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Day 2.3: Manix has pokemon Edition

Shin (4): kirsche, MancerNecro, Euklyd, Da Bear

SB (3): Mitsuki, Shin, Paperblade

Paperblade (2): Dormio, eclipse

Euklyd (1): dirge of swans

BBM (1): Bluedoom

Shinori (1): BBM

Not Voting (6): Polydeuces, Shinori, #HBC Larsa, Rein/Refa, SB, Eurykins

There are 3 hours and 57 minutes left in the phase. With 17 alive, it takes 6 to lynch at deadline and 9 to hammer.

A reminder: A failed lynch is a no lynch.

Edited by Curly Brace
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Whatever, Shin said he'd be around a couple of hours before deadline. It is now a couple of hours before deadline. Prove your stuff. Sorry if this ends up being a mislynch, I've had trouble scumreading a majority of the players and am totally off of my game the best player ever everyone else is just incompetent.

##Vote: Shin

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are you sure Shin's going to be around? It's like the middle of the night there, and phase end is 7 AM GMT I think.

and after all we don't want a repeat of that terrible Randa lynch where we didn't get a claim

heil myself

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Seriously though, I don't want to lynch SB/Paperblade, and everyone else that I could feasibly consolidate on (you/Shinori) don't have enough votes on them at the moment to make that a possible thing.

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Must be pretty nice being scum in a most likely what would otherwise be a townsided game if not for the fact that most of the town was apathetic as fuck.

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Next priorities for reads: Paperblade, Euklyd, Shin, SB, and Kirsche (first four are top priority given where the votes are sitting, and the last one will be put on hold if time is short).

Continuing on from my other post:



- Lol dat vote. Realtalk: While I agree that Dormio's case wasn't that great in itself, there's a certain feel to your case in reaction to his that feels... a bit forced/farther-reaching than perhaps it needed to be? Plus, if Kirsche flips scum and/or inspects as scum (whether he's town or scum), being vague about the claim wouldn't affect him overall too much (and he garners no net loss if he, as scum, claims to be miller anyways). Since, ya know, it'd still flip out as him being scum upon a scan.

- Wrt this post:

~> Sudoku's the best. #Asiansupport.

~> "Also there's too many people can I just afk for like 3 day phases and come back when half of you are dead?" - Best townie-esque comment NA. The drive/urge to contribute is real.

- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=50610&page=9#entry3445427 Garble garble no real content.

- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=50610&page=9#entry3445434 You speak of cases themselves, but put little of your own thoughts/notions of them forward. The Shin gameplay complaints are real (from you and others) lol.

- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=50610&page=19#entry3447326 What keeps scum!Marth from emulating said actions in means of appearing moreso townie than scummy? (IE. If he was scum, and his buddies realized (and/or he himself as well) that him backpedaling would look bad/scummy, what would prevent him from just doing so in order to garner a townier vibe/reaction from the rest of the player base?)

[These last 3 links would NOT friggin' link like earlier/below, and I don't know WHY. GAH. RAGE. PEDIT: And the link below, AND ALL THE REST FROM THEREON OUT 'cause LINKS LIKE TO HATE ME IT SEEMS.]


- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=50610&page=30#entry3454518 When does a matter of misrepping cases (to what extent) does it make someone scummy or not? Offering insight on something that's generally pretty bad/suspicious/somewhat scummy gameplay but not necessarily outing it as such gives some sketchy vibes, imo.

- Subs exist for a reason, and should be taken into consideration, especially if you're town and you're having issues contributing.

- Why hold your tongue on some thoughts/notions (aside from claims or whatever information you shouldn't be handing out freely)? Seems odd to state that, unless it's something that generally no one should be doing (IE. insulting/profanity towards someone, harassments, and whatever else unpleasant gameplay comments). PEDIT: Read a later post and clarifies things a bit.

- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=50610&page=32#entry3455061 His reads here, albeit not the most in-depth, feel okay to me currently. Latter notions/paragraphs also had a half-decent vibe to them; not sensing any scumminess/scum intent with what he was saying.

- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=50610&page=35#entry3455685 I'm generally not a fan when people offer self-meta shizz, but his responses thus far aren't holding the scummy vibe or anything to them, imo.

