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cause no one is as cool as me

let's see i mean I guess it's Bayonetta for console games and Dawngate (rip) for PC but it's hard for me to choose so I probably have more favorites for other systems

no not really, sometimes I'll watch stuff i've been hearing about and I guess i used to watch anime a couple years ago. still waiting on season 2 of panty and stocking btw. i watch more streams and twitch now a days i guess



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i mean really bluedoom how dare you ask me that question do you know who i am i am shocked and appalled you would say that i can't believe you think you can ask me about my answer length

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Do you have a job? Do you go to school? If so what do you do/study?

Do you like South Park?

Do you like Lewis Carroll?

Do you like Maths?

OC or NOC?

Edited by kirsche
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no but i've been looking for months soooooo and no i don't school (yay freeloading)

eh not really. my humor is a bit above family guy/south park etc. i like some of their episodes but it's not really something i watch unless nothing else is on

uh well I really like the Alice in Wonderland books and things but I haven't really read his other stuff

eh not really but i'm okay at math

i think i'm better in NOC personally so NOC

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i don't think i was even in chilean mafia

How could you forget this? You subbed in for me, voted for me, and then Dayvig'd Blitz like an hour later, whom I'm pretty sure I left notes saying specifically to not shoot blitz but to shoot like bbm or prims or whoever it was

do you even lift?

what would you like to theme a mafia game about but you're just too lazy to do it?

preferred children's card game?

what game do you feel you performed best in

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How could you forget this? You subbed in for me, voted for me, and then Dayvig'd Blitz like an hour later, whom I'm pretty sure I left notes saying specifically to not shoot blitz but to shoot like bbm or prims or whoever it was

do you even lift?

what would you like to theme a mafia game about but you're just too lazy to do it?

preferred children's card game?

what game do you feel you performed best in

idk fite me elie u wot m8 ill fukin rek u i swear on me mum

i have legit dozens of mafia game ideas but the queue is always so long i never want to wait and end up forgetting about it and just idk man when i have an idea and have to wait 5 months or longer to host i'm not as enthusiastic u know what i mean? but otherwise i would like to do maybe a League of Legends, Smite, or Dawngate game or just a general moba game, probably one based on Bayonetta, probably a Zelda Oracle series games which btw is my favorite zelda game like legit those two are the best and are pretty close to my first ever video game i played i think? like i have memeories of being like 5 or 6 and those two, pokemon red and blue, and link's awakening were my first games but i forget which was actually first

i'd also like to maybe do a Hyrule Warriors game. i've been playing it a lot lately but i hate the grinding so much. also as i am typing this i think you could maybe do one based on SNL people and personalities i think that could be cool. i have a problem where I usually am too lazy to do flavor and i just try to have roles and stuff fit that character though so i think my games could be a lot more exciting

uh well cards against humanity isn't really a child's game. i recently starting playing Magic but i'm shit and uh idk what else is a child's card game? yugioh?

yeah i'm gonna need a list of the games i was in? but otherwise one i think that sticks out that i'm particularly proud of was that God one? i forgot who hosted it but I was like the god of scientology and i was a survivor to day 5 or something and i barely made it? honestly i have more fun hosting and seeing everyone talking and yet knowing what's going on and stuff

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How could you forget this? You subbed in for me, voted for me, and then Dayvig'd Blitz like an hour later, whom I'm pretty sure I left notes saying specifically to not shoot blitz but to shoot like bbm or prims or whoever it was

also i literally have no recollection of this

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1) Why must you be tormented by the love of millions?

best psych moment?

all of them, i mean i deigned to grave you with my presence right?


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What's your favorite webcomic

Well I don't really know about favorite, but the ones I keep up with regularly are Awkward Zombie, Questionable Content, and Cucumber Quest. And I guess Homestuck when those hiatuses stop being a thing. I used to read Menage a 3 I think but that was years ago.

2) Favorite Smash characters?

3) Hobbies?

Usually Zelda and Ice Climbers, but I like Pokemon Trainer in Brawl and Robin in SSB4. I haven't touched Zelda in 4 since they split her and Sheik, I thought that was an awful idea. I think I might end up picking up Palutena or Rosalina but I haven't tried them yet.

god both my mains are dead

also idk fucking video games and shit man

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1. 12 other players you'd want in a 13p NOC game with you?

2. same question but in OC?

3. what determines whether you join a mafia game or not?

4. what are some of your favorite historical Psych Moments (this is different than Elie's question)

5. wich 2hu wuld u fuk

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1. 12 other players you'd want in a 13p NOC game with you?

2. same question but in OC?

3. what determines whether you join a mafia game or not?

4. what are some of your favorite historical Psych Moments (this is different than Elie's question)

5. wich 2hu wuld u fuk

see idk if i'd want players i think i could beat or players i just like playing with

i think the best game or at least the game that seems most quintessentially SF mafia to me would be







Rein (he goes afk)

Kay (she goes afk)






probably the same but i guess sub bizz for like bluedoom cause she hates oc

uh usually who's already signed up tbh i don't really care about flavor unless it's something that doesn't interest me at all

okay also you guys should probably realize that i was like 14-15 when i was in prime psych moment phase and have mellowed some since then now i'm just That's Our Psych Wah Wah insert trombone here like i know you guys don't really do roleplay here on SF but god i look back at that too and i was awful i can't believe i've been on this piece of shit site for 5 years god i'm such an idiot how did i ever not think i was an idiot

but top psych moment i think was where i tried to get lynched super early to get subbed back in as a different role otherwise i think there was like deathnote mafia where i kind of spilled the entire mason team but other than that i have a hard time thinking of prime psych moments like most of the time there's actually some slight reason behind things i do like i know some recent game i was in it seemed like a psych moment but i was fake claiming as scum

also i keep typing prime as prim god prims

r u a 2hu prims cuz ;)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

(otherwise i don't know the 2hu's other than like marisa stole a precious thing and i think there's some lady with christmas light wings and i have heard of yukari yakumo and there's that one that Lux from league of legends is based off the light mage or whatever the magic thief idk i don't play 2hu i am a casual the most hardcore thing i probably play is bayonetta)

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life also doesn't play NOC (or in general really), plus manix doesn't play OC and I say I don't play OC but then sign up anyway to fill playerslots

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I don't play NOC anymore

1) What's your desktop background?

2) What formats/decks do you play in Magic?

3) Favorite game OST?

okay so i literally don't know shit about magic? like the guys that got me into it don't really tell me a lot i guess? we kind of just play whatever so i think that means legacy? like we don't ban anything and sometimes they just bawk when i have like 3 super expensive banned cards in the decks i make or whatever.

Otherwise besides borrowing some of their decks, the decks i have made personally are a Black/Blue Mill deck, a Red Land Destruction deck, a Black Rats deck, a Blue Merfolk deck, and then the newest things i've been making but haven't really had any eyes on yet to help me improve are a Red Burn deck, a Black/Green Deathtouch deck where i don't really know what i'm going for there, a White Lifegain deck which i literally haven't played yet, and then Harudoku showed me a Dredge deck and a Goblins deck i've been wanting to get more familiar with

uh probably FE4? or maybe Bayonetta? i can't think of a lot of OST's i really all around like, it's usually just one or two songs which is actually similar to my normal music tastes where i like a few songs by an artist but it's rare i like the entire album or collection of theirs

also i was trying to gyazo my desktop but it's not working so here's a print screen


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thoughts on this video? (warning: heavily NSFW, don't ban me eclipse)

who would you want as your three buddies in a four-man scumteam?

do you prefer being town or mafia in general?

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