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@Boron, why do you think it's weird for Junko to have voted Mancer first instead of Shin? Junko posted logic on why he thought Mancer was scum, why did it matter that it was less recent? He also provided an explanation on why he voteswitched (Mancer's Marth case being better), what do you think about it?

Second, I can see why my Randa read looks waffly, but to clarify this is strictly a null read. I see a case can be made for either alignment but I don't feel like his actions have scum intent atm. Not pro-town or anything but I just don't feel the case against him.

What do you think of the fact that Randa's basically posting for the sake of posting?

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Votals, since mods are apparently too lazy to do them. I hope I didn't screw up.

Bluedoom (5): BBM, MancerNecro, SB, Eclipse, Shinori
Randa (5): Reinfleche, dirge of swans, Paperblade, Mitsuki, Via

Shin (4): Dormio, kirsche, Refa, Junko
Junk (2): Shin, Sunwoo
MancerNecro (1): Marth
Paperblade (1): Randa

Not Voting (4): Da Bear, Polydeuces, #HBC Larsa, Euklyd

Apparently everyone's motivation has died, but we need at least 7 votes to deadline lynch and we should be consolidating. It's about 12 hours to deadline and I won't be around by then.

Also, I need to track/watch/roleblock someone; I'm currently thinking of watching someone townie (already have in mind who) or roleblocking Randa if people suddenly don't want to lynch him. Since this is an action that's posted in the thread, everyone else can share their opinions on it.

People on the Marth wagon should comment why they still find him voteworthy after his exchange about his role with Refa.

Both Marth and Shin are null to me right now, I'll try to ISO them but I'm willing to believe Refa on Marth being town. Everyone else should give their thoughts on the main wagons as well.

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I was sleeping. ;/

Junko, are you hitting Preview before posting? Because I see a whole lot of nothing.

Mitsuki: Volunteering self - my role's already out in the open.

People shouldn't lynch me because I give ppl this nice privilege that is useful for town and if I was scum with this role it would be totally pointless. Also I proved it to someone N0 and if they think they know what I am or mean they can totally vouch for it. Meh I'm probably gonna be forced to claim this shit too which sucks because all of this is because people harp on my Paper case as though its the scummiest thing in the game or something and this whole thing started like fuck yesterday.

I mean votes like Shinori's are atrocious and make me wonder why I even /effort'd into this game.

At this point I'd policy lynch you for making this kind of post. No I'm not going to feel sorry for you, and now I'm irritated that you pulled this sort of shit.

Cool, more obvious town; we're not lynching Marthipan today lol.

You're one of my null reads, not an obvtown one. Your word doesn't override the sheer irritation that I feel.

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yeah my motivation to read through in detail is completely shot right now, Vergil would be nani sore (I know that doesn't work but shut up)

Out of the three wagons that appear to be most viable today, though, I'm more willing to consolidate on Shin. Nothing I've seen of his is really standout scum, but I still have that gutread on Randa being town and Marth's recent interactions with Refa (which I did read) are pretty townie to me. I'd need to re-read Shin & Randa (especially the former) to make sure, but as of right now I'm only 100% okay with a Shin lynch.

##Vote: Shin

(I also cannot read Shin for shit usually so SHRUG)

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ugh cosplay drama

I read Shin's ISO. I don't like how a lot of his strongest suspicions seem to be coming from votes on him, it's reactionary and I think scum are more likely to vote people for their votes on them. Other than that I find no issues with him, altough I'd like him to clarify his thoughts on both Dormio and Junko. Null towards scum, I'm still happy with where my vote is.

@Shin: What do you think of Dormio right now? Do you think Junko is scummier than the other people you cased, or did you just vote him to see his reaction?

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@Marth- who did you target? It doesn't say anything about your role and is more efficient than hinting at things >_> And an actual roleclaim would be even better

I was going to post this one-liner like 3 hours ago and then forgot because DRAMA at home ugh

fwiw I think the 'Shin is voting people who voted him' argument is bad. This is a valid argument if it happens over multiple phases but townies who get wagoned early on vote people on their wagon pretty often: see Manix in Volcanic Anonymafia for why lynching based on this is not smart. And for that matter, Dormio has more or less done the same thing by attacking Shin for most of the game, so. I don't know if anyone other than Mitsuki is actually using this argument but if they are it's bad.

Gonna reread Randa I guess.

