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actually, we should have a new rule that says, people should be dropped in the well on their birthdays


and going for Makaze

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Top Posters In This Topic

Euklyd [6]: Gaius, Randa, Shin, Crysta, Boron, BBM

Strawman [5]: Gaius, Randa, kirsche, Rein, BBM

Nightmare [3]: Euklyd, Refa, Shin

Mancer [2]: Gaius, Boron

Makaze [2]: Crysta, Blitz

Rapier [1]: Shin

Proto [1]: Crysta

Mitsuki [1]: BBM

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Euklyd [8]: Gaius, Randa, Shin, Crysta, Boron, BBM, eclipse, Paperblade

Strawman [5]: Gaius, Randa, kirsche, Rein, BBM

Nightmare [3]: Euklyd, Refa, Shin

Mancer [2]: Gaius, Boron

Makaze [2]: Crysta, Blitz

Rapier [1]: Shin

Proto [1]: Crysta

Mitsuki