TL;DR: I hate broken links shit. Don't know why it's not working for me. D<

Actual TL;DR for PB: I'm actually okay with him currently; not really feeling him as a lynch candidate atm. I would like to hear more from him though, if/when possible.



- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=50610&page=13#entry3446225 the wishy-washy aspect of the reads/comments were real. tl;dr: I got very little, if anything, from your reads.



- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=50610&page=28#entry3452116 k.

- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=50610&page=31#entry3454730 You love skimming the waters with your reads; mind taking a dive and delving deeper?

- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=50610&page=32#entry3455003 Townreads, townreads, and more townreads.

- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=50610&page=32#entry3455058 I feel like I witnessed a feather pillow tumbling in a hurricane; the fluff/waffling on Shin is real. Also seems pretty non-committal and uncertain overall with whether he's lynchworthy/scummy or not. Not liking much.

- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=50610&page=37#entry3456234 Reads get... minorly better, but not by a huge extent (and still mostly consists of town reads, as opposed to suspicions/figuring out more people...). Details could be worked on/elaborated more, imo.

- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=50610&page=37#entry3456240 -1,000,000 brownie points for not clicking on the links THAT ARE ACTUALLY WORKING in the other post. D< Deserves to be lynched 10/10 immediately.

TL;DR: D1 content sucked; D2 content has been below par (by my own personal standards), and I'm not garnering a whole lot from his posts as a whole in terms of scum-hunting, which is slightly perturbing. Worthy suggestion to be looked at, but not my highest priority atm. (AKA. Lesser candidate if the higher priorities aren't taken instead for any given reason.)



- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=50610&page=4#entry3444862 The timing in itself (when the post was made) feels the most off with me, given the ED1 wagon on Dormio; not in the sense of OMGHYPERED1TURBO, but moreso in it being... easy? Easy in the sense of "early game contribution" by kinda hyping up/throwing up more dust over a matter that (imo) got overhyped ED1.

- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=50610&page=7#entry3445036 I can see the logic (self-meta usage generally doesn't really convey great gameplay), and overall post tone seems reasonable.

- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=50610&page=9#entry3445558 The structure/overall information being presented seems a bit... scattered in this post (slightly difficult to sort through/manage), but not terrible. The main issue I'm having is with Quote/Levi vote, and the fact that a pillow seemed to explode in that post to some extent (things seemed more long-winded than necessary).

- Wrt this post: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=50610&page=14#entry3446262

~> At the point n' time, Boron's cautious reads were pinging you into making her a null tell; wrt others/the rest of the player base, does doing the same thing swing you one way or another? (Given your response/basis of said comment, it was made moreso based on her META, but I could be mistaken/misinterpreting your statement(s)?)

~> Wrt Junko slot: For what reason/basis does "agreeing with stuff (cases)" = necessarily a scum tell? Yes, scum can easily sheep cases to make it easier on themselves, but so can town. What makes how he acted any differently from other sheeping cases? (PS. No, I didn't bother reading into my own slot's prior posts before I came in, given time, posting, etc., but also, I personally don't care what he may or may not have said in the meantime, 'cause it's not a priority for me atm- all the rest of you guys are.)

~> It's possible to lurk on D1, yes. But the vote itself kinda comes off bad, because it seems to be catered more towards an inactive player as opposed to other, more solid reasons/cases.

- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=50610&page=14#entry3446277 Somehow the notion of not voting for Mancer comes off as more of an excuse (albeit a poor one, imo), than a legitimate reason as to vote for Junko over Mancer. Especially if Junko was more inactive at the time- putting voting pressure on someone who's not even there isn't going to create anymore pressure or otherwise get an answer/information faster. May as well place a vote on someone/somewhere more worthwhile.

- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=50610&page=21#entry3447875 I'm actually willing to agree that the whole "Shin is hard to read" complaint (although true at times) is no real excuse to just flop around and not read into someone. Personally, Shin's gameplay has actually been much easier to read here than in a lot of other games I've seen/been in with him, but maybe that's just me? Though openly derping and missing posts by someone is kinda not-so-stellar there, Shin, lol....


- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=50610&page=28#entry3452338 Doesn't seem to have a bad feeling to this post, though his hesitance to 'commit' to Junko at the end of the post strikes me as a bit odd/self-conscious in terms of how you'd appear if you did so.

- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=50610&page=29#entry3453284 Eh.... use of self-meta here really isn't great, as it's all too easy to state things like, "I wouldn't do X Y or Z as scum, and only town!me would have reason to do so!" Comes off of, once again, being too self-conscious about his face/gameplay.

- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=50610&page=34#entry3455511 Overall, the post isn't bad, and makes sense to me.

TL;DR: Though there are some things I'm questioning/wanting to prod (hence the stuff posted above), I'm not really getting a strong SCUM vibe from him; would not lynch, especially if he comes and proves his role (his last post is more than enough to warrant NOT HAMMERING HIM in the fashion that D1 was executed, nor should it ever occur like that, imo) to clear himself.

Uggggghhhh... my head/eyes hurt, as do my fingers. That and my links being broken are making my walls look horrid... :[ I'm not sure I can keep up with posting up an SB/Kirsche shizz tonight/by the end of the phase, but if need be, I'll do what I can. x_x


BBM > Euklyd > Shin (if his role doesn't provide any sort of clearance for him)

Not touching: PB or Marth

##Vote: BBM

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If his role cleared him, then he would've used it on Day 1 when he was about to be lynched.

Adding to this they way he brought up his role on D1 further makes him having a super-townie role unlikely. Not only did he not use it there, but he implied that using it would be unhelpful for town, so it further decreases the chances of him having a role that could in any way clear him
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If his role cleared him, then he would've used it on Day 1 when he was about to be lynched.

This is true, but then again there was also the Randa incident.

Considering that matter, it does paint Shin in a worse light as a result (if he didn't squirm/offer to do so then and is only doing so now because there's not a prominent scape goat like Randa to shove under the bus if not himself...)... which is what's making me curious as to what his role exactly is.

That, and in the scummiest way/manner possible, if it's just a con to get us to not vote for him 'til the end (and he never reappears for deadline), the majority of us would probably be wary to lynch a slot again without another claim (given the end of D1) and would be then liable to possibly swapping to someone else. Ugh. Mafia games, so hard. o_e;;

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I think I'd be okay with a BBM lynch over like, Paper or SB; the cases on him have looked compelling from what I remember (which would be my feelings about them, I don't remember the content of the cases themselves)
but I wanted to read over his ISO before looking at the cases again

BBM's D1 looked okay except for a couple things

a) that the Marth vote early on felt like it was spinning his reasoning to look scummy.
[spoiler=explanation]no idea if this was covered yet but basically BBM's Marth vote early-ish seems like it's missing the point; it's not so much that he was saying that people were scummy for jumping onto the wagon for dumb reasons but that the wagon is dumb and the fact that it grew like it did means there was probably scum making easy votes
not actually super sure about this since it's like, super nuanced, so I feel like it could be either scum spinning things or town just not understanding

the other thing is the post where he's all

can I have the honour of hammering since everybody is sheeping my case :):

and then complains at us D2 for lynching without a claim ???
PEDIT: totally missed the second part of the PR lmao
what the fuck sort of PR is that anyways

would be cool if he specified where he was yelling at people seriously and where it was just cause of the PR

I'm still reading and I'm having trouble making sense of D2, and I'm currently being asked to help with dinner so it might be a while longer
hopefully I'll be able to think better after eating

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going to sleep since we have required votes and it doesn't look like anything's changing. plz don't lynch me without a claim like you did Randa on D1; that was terrible

I've never seriously said that lynching Randa without a claim was dumb. I don't really think there's a point to that line of thinking because then scum would just disappear at deadline on purpose.

heil myself

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oh yeah last thing before I sleep

@Refa- is whatever you plan on doing tonight wrt Mancer going to help with determining his alignment or are we just going to be lynching him tomorrow regardless of what happens?

randa lynch without a claim sucked heil myself

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I apologize ahead of the time for the spam.

But if I don't do this, my role will be disabled

She keeps Moet et Chandon

In her pretty cabinet

'Let them eat cake' she says

Just like Marie Antoinette

A built-in remedy

For Kruschev and Kennedy

At anytime an invitation

You can't decline

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