I could also go for a Junko turbowagon because YOLO

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I'm kinda going to be busy for the next couple of hours, but I still think the number of lazy easy votes on me is astounding. Neither Poly nor Junko have made consideration to why they're voting for me. Mitsuki, my current opinion on Dormio is that he's kinda bad for literally just sitting on an old vote. He's not as scummy as I had previously thought he was in my initial vote but I wouldn't call him towny by any other means.

I'd ask people to actually consider their votes carefully, otherwise I might have to do something unpleasant!

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yeah my motivation to read through in detail is completely shot right now, Vergil would be nani sore (I know that doesn't work but shut up)

Out of the three wagons that appear to be most viable today, though, I'm more willing to consolidate on Shin. Nothing I've seen of his is really standout scum, but I still have that gutread on Randa being town and Marth's recent interactions with Refa (which I did read) are pretty townie to me.

I'd like to point out this is essentially a vote for the sake of it. Why would you vote someone who you don't even think is scummy on the basis of a town read and a gutread. That's some pretty shoddy PoE.

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Yeah I'm not willing to lynch Shin today anymore and even though I wouldn't scream "SCUM" at Poly's & Junko's votes they're still pretty bad/don't make sense to me, especially wrt Poly because Shin hasn't been the only lynch candidate discussed today and he doesn't at least tell us why he'd be willing to consolidate on Shin. Like, is it because he thought we were definitely lynching him today? Because I saw that earlier in the day, but I don't see it anymore.

Still want to lynch Randa, everyone lynch Randa with me.

I guess I'd be okay with Junko but something Junko said earlier made me feel ehhh on them being scum

I also haven't been feeling the Marth wagon

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Shin isn't scummy because he's voting people who voted him; I analyzed a town game of his wherein he did precisely that for a reason.

I've skimmed Poly's vote so I can't say (thanks phone posting), but its been said numerous times that Junko has explained his vote and you haven't addressed it. Also you've made zero effort to analyze people (no mention of Marth oh ok) and have slipped into full defense mode. Threatening people isn't a very protown way to go about things either; if you're Mafia Dayvig, then just shoot kirsche or someone and save everyone the trouble. :)

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Oh never mind I didn't see all of Poly's post I guess. I caught up on this game while I was half-asleep. Again, I cannot read

Poly's vote is still shitty tho

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ok so I think I'd be okay with Randa lynch

firstly he sheeps Marth on what I've already explained to not be a great Paperblade case. Originally I thought he just said 'this kind of makes sense' but I missed that he also voted for Paper later. However, some of his other posts in this time don't make any sense. Firstly he says that while he thinks Dormio's kirsche vote is bad he thinks it's town-motivated because scum have no reason to get out of RVS. This is a dumb argument but okay, let's go with it for now. Next he says that Shin's Dormio case actually kind of makes sense, wrt self-meta and skirting around stuff. So then does he still find Dormio to be town? Doesn't seem so, particularly as he later says that he just doesn't like Dormio's Shin's case.

However, in his big listpost, he quotes one of kirsche's posts, where kirsche sheeps Dormio's case on Shin and says that the post is overall good. Why? Then later he quotes another kirsche post where kirsche gives more about Shin and says this accurately summarizes his misgivings about Shin... but Randa has never said he disliked Shin before this??? And actually he said Shin's Dormio case made sense, and later said to SB that he just doesn't like the use of self-meta. Then he later also says he agrees with Refa's Shin case.

Now at the end of this his vote is still on Paperblade despite saying somewhere in the listpost that he actually felt it seemed more like Town!Paperblade? Most of the content in the listpost is just like 'I agree with this' or 'I don't agree with this' and asking a lot of questions that don't really seem relevant to alignment. The only thing I can really remember that's his own is not liking a post by Eclipse. Otherwise it just seems like taking both sides of Shin vs Dormio by agreeing with everything anyone says about why one of them is scummy (beyond the very initial Dormio votes for his kirsche vote).

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I'm more confident on Randa being scum than Shin or Marth; the latter I'm getting a townie gutread and the former I'm a lot better with as time goes on so really you guys know what the only option is amirite nudge nudge

Shin if the use of your role is not good for town right now maybe you shouldn't threaten to use it like that??

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11 PM PST = 9 PM HST = I will be back before phase end. Still irritated with Marth, Randa has done (literally) nothing since my last post, and my anon vote is on there, so I won't object to lynching him.

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BBM's Randa case is actually legit (I still believe most of the other cases on the dude are just casing him on stuff that Randa does as any alignment), I'll decide if its a better vote than Shin when I get on my comp.

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