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SF Interviews - Nomination for #38


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Sakusa and Boron.

Oh my. o/////o

Anyway, Horace!

1. Where are my cookies?

2. Does being on SF make you lose your sanity sometimes?

3. What are your thoughts on the new Fire Emblem game?

4. Do you have a waifu/husbando? (doesn't matter if it's Fire Emblem or not, it's a general thing)

5. Do you even lift?

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Man this is a huge post, i'll spoiler it

1. First and current impressions?

2. What is your favorite food? I know this is difficult! :P:

3. What would you say your favorite video game is?

4. What are the prospects of our various Hockey teams doing well?

5. What inspired you to start doing LTC runs?

1. my current impression is you asked a cliche question and it makes me sad :(

but seriously

First impression, you had an awesome taste in games and it was cool to have someone to talk about all the old games of our childhoods with. First new member in a while I wanted to stick around!

Current impression, as i've got to know you better, you've got a heart of gold, and I think it's great that you did your whole time at the job corps to start figuring out what you're gonna do in the future, its a sign you're maturing more as a person, which is always good. In the last half year or so you've been getting flustered more over (what I think are) little things which is kind of unfourtunate, but maybe i'm just underplaying things, since I think getting flustered is OVERRATED.

2. My favourite food is most definately pasta.

Although my favourite meal is probably something from a mongolian barbaque https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mongolian_barbecue

if you're too lazy to read what it is, you pretty much put a whole bunch of meat, spices and vegetables together and then you get the restaraunt to fry it all up. The place I go the price is based on the weight of the meal and well, lets just say I can't afford to go there often :P

3. My favourite video game is Star Fox 64. I'm a sucker for games with good voice acting and good music.

i was a pretty big fan of Bravely Default too, I'm hyped for Bravely Second next year. 2016 is looking to be a good year for games.

4. Man, I know you don't follow hockey a whole lot, but if you did, you'd know how much pain i'd be in now. Being a Leafs fan is emotionally stressful, especially when they've been bad for so long. Phoenix (or Arizona now) and Detroit were your teams right? Phoenix might not be around for very much longer since the fanbase out there is pretty bad and they've been losing millions, but Detroit has a bright future ahead of them.

5. I... don't really know to be honest. I guess it was because I started doing drafts, and i'm a very competitive person by nature. When I do something, I wanna be the very best like noone ever was

I dunno, just the whole prospect of planning out some chapters is just fun. I like thinking.

1. Do you prefer your FE7 LTC or your FE8 LTC?

2.How terrible was my decision to first pick Lowen over Florina in the draft?

3. Which FE do you think is the most fun to draft?

1. FE8, hands down. A much more interesting game. FE7 has too many defence chapters so stuff like staff rank and experience is totally inconsequential past earlygame. In FE8, Saleh needed enough levels to reach 26 magic, and A staves by chapter 20. He reached 26 magic by something like 3 experience and reached A staves on turn 1 of chapter 20, and I don't think there's much I could have done to optimize that further (I already had him skate through chapter 18 fighting gorgons with 9 health or something). There's nothing like that in FE7. There's also way less time to get your units good stats, so by endgame, your units are honestly starting to run out of steam. If FE8 had 5 or 6 more chapters (with scaling difficulty) I actually think it would get pretty tough at the end.

Also FE8's bosses are way more threatening and harder to kill than FE7's.

2. I think it was a good choice. Lowen is much stronger than Florina since he exists for longer and can promote earlier and do cool stuff on dread isle and

dragons gate where Florina is just mediocre. Hilriously I checked the other draft to see what people picked there, I second picked Oswin, and then got Florina seventh. How things are different than 2012 now, haha.

3. FE4, definately. It may seem dull, but when drafting you have to take so many things into account. You need good mounted combat units, as many units with B staves as possible, at least one gen 2 unit with A staves, if possible a dancer, all while having to morph your team around getting somewhat competant pairings for your gen 2 kids to be as good as possible. I like FE11 drafts too so I can do silly stuff like firstpick Wrys and just whatever the heck I want with reclass while the game is still beatable.


