana kept focusing on the staff and channeling it, while half listening to Declan and Vale converse. Mentally noting the details that Vale gave as he gestured, she tried to piece together what might have happened.

Losing herself in her own thoughts on the matter, she was snapped out of it by Vale thanking her. "Hm? Oh, right. It is fine Vale, it is what I do." Diana paused for a moment, and cut off the staff's power. "...I got a little lost in thought there. On another note... I want to apologise for rushing off a few days ago when you addressed me; urgent healing is something I respond to very quickly and almost without fail, since that has ben ingrained in me for some time now." Diana rambled off, then quickly internalised once more. Now is not the time to pry. I feel like there's some underlying factor to his fainting, and I can have a guess based on his vague statements... but without knowing for sure, I'm not sure how I can help...

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Sheikah sighed as Taima tried to calm her, returning the armor knight's embrace for the time it was offered. "Yeah, I know... can't change what's already been done. But I'm not mad at Cara, either... losing those dear to you is agonizing, and some people just don't deal with it that well." She smirked wryly, poking Taima's collarbone lightly. "You sure you're not up for leadership stuff? You always seem to know how to say the right things, and that's part of being a leader, too."

Force of Will

Mina lowered her hands from above around the charged orb, her own shadowy magic framing it as she begun to move it. At first she moved it in motion with her hands, but as time progressed the priestess experimented further, encircling it around herself as she flipped over it and spun herself as it did. After halting herself, Mina drew in the sphere to hover gently above her left hand, now glowing brightly after the dark magic faded. Slowly, she guided the sphere around the other performers, careful not to break their concentration, then slowly moved it through the crowd, mesmerized by both Magali so dangerously entangling herself in flames and the supreme control displayed by Mina.

Sierra's look was one of wonder as the sphere moved close before her. "Ooh, pretty," she spoke in childish wonder, reaching out before it was moved away from her, Mina looking knowingly at the guardian. "Awww..." she briefly pouted, but she quickly looked back at both the moving orb and fiery dance, unable to look away from either for too long lest she miss something exciting!


"Old man, huh... you don't know the half of it," Borvan grumbled at the departing axeman. He sighed heavily, shaking his head and looking to the lone mercenary to remained. "Not the talkative type, huh? Maybe that's the smartest way to go about things in a job that requires being on the battlefield..."

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Declan couldn't help but relax a little; he was glad that Vale was alright. And it wasn't for any ulterior reasons, either, which was fairly new to him. He was more used to always having an altruistic reason for wanting people to be alright and things like that, but now...? Nothing. It was great.

Of course, relaxing that bit meant that his guard was down, and when Vale spoke up again, apologizing, he was caught off guard. Of course. Still, Declan felt legitimately bad that Vale felt he had to apologize, but he was still surprised that he was even going that route. "N-no... it's okay... You don't need to apologize, really. I've just got some... bad experiences with people I'm close to having some... very negative effects from dark magic. So... it legitimately worries me when someone that I work with - that I feel like I'm getting close to - is suffering from that, even if only a little. Trust me... you don't want to see what dark magic can do to someone when they get really badly affected by it." Declan replied, breath hitching as a single name escaped his lips, albeit he tried to keep it low so that nobody would hear.


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"It's no trouble at all," Vale said to Diana. "Idle chatter with me was not nearly as important at the time." Not even slightly. The swordsman figured her the polite type, but apologizing for addressing a medical emergency over small talk he attempted to make was so extreme that it was almost amusing. Especially considering, well, her occupation. He held in a laugh--he didn't want to be rude. "Like you said, after all, it is what you do."

He smiled again at this, but it faded a bit as he turned his attention back to Declan. "Well," Vale started, blinking. "I can't say I've had any close personal experiences with it--not to the degree you have," he added quickly; he'd definitely had, at least, a personal experience with it. He winced faintly. It would take probably another few days to completely get over that one. "But I could assume, to some degree, what could happen." Or might have happened, he wanted to say. He found himself holding his tongue a lot more than he usually did, but didn't know why.

It was then he saw something in the other man's face. "If there's anything you need to talk about..." he couldn't finish, yet again. This was getting a bit frustrating, but he knew Declan got the point anyway.

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Declan sighed, thankful that Vale hadn't pressed too much into what happened in his past. The incident with Arietta was a bit much for him to handle even to this day, and was the reason he went straight in the first place... Well, straight with the law, anyway. It did the opposite for him in the other regard, though.

"Sorry... s'a touchy subject for me. It requires a lot of talking about my past, and, well... I'm not sure if you'd be overly interested in hearing about the bad shit I've done." Declan replied sadly, not sure if he should say much else. It seemed like he was making Vale uncomfortable now.

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Vale shrugged. "It's not like you still do that bad shit now, is it?" He felt the nervous sweat bead at the back of his neck; it was a subtle dampness that reminded him that he still hadn't forgotten about the man that killed his boss and almost ruined his life. He did believe people could change--he believed this from the bottom of his heart. But suddenly the image of his new boss crossed his mind. He trusted her so much; now it was a matter of trusting everyone else. He readied himself for it. He discreetly grabbed at something as if he were reaching for a tiny wish or hope that he could grasp onto and keep with him.

"I know it's a bad subject for you," he continued. "I'm not going to make you talk about if it you don't want to. But you're different now. And I honestly don't give a damn what you did or might have done or whatever--because you're suffering now for it." He looked intense, suddenly. "Aren't you?" he asked, but knew the answer already. "I wouldn't make you suffer any more than that."

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