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Paris Mafia - Game over, Mimes win!


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Yeah, vig shouldn't be shooting outright mimes but people who are blurry, and Mancer is pretty much a consensus suspect as far as not being town goes, and it's not impossible he's scum who just gave up or something instead.

also j what

well, the watcher knows where to go now i guess

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Mancer's play suggests mime: he's been around on skype to post and avoided posting here, which implies that he doesn't care about the lynch (so not town or scum), would vig but not lynch.

Well fuck. I skimmed through everything else but yeah this is a good point.


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Yeah, vig shouldn't be shooting outright mimes but people who are blurry, and Mancer is pretty much a consensus suspect as far as not being town goes, and it's not impossible he's scum who just gave up or something instead.

Totally agree with this. Can we just vig Mancer?

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Danganronpoa wikia. It's where I get all my normal Celestia gifs since my tumblr site had all their gifs diminished to a smaller size.

Oh well, that's not really important at the current time.


SB/Refa/Gorf/Rapier, will guys join me on the BlueDoom lynch instead of having Mancer lynched since we have doubts and concern to him being a mime?

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TBH, I still think that Marthipan is town based off of his last few posts (has anyone really addressed those besides me). I dunno, kind of contemplating whether a No Lynch would be worth it. The numbers are 7/2/2 and with a no lynch and assuming both kills are on town (which is probably the safest bet), the numbers would be 5/2/2 tomorrow. With a mislynch, town would actually kind of be at parity with scum tomorrow? Meh, would like some thoughts on this because I feel like I'm missing something obvious.

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Also if Bluedoom flips as either of the power roles our plans are kind of totally fucked. Meh, really don't want to lynch someone without a claim here.

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SB/Refa/Psych/Rapier/J/Gorf are all viewing, we can theoretically turbo anyone we want even if it's not that great an idea. No Lynch sucks though.

I thought that Marth's posts were null, why was unvoting Prims telling?

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It was less that and more the tone of his posts. Like I don't see him saying "I can see the reason behind the votes on me but what do you expect me to respond to those votes? " I'm sorry gais but I'm town and getting scumreads with a few pages into the game is hard"" as scum?

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Town can only lose outright if ML+Misvig+ML+Town+Mimekill happens (and that's all at the end of night 2), not lynching is dumb and if it's a real issue the vig can just idle n2 anyway (or the mimes could block the scumkill or something).

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The problem is getting people to NoLynch at that time of the day. I'm not opposed to NLing since I feel we'll lynch either a mime or a townie today, but it seems hard to do now.

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why do you keep capitalizing toNight what

on one hand, i just read mancer's iso and it makes me dislike his actions pretty heavily, considering he's had a lot of pressure on him and he still hasn't responded for over 24 hours, but on the other hand this makes me feel like he's trying to get lynched

i would vote him if we need to though


oh my god stop replying i keep typing a sentence and seeing like 3 replies

J seems town to me

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[3] Bluedoom: Prims, Rapier, #HBC J

[3] Mancer: LordKagune, #HBC Gorf, Baldrick

[2] #HBC J: MancerNecro, Bluedoom

Not Voting (currently): Psych, Refa, SB.

If I have you listed wrong, shout.

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Town can only lose outright if ML+Misvig+ML+Town+Mimekill happens (and that's all at the end of night 2), not lynching is dumb and if it's a real issue the vig can just idle n2 anyway (or the mimes could block the scumkill or something).

I guess that's true. Turbolynches are bad though (I've learned this the hard way), would honestly rather lynch Marthipan because at least that gives associative reads. Meh, this is frustrating.


##Vote: Marthipan

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