First and Current impressions of me cuz wynaut.

How does it feel to lose to Shin?

Which is your favorite Smash game?

Do you enjoy pickles?

First and Current impressions of me cuz wynaut.

I honestly didn't see you around much initially, I didn't (and still don't really) venture too far from the FE boards so I didn't really talk much until you entered one of the skype groups, where for a while you were honestly just another one of those people who I didn't know who they were on the boards!

Currently I definately know who you are, haha. You're for the most part pretty easygoing and easy to talk with. I've been somewhat avoiding most skype chats recently though because I'm afraid of Fates spoilers though, so it's been a little while.

How does it feel to lose to Shin?

its soul crushing when it happens

thankfully i'm superior at most things except drinking tea and having a sense of humor so it doesn't happen often

Which is your favorite Smash game?

I'm a fan of them all really, but if I had to pick one it'd be smash 4. I like watching Melee though most, but I don't like playing it the most because i'm depressingly bad at it and I hate losing :(

Do you enjoy pickles?

Of course! Fuzzy Pickles!

Because Jedi thinks I should ask you a question.

Why is Shin better than you in every way? :P:

Because it's opposite day!

Surely you could come up with something more interesting than that!

Oh my. o/////o

Anyway, Horace!

1. Where are my cookies?

2. Does being on SF make you lose your sanity sometimes?

3. What are your thoughts on the new Fire Emblem game?

4. Do you have a waifu/husbando? (doesn't matter if it's Fire Emblem or not, it's a general thing)

5. Do you even lift?

1. Over there --------------------->


Now I'm hungry. Since that was a short answer, I'll share that there was a moment in my life where I used to hide cookies above the fridge because otherwise my roomate would eat them and i'd get back from school and they'd be gone and I'd get very sad. It helps being tall when you live with a short person. Cookies are love, cookies are life.

2. No, not really. I don't venture into the dangerous territory like the awakening board or serious discussion at all though, so what else is there to be scared of?

While it doesn't drive me crazy, sometimes listening people talk about other stuff people have posted and past drama can be kind of exhausting though. Especially when nothings really happening and people are making a big deal about something over nothing. Such is the way of the internet though.

3. I'm trying to remain spoiler free story wise, (I only know stuff that's been in the trailers) but it's exciting to see the community so pumped up for the game, I remember when awakening was coming out there was nowhere near the level of hype there is now (and it is understandable, considering how many more fans are around nowadays). I didn't even consider buying awakening until I eventually caved after listening it being talked about so much the week before, and I had a chance to get the game before the official release date, so I got to make people jealous at least for a few days.

I didn't really answer the question did I? I'm very excited for FE14(15/16?) Like many i'm not a huge fan of the multiple games but we're getting so much more content I think it's well worth it. I without some of the extra stuff like playing dress up with your characters and the face rubbing, but hey, they're optional features so it doesn't bug me that much.

4. As far as fire emblem waifus/husbandos go, lesse...

i'll go with SEVERA for waifu because tsunderes are the best. Honerable mention to Syrene, Serra and Nanna.

for husbando i'll go with INNES because he just wants to be the best, and honestly some of his qualites are similar to my own. Honerable mention to Cuan, Gatrie and Hector for all being extremely handsome.

As far as IRL goes, i'm actually engaged, and am getting married next February! I've been with my wonderful girlfriend for nearly 7 years. It really is terrifying in some ways, but I'm very very excited and happy about it. I'm more dreading the cost that comes with it...

5. Is that even a question?

I'm not in as good of shape as I was at the start of university (6 years ago) when I was playing a pretty high level of soccer but I still go to the gym 4 evenings a week and swim every morning at 530. I'd still consider myself to be in exceptional shape though. I'm pretty tall (6 foot 6) so i'm more susceptible to aches and pains though, which is kind of a drag some days, especially when the world is made for short people (curse you vehicles) but its really not so bad.

