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SF Interviews - Nomination for #38


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1. I wouldn't actually say Shadow Dragon is my favourite game to play, but I have a soft spot for it because it got me into the series. So it's my favourite for introducing me to the series! My favourite game to play would be either FE4 or FE8.

2, I've played and beaten every FE game except FE10! I just lost interest in it halfway through part 1. The older ones are some of my favourites, especially FE4.

Hey, Shadow Dragon was the one that got me into the series too! And it's nice to see someone who has played all the games.

Since you need to pass time...

6. What motivated you to play FE1 and what do you think of it?

7. What motivated you to play FE2 and what do you think of it?

8. What motivated you to play FE3 and what do you think of it?

9. Do you agree or disagree with the "you can just play FE11/FE12 instead of FE1/FE3" mentality and why?

10. Do you cycle?

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Ok then! I'll be camping though starting tomorrow so.. :P

6. Experience with the Castlevania series?

7. If you were asked by Sakurai who to put into smash and he'd listen were it a reasonable choice. Who would it be?

8. Favorite General other then Horace,Doga, Ardan and Oswin?

9. Whats a super power you'd like to have?

10. Will you, Refa, Ice and I do great battle in Fates multiplayer?

6. I've played a gba one... I wanna say circle of the moon. I've also played the original (badly) and Super Castlevania. Was never a huge fan of the series. It has cool music though.

7. Wolf. But since he's likely to get in anyway, i'd like to see Banjo and Kazooie. I their moveset would be easy to pull off too. I can't see it happening though since the series is very RIP and I think? Microsoft technically owns them.

8. Man, you listed all the best ones.

But Sheema. Female generals are cool. BARTH is also pretty hilarious because his portrait is so bad.

9. uhhhh


10. YEAH. Then we can all team up on ice so we can beat him at something. Take that Ice.

1) How do I become as awesome as you?

2) What questions do you want people to ask you?

3) Can I have $5?

4) Give a detailed description of DOGA the cat's battle prowess. Oh wait, this has to be a question. QUESTION MARK?

5) Favorite cartoons?

1) It all started before I was born...


Even before I was born, I was TAKING CHARGE. (fun fact I was born a month premature)

then as a small child...


I used to eat cat food. I'm pretty sure it gave me SUPERPOWERS


when I moved to Canada, I learned many skills, such as learning how to PROJECTILE VOMIT on the boat ride over. I'd never been on a boat before then I was on one for... a very long time. It was horrible.


and all this translated into my one true dream... win a yugioh duel with time wizard (I think that's what happened anyway

That probably didn't answer your question but it was fun. The real answer is EAT CAT FOOD, it gives you superpowers. Why do you think they have 9 lives?

2. Anything really. I'm not very creative so I can't really think of a question that particularly stands out that i'd like to answer. I like talking about DOGA though, so kudos to you for that.

3. Yes. If you come and get it.


. MdDVD.png

He has many advantages. Some cats pity him for being fat, others fear him for being a TANK. When he was younger, (and less heavy) he actually used jump and attack bugs that were against the sliding glass door with a pretty high success rate, so many years of not doing that have passed, so his dexterity could only have gotten better so it's safe to assume that he could jump 4 times as high (im sure he can, he just doesn't feel like it) and use his massive weight to body slam others. He is capable of getting on the table (when there's food) so with proper motivation i'm pretty sure he could do anything. How many cats have eaten a quarter of a WHOPPER?

But really he would probably fall asleep in a sunbeam.

5. I liked BUGS BUNNY when I was a kid. YUGIOH and POKEMON too if they count.

4. Will you participate in FE14 drafts once they start happening?

5. Do you watch any anime? If so, what is your favorite anime?

6. First impressions of me? (I know you're probably sick of this question, I apologize)

4. YEAH. After I play the games first though. Never forget my first FE4 draft firstpick Ayra because i'd never played the game (past like chapter 2 anyway). Hopefully they're draft friendly.

5. No, and I don't really watch TV either. While not anime, I did recently finish watching Battlestar Galactica (the newer one, not the one from the 80's) and enjoyed it immensely. I'm also a fan of Community.

6. You seem like a cool dude. I've seen you around quite a bit, but we haven't interacted all that much though, so i'm just basing it off of what i've seen.

I hope I'm doing this right...

1: Ever play Star Fox 64

2: Do you like ninjas?

3: Favorite cartoon?

4: What genre of music do you prefer?

5: Has anyone else asked you any of the questions I just did?

1. Yeah, earlier I even said it was my favourite game ever!

2. Ninja's are ok. I'm still not sure if I like them appearing in FE or not.

3. ^Refa asked the same question. I liked BUGS BUNNY, YUGIOH, and POKEMON.

4. Depends on the mood really. I'll like something a bit more uptempo if I'm driving or something. I'd have to pick ROCK as my favourite genre though.

5. Yeah, question 3 is like, two posts above yours. Number 1 and 4 have kind of been asked in a way too.

Hey, Shadow Dragon was the one that got me into the series too! And it's nice to see someone who has played all the games.

Since you need to pass time...

6. What motivated you to play FE1 and what do you think of it?

7. What motivated you to play FE2 and what do you think of it?

8. What motivated you to play FE3 and what do you think of it?

9. Do you agree or disagree with the "you can just play FE11/FE12 instead of FE1/FE3" mentality and why?

10. Do you cycle?

6. I honestly just wanted to experience it. Never again. It's not a bad game, but the interface makes playing it a huge slog.

