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Paris Mafia - Game over, Mimes win!


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I'm just happy that there are less votes on me; turns out being RVS wagoned as town makes me so mad. While the results were bro, something about that whole exchange seemed too...convenient? Organized? Something to that effect, whatever. I'm pretty sure SB wasn't even viewing the thread at the time, so it's hard to believe that he'd be around to unvote just a minute after Prims posted. This points towards them being of the same non-town alignment, but if they're Jesters, then the Vigilante can just STREET JUSTICE the other one anyways (which was the only reason I was hesitant to vote).


##Vote: Prims

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I'm pretty sure SB wasn't even viewing the thread at the time, so it's hard to believe that he'd be around to unvote just a minute after Prims posted.

this is pretty much what your case is founded on so yeah

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My point was that you guys organized it via OC in the first place...so of course you'd be on the thread right after Prims posted.

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Right, didn't think of that (WRT your first point). As for the second point, it's less that it had scum benefit and more that it's something I could see you guys doing as scum (especially in a game with Jesters in it)? I dunno, probably just me being overly paranoid considering the first point was legit.


##Vote: MancerNecro

Still want answers here (I'll explain my thought process after he responds).

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What answers do you want regarding me "sheeping" a joke vote, Refa?

I feel that your push on me is pretty forced.

Also, urgh, having to play with Jesters just makes me so paranoid right now.....

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