I bench press 225 currently.

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1. Why is Shadow Dragon your favorite?

2. Any interest in playing the older FE games?

3. Are you an Anglophone Canadian or a Francophone Canadian? (Happy Canada Day, by the way!)

4. Are you interested in history?

5. Are you interested in languages and/or linguistics?

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1. First and Current Impressions

2. What are your Canada Day plans?

3. Which FE game is your favorite and least favorite to LTC?

4. Coke or Pepsi?

5. Where has been your favorite place that you've lived?

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1. Who/What are you?

2. Why did people want to interview you?

3. What are your three best traits and three worst traits?

4. What trait catches your eye in others? How do you react to it?

5. Impressions?

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1. First and current impression of me? Have I improved?

2. Did you heal properly after falling off that bridge?

3. How much cooler are you than Shin?

4. Favorite comic book related character?

5. Favorite pokemon that's not a THWOMP.

6. What would you do if you ever met Shin irl? Aside from giving him a noogie.

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How does it feel to lose to Shin?

its soul crushing when it happens

thankfully i'm superior at most things except drinking tea and having a sense of humor so it doesn't happen often

NO. LIES. Although I do admit that I once drank like five cups of tea whilst on an aeroplane. My kidneys probably hate me for it.

1. What was the biggest change in moving to Canada, other than speaking English?

2. Why do you play heavy characters in Smash? Is it because you can relate to them?

3. Why are you called Horace? Did the FE11 character really impact that much on you after you killed everyone else off in FE11?

4. KFC, Burger King or McDonalds? All three is an acceptable answer.

5. If you had three wishes from a genie, what would you use them on?

6. Instead of being self conscious and asking what you think of me, what do you think I think of you?

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1. Why is Shadow Dragon your favorite?

2. Any interest in playing the older FE games?

3. Are you an Anglophone Canadian or a Francophone Canadian? (Happy Canada Day, by the way!)

4. Are you interested in history?

5. Are you interested in languages and/or linguistics?

1. I wouldn't actually say Shadow Dragon is my favourite game to play, but I have a soft spot for it because it got me into the series. So it's my favourite for introducing me to the series! My favourite game to play would be either FE4 or FE8.

2, I've played and beaten every FE game except FE10! I just lost interest in it halfway through part 1. The older ones are some of my favourites, especially FE4.

3. I was actually born in Slovakia, and moved to Canada when I was 16. Mon francais est tres mal. I actually considered studying at McGill university in Montreal, but I was afraid the language barrier would make things a bit harder than they needed to be.

4. Not really. Haven't taken a history class since high school. I'm of the opinion that history is mostly a bunch of a irrelevant facts that mean little to nothing today. There are obviously some important things to note, but why do people care or have to know what year the telephone was invented? If people are into knowing stuff like that more power to them, but I just don't see the practicality.

5. I'm actually fluent in Slovak, English, Swedish and somewhat competant in German, and Russian. My mom's Swedish and my dad's Slovak, and they both insisted I learn both languages. It made for a confusing childhood. I've only actually known english for 7-8 years or so. Grade 11 was hard not knowing the language very well, haha.

1. First and Current Impressions

2. What are your Canada Day plans?

3. Which FE game is your favorite and least favorite to LTC?

4. Coke or Pepsi?

5. Where has been your favorite place that you've lived?

1a: First impression: NO ANOTHER LUCINA FANBOY(girl?) I remember there was some confusion about that back in the day.

1b: You're RAD. You're a lot more laid back than most people around here, which is pretty refreshing. I was pretty sad when you left the forums for a while :(


Other than that though, not a whole lot. I'll probably be too tired to go to the fireworks so i'll probably just watch them from my deck. Have a few friends coming over for a lunch barbeque. Why we decided on my place is beyond me, half of the house is under RENOVATION. I'm just glad for a day off.

