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2) BBM, SB, Paperblade, Refa, Prims, Weapons, Vhaltz, Green Poet, Euklyd, Elieson, Via, Strawman

3) BBM, SB, Paperblade, Refa, Strawman, Rein, Radiant Dragon, Freohr Datia, Balcerzak, eclipse, Kaoz, Haze

1) am I the designated mislynch in the NOC scenario, and if not what is my role

that is to say, role to play in the game, not role ability

2) favorite smash bros

3) favorite smash bros character to play as, and why

4) your main, if that isn't the same as #3 - and why

5) questions you wish people would ask you

Whole list would be cool too.

6) now how helpful and cool do you think makaze is :^) Edited by Euklyd
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1) am I the designated mislynch in the NOC scenario, and if not what is my role

that is to say, role to play in the game, not role ability

2) favorite smash bros

3) favorite smash bros character to play as, and why

4) your main, if that isn't the same as #3 - and why

5) questions you wish people would ask you

6) now how helpful and cool do you think makaze is :^)

1) Iunno I just thought of 12 people I think are both competent, cool and I get on with somewhat.

2) Like all brits I do like me some PM.

3) Roy in PM because fire emblem characters are very entertaining to watch/play in PM

Robin in Sm4sh because I love the ARCFIRE, ARCTHUNDER etc and his smash aerials are very satisfying to hit. Villager is also pretty troll.

4) Roy in PM because he's pretty good and really fun.

Rosalina in Sm4sh for luma shenanigans and Villager because he's good and he's fun.

5) If there's a board game lover here I love to talk about board games.

6) 10/10 would vote again.

What's it like having never hosted a game despite having several completed setups done?

Hey I actually have a game on the queue with a setup I like done now. I'm just really picky and have high standards for myself. Also no janky LOC setups please.

1. How badly would you represent us if we'd sent you to the Game of Champions?

2. What would you do to Jack Daniels?

1. I'm not sure? I feel like I'd actually enjoy it.

2. Put it in Coke or take it straight.


I'm single now RIP. So hey ladies, now's your chance!

Tbh all these strange meet stories sound so fake/cheesy for me, I've just met people through the normal stuff.

Preferred alignment and roles for each alignment?

This fluctuates a lot, I used to much prefer town, but now I think I'm better at mafia. Probably town in OC, mafia in NOC. Favourite roles that aren't flat out op:

Town: Doctor

Scum: Tailor

ITP: Alien/SK.

I might do the impressions question later today, it's too much time right now.

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What kind of board games do you play then? I'm pretty casual myself, I think Dominion, Settlers and stuff is usually what I wind up playing.

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If you do roleplaying board games like D&D/Pathfinder/Shadowrun/etc I never got a chance to play those but really like hearing stories about epic games. Do you have any stories?

Actually any cool stories about games are nice as long as it doesn't take like an hour to understand the rules behind it.

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Also I'd vote against the impression questions, it's lame to ask people about yourself when it's their turn in the spotlight and they should be getting interesting questions that they care about =/

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7) composition of your ideal EIMM "faction" (may or may not be officially aligned)
you know enough about how that sort of thing works to figure out for yourself what you consider a faction I'm too lazy to come up with a definition

8) favorite EIMM role

9) [optional] first and current impressions of yourself (yw vhaltz)

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What kind of board games do you play then? I'm pretty casual myself, I think Dominion, Settlers and stuff is usually what I wind up playing.

A wide range! I play a lot of hidden role playing games thanks to mafia, such as Masquerade, Avalon, BSG, and Winter of the Dead; and also the more germanic worker placement games like Tzolk'in, Suburbia and Power Grid! Tzolk'in and Suburbia are my all-round favourites. I've played a lot of Dominion and Catan and have 3 expansions for Dominion which I think really adds to the gameplay. My friend owns the Catan expansions which also greatly helps: 6 player seafarers is great.