7. Rein was like FE2 IS AWESOME so I tried it. The first time I beat it was actually in a draft here: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=40559

The best part about that draft name was everyone actually finished, haha.

8. I was intruigued by the weapon level system, and I wanted to play book 2. I played it before FE12 came out, so there was some reasoning there.

9. I wouldn't recommend FE1 to anybody, its a bit too archaeic. I actually prefer playing FE3 to FE12. The star shards work differently in FE3 (instead of giving raw stats, they give growths) so it's a bit of a different experience. Along with slightly different battle calculations and the existance of the weapon level stat. So I disagree, FE3 book 1 and FE11 are different, and FE3 book 2 and FE12 are very different.

10. No, I've actually never owned a bike.

Would you recommend using Horace in fe11/12?


But really he's very average in FE11 and unless you make him a sniper and feed him boosters he's pretty bad in FE12. It's funny though, he went from having the worst growth rates to close to the best.

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How do you feel about being Horita Repulsa?

What do you think about Cam?

What do you think about Camdar?

Do you prefer 1-v-1, free-for-all, or team battles in Smash 4?

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11. Do you play any musical instruments?

12. How many points has your cat choked?

13. Are cat Doga's point-choking abilities comparable to human Doga's point-choking abilities?

14. Which FE game has the best Tiki and why?

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Do you like Star Wars? are you okay with me asking you a million questions about it just like I did for Jedi?

Do you like Star Trek?

Have you ever walked out of a movie or something similar?

Impressions of me?

Impressions of Hello, Hi, Hey?

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7. How do you like your corn?

8. Have you ever wanted to try actual Mongolian cuisine?

9. How do you like Poutine? Is that Poutain? How do you pronounce it? I have no idea.

10. Garlic or cheese? Obviously they're best together, but if you had to pick.

11. On a scale of one to ten, how salty do you like your food?

12. Do you like tea of any particular variety?

13. What do you think of all these food related questions?

14. Epic Rap Battles of History, Shin versus Horace.

15. What are your thoughts on a potential Mexican Otaku supervillain called the Husbandito?

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Boron and ZM

gonna stick my answer to the questions i didnt get to in spoilers below

Do you like Star Wars? are you okay with me asking you a million questions about it just like I did for Jedi?

Do you like Star Trek?

Have you ever walked out of a movie or something similar?

Impressions of me?

Impressions of Hello, Hi, Hey?

1. I've actually only seen one of the movies, and found it very dull. I think it was the Phantom Menace.

2. Never watched it.

3. For popcorn refills, OF COURSE. Although I truth be told popcorn usually makes me sleepy and I tend to fall asleep. I've never walked out because i've hated the movie though.

4. I haven't really seen you around a whole lot, mostly because I don't FFTF (probably anyway). So not a whole lot of one unfourtunately :(

5. It is a very big thread i've never entered.

7. How do you like your corn?

8. Have you ever wanted to try actual Mongolian cuisine?

9. How do you like Poutine? Is that Poutain? How do you pronounce it? I have no idea.

10. Garlic or cheese? Obviously they're best together, but if you had to pick.

11. On a scale of one to ten, how salty do you like your food?

12. Do you like tea of any particular variety?

13. What do you think of all these food related questions?

14. Epic Rap Battles of History, Shin versus Horace.

15. What are your thoughts on a potential Mexican Otaku supervillain called the Husbandito?


8. I mean, it's probably pretty good, why not? I don't dislike any food really. It's probably pretty good.

9. Poutine is pretty awesome. I was in Quebec a couple summers ago and the real stuff is so much better than the stuff you'll get at a restaurant.

10. Garlic.

11. ehhh, i'll go with average saltiness. 5.

12. I'm not a fan of hot drinks. I like Green Tea though.

13. It's making me hungry. At least it's lunchtime.

14. Depends on the amount of alcohol consumed. I'm probably more amazing with VODKA.

15. He'd look hilarious, I couldn't take it seriously.

11. Do you play any musical instruments?

12. How many points has your cat choked?

13. Are cat Doga's point-choking abilities comparable to human Doga's point-choking abilities?

14. Which FE game has the best Tiki and why?

11. I can play Trumpet, Guitar and Piano. I actually have grade 10 piano, so I could teach it if I wanted to.

12. Every hallway he's entered.

13. Nothing compares to Thwomp!Doga's chokepointing abilities.

14. I like FE3 Tiki. She's actually really awesome. Xane best Tiki though

I'll keep it simple

What brought you to the forest? How did you find out about it?

I wanted to ask a question about HHM S Ranked runs, I wanted to know if Merlinus contributed to the exp rank. True story.

Has anything from your like long time running playthrough/showcase of POKESHIN legit made you rage?

Most of the stuff i've found more hilarious than rageworthy. I enjoy a laugh at my own expense occasionally.

How do you feel about being Horita Repulsa?

What do you think about Cam?

What do you think about Camdar?

Do you prefer 1-v-1, free-for-all, or team battles in Smash 4?

1. I enjoy the character. Although my henchmen are chumps, except for fat shota sigurd and Doga.

2. Cam's awesome. Except when he didn't finish that one tag team fe4 draft.

3. He's my favourite character in the folgoreverse

4. probably TEAMS. then my fat characters aren't as exposed.

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