3a: Favourite - FE8

3b: Least Favourite - uh, I guess FE12? I just don't like the game.

4. Neither really, I don't drink many carbonated beverages. Given the choice, i'd say Pepsi though, Coke gives me a headache.

5. Right where I am now, just outside Calgary. I liked Vancouver a lot too.

1. Who/What are you?

2. Why did people want to interview you?

3. What are your three best traits and three worst traits?

4. What trait catches your eye in others? How do you react to it?

5. Impressions?



but really i'm just a dude in his mid twenties trying to figure out how real life works. Graduated last june with a masters in biomedical engineering and am currently working as.... a physiotherapist. I'm just waiting for my fiancee to finish her schooling first before I take a serious job, as i'll likely have to move for work.

2. No idea i'm not a MIND READER. I actually had no idea I was even getting votes until Jedi told me a few days ago, since it had been a while since I'd checked this thread. It's week 30, so we're running out of people I guess.

3a. Best.... lets see

- while I give off an aura of laziness online, in reality i'm a very hard working person. I've lived away from home since I was 16, so I didn't really have a choice in the matter, it really was a sink or swim scenerio.

- i'm a very confident person. I don't think i'm awesome, I know i'm awesome.

- i'm incredibly handsome.

3b. Worst

- I like to call myself a realist, but people see it as pessimism a lot of the time. So I guess you could call me pessimistic.

- I'm not particularly good at communicating with others, especially over the phone. I can have a tough time expressing my emotions.

- I make judgements rather quickly sometimes and look down on others who I don't really like.

4. Confidence. If a person knows who they are its easier to know who they are and are a lot more approachable. I guess you could also say approachability. Is that even a word?

5. To be quite honest, I don't really know you. I don't fftf really. I'm a pretty big fan of this thread though, so right on.

1. First and current impression of me? Have I improved?

2. Did you heal properly after falling off that bridge?

3. How much cooler are you than Shin?

4. Favorite comic book related character?

5. Favorite pokemon that's not a THWOMP.

6. What would you do if you ever met Shin irl? Aside from giving him a noogie.

1a. man when you joined I thought you were like ten, haha.

1b. It's been a while, but it seems you've matured quite a bit in the last few years. What a difference a move can make!

2. Both yes and no. I've had so many concussions (8) that I still sometimes get headaches on a daily basis, and it effectively ruined playing soccer (and other sports higher than a rec league level) for me, which I really hate because a lot of the time people are just there for fun (which is what rec leagues are for) but I don't think i'd be able to compete at a higher level without risking hurting myself further, which sucks, because i'm a tryhard. But physically yeah, I only broke my arm otherwise, and well, that's a mild injury honestly.

3. Was never really a fan of popularity contests, still am not. I think we're both awesome.

4. Batman. Boring answer is boring.

5. Arcanine.

6. I dunno, I think it would be pretty cool, he's a fascinating person. I think we'd have a good time.

NO. LIES. Although I do admit that I once drank like five cups of tea whilst on an aeroplane. My kidneys probably hate me for it.

1. What was the biggest change in moving to Canada, other than speaking English?

2. Why do you play heavy characters in Smash? Is it because you can relate to them?

3. Why are you called Horace? Did the FE11 character really impact that much on you after you killed everyone else off in FE11?

4. KFC, Burger King or McDonalds? All three is an acceptable answer.

5. If you had three wishes from a genie, what would you use them on?

6. Instead of being self conscious and asking what you think of me, what do you think I think of you?

1. Living without my parents, definately. I lived with a billet family until I finished high school, and they were awesome, but they're still not your parents. Also learning how to COOK was an adventure, but i'm glad I did, because I love cooking now.

2. TOTALLY. Donkey Kong is one of my favourite video game characters, I've played as him in Mario Kart, Mario Party etc for as long as I can remember, which is nice, because nobody else picks him. Dedede is just hilarious. I think an honest answer is I'm not technically sound enough to play any of the lighter, faster characters so I rely on HARD READS.