If you do roleplaying board games like D&D/Pathfinder/Shadowrun/etc I never got a chance to play those but really like hearing stories about epic games. Do you have any stories?

Actually any cool stories about games are nice as long as it doesn't take like an hour to understand the rules behind it.

I actually play a lot and am currently running a high level D&D campaign myself where everyone is stupidly OP, it's great fun! The theory-crafting is great and remind me a lot of trying to optimize stuff for FE tier lists. I will give some more stories later when I actually have time to waffle, but I had one in my intro post!

Do you prefer play-by-post or real time for RPs?

Also are you still up for that campaign with me and SB and whoever?

I enjoy real time a lot because I feel like I'm interacting more with the others and it allows for more fluid conversation.

Yes! I was going to organise stuff for it but my real life lately has been pretty swamped with stuff so I never got the chance to get around to it.

7) composition of your ideal EIMM "faction" (may or may not be officially aligned)

you know enough about how that sort of thing works to figure out for yourself what you consider a faction I'm too lazy to come up with a definition

8) favorite EIMM role

9) [optional] first and current impressions of yourself (yw vhaltz)

7) As in people? Me-SB-Paperblade-Ciraxis. Ciraxis to fall under the radar and win, the other two because I get on well with them, enjoy their company and think they're highly competent. Not that any of them would team with me after 3.2 but alas.

8) Doctor. Super good. Watcher is also pretty great in an EiMM setting.


"Man I like food, food is pretty cool I hope mama brings me food. MAMA NEED FOOD NOW"

"Man I like food, food is pretty cool. Too bad I have no money. MUM I NEED MONEY FOR FOOD."

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Hey Kirsche! Couple questions for you.

1. Have you ever played Resistance? It's a fun card gae with lots of similarites to mafia.

2. Have you always lived in England?

3. What are some good board game recommendations you have that might be slightly more obscure?

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Welp I managed to skip over the spoiler somehow, my bad

That sounded like a really hard to control game, as in hard to establish clear limitations for. Is everybody in the group you play with cool or do you have people who try to cheese things a lot? have you had fallouts that made you change the group you play with at some point?

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How well do you know probability theory and life insurance

Do you just want to calculate numbers so you can get the best deal possible according to an expected life span? Sounds pretty easy.

1. Have you ever played Resistance? It's a fun card gae with lots of similarites to mafia.

Yes I have! I mentioned Avalon earlier and that's basically resistance. I played it like every week for a year, but now I'm mostly sick of it haha. It's still mostly fun but I can't play it as much as I used to.

2. Have you always lived in England?

Yep and plan to continue doing so!

3. What are some good board game recommendations you have that might be slightly more obscure?

Winter of the dead is a great hidden role playing game which combines the best elements of coop with the suspense and trickery of a hidden role player game.

That sounded like a really hard to control game, as in hard to establish clear limitations for. Is everybody in the group you play with cool or do you have people who try to cheese things a lot? have you had fallouts that made you change the group you play with at some point?

Well we sent in actions via paper messages, and could only talk to each other in paper messages which were delayed by a turn so things didn't get too out of hand, the main problem was keeping track of who is doing what.

I have multiple groups I play with, there's ~85 of us in the society so it really depends on which one it is. My current D&D group are trying to cheese a lot but that's because it's high level and I semi-encouraged it. I've never stopped playing because of disagreements with other people, I'm actually a fairly patient person and can put up with people who I just flat out don't like fairly easily in real life. I don't think it translates well to here though lol.

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If we've reached the point where playing games like D&D, runescape etc and collecting figurines is cool then I've spent far too much time in my man-cave.

Edit: Also, to finish answering you Makaze, I'd probably improve the messaging system by making notifications everytime someone replies to one of your profile messages because I don't think it does that?

That or be able to reach ISOs in the same way as 2+2 (with the regular SF ISO format though).

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I'm 90% sure that you do can get notifications when someone responds...



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