3. Well, considering the limited storyline of FE11, I quite liked Horace's character compared to most of the cast. He was also TOTALLY OP because he had 17 base defence and was pretty invincible on NORMAL MODE unlike literally everyone else except Nagi apparently. I remember I was stuck on Gharnef's chapter for a very long time because swarm still ruined him even though he was (probably) ridiculously blessed.

4. I actually hate McDonalds, but KFC and Burger King are really good. I'll choose burger king because when I lived in Vancouver my cat DOGA used to get a free small fries if I brought him through the drive through. Doga also ate a quarter of a whopper once. He got pretty sick. Worth?

5. let's see... I'm not gonna be generic and wish for stuff like world peace or ending all hunger because those are cliche.

- I'd like my hockey team, the Toronto Maple Leaf to not suck horribly. Or even just be remotely competitive. It hurts man, it hurts.

- i'd like a better relationship with my parents. I'd also like them to move to Canada, but they don't have the money right now. Hopefully in a few years I can help them out.

- I'd like to be half a foot shorter.

6. I'd like to say FAT and LAZY but in reality I think you think i'm a pretty cool guy.

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6. I'd like to say FAT and LAZY but in reality I think you think i'm a pretty cool guy.

No, I genuinely think you're fat and lazy.

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1. You feel off a bridge? I'm sorry sir...can I hear the story?

2. Would you consider yourself more a yes man or a no man?

3. This isn't a question. Congratulations on getting married.

4. Have you ever felt like rioting or participated in a riot?

5. What do you have to say about the Link Arena?

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would it be possible to see you fight shin in smash4 wifi?

did Horita Repulsa ever get the cookies?

do you plan on making LTC runs of TRS/Berwick saga/Pokemon Conquest?

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yo bro!

1) Favorite toppings on pizza?

2) What type of music do you like the most and least?

3) Why does da burger and da gold hate us :(

4) First and current Impressions of me?

Also grats on the engage! that's awesome to hear yo =)

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No, I genuinely think you're fat and lazy.

curses, I should have trusted my instincts. Thanks Peppy.

Do you plan to ever finish your FE6 HM Playlog?

The ROM exploded because at the time there weren't proper tools to text edit without... exploding the rom. I didn't think it'd be worth it to continue without Shin's commentary since I'm really not a fan of vanilla FE6 anyway, and while there are proper tools now to not explode the rom, I don't think either of us plan on revisiting it.


Expect a REVIVAL of POKESHIN sometime in the near future. Shin's made significant progress on it so i'm gonna update soon.

1. You feel off a bridge? I'm sorry sir...can I hear the story?

2. Would you consider yourself more a yes man or a no man?

3. This isn't a question. Congratulations on getting married.

4. Have you ever felt like rioting or participated in a riot?

5. What do you have to say about the Link Arena?

1. There really isn't much of a story honestly. I was camping with some friends a few years ago and I was talking and not watching where I was going and slipped off the side (there weren't any rails) and fell. It was only about 5-6 feet though, so it wasn't too bad.

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3ALwKeSEYs

If people ask me to do something i'll usually do it. Unless it's something stupid. Like buying them Mcdonalds.

3. Thanks!

4. No, but another amusing Canadian thing similar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QsxV49pmnL8

5. It's the most fun i've had on the forum since drafting was big, when it was big. I'm a numbers guy, so all these things fascinate me and I put quite a bit of effort into making most of my teams.

would it be possible to see you fight shin in smash4 wifi?

did Horita Repulsa ever get the cookies?

do you plan on making LTC runs of TRS/Berwick saga/Pokemon Conquest?

1. Yeah, probably. We actually played yesterday on the 3ds. The winner was.... Ice Sage.

2. Horita Repulsa always gets its? cookies!

3. I'd have to actually play the games first and see if I enjoy them. I've been playing some super robot wars recently and i'm pretty enthralled with that at the moment, so if it happens, it won't be a for a while. I can't see it happening though.

yo bro!

1) Favorite toppings on pizza?

2) What type of music do you like the most and least?

3) Why does da burger and da gold hate us :(

4) First and current Impressions of me?

Also grats on the engage! that's awesome to hear yo =)


1) I'm a huge fan of barbeque sauce on pizzas, but that's not really a topping. I'd have to go with ham or bacon. Any type of meat really. Honestly, i'll eat anything on a pizza except for pineapple.

2) The most, honestly probably is video game music. I used to ironically like Taylor Swift too but i've eventually come to actually like her music. It's kind of a guilty pleasure. I've got a lot of Queen and Van Morrison on my phone too, along with quite a bit of classical music.

The least is probably rap. Unless its the SA2 raps. WILD CANYON YO

3) DA BURGER AND DA GOLD ARE THE WORST :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

Living Room op plz nerf.

4) I honestly can't really remember the first time meeting you, we got along pretty well almost immediately.

Currently you're one of my best friends on the site now, its awesome talking to you and SMASHING THE BROS.

And thanks!

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3. Thanks!

You're welcome.

However, I know present to you another question, a question 3 version 2, one which is actually a question, a veritable question 6, so to speak. You lived in Slovakia for 16 years or so, right? So surely you remember some Slovak things. Tell us, what was past Slovakia like?

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How do you prefer your potatoes?


But seriously I love slicing potatoes relatively thin and putting onions, garlic, and butter on them and then wrapping them in tin foil and cooking them on the barbeque. They're fantastic.

-Have you done martial artistry?

-When can we expect to see drafting come back?

-Do you do street hockey?

1, There was one point in my life where I pretended I was Ryu when I was SMASHED so i've totally done some form of martial arts. I really saw those hadoukens man.

But not actually.

2. My guess is it'll revive briefly when FE Fates comes out in english, but will probably die again shortly after.

3. When I was a kid, I LOVED street hockey. There's a massive nationwide street hockey tournament that runs once a year that a few guys and I usually enter, but I was out of town for it this year so I didn't this year. Aside from that annual tournament, pretty much never.

You're welcome.

However, I know present to you another question, a question 3 version 2, one which is actually a question, a veritable question 6, so to speak. You lived in Slovakia for 16 years or so, right? So surely you remember some Slovak things. Tell us, what was past Slovakia like?

When I lived there, it honestly wasn't very good, since the country was actually only formed in 1993 (since Czechoslovakia split) and the government had to pick up the shambles of a previously socialist government, so it took a while for living conditions to become better. My parents had a rough time when I was young because the unemployment rate was very high (nearly 1 in 4 people didn't have jobs) and wages were very low, so we didn't have a lot. Ironically when I left, things actually started getting a lot better, Slovakia's one of the fastest growing economies in the world right now, and only a few years ago it was actually considered a first world country. If I was born 10 years later, I probably wouldn't have moved to North America, since the schools there are honestly just as good as over here now.

There are tons of mountains there though, I miss looking at them. I live near the Rockies here now, but its nowhere near the same as the mountain ranges in Europe.

Yes or no?

I'm a risktaker, i'll say yes.

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Ok then! I'll be camping though starting tomorrow so.. :P

6. Experience with the Castlevania series?

7. If you were asked by Sakurai who to put into smash and he'd listen were it a reasonable choice. Who would it be?

8. Favorite General other then Horace,Doga, Ardan and Oswin?

9. Whats a super power you'd like to have?

10. Will you, Refa, Ice and I do great battle in Fates multiplayer?

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1) How do I become as awesome as you?

2) What questions do you want people to ask you?

3) Can I have $5?

4) Give a detailed description of DOGA the cat's battle prowess. Oh wait, this has to be a question. QUESTION MARK?

5) Favorite cartoons?

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4. Will you participate in FE14 drafts once they start happening?

5. Do you watch any anime? If so, what is your favorite anime?

6. First impressions of me? (I know you're probably sick of this question, I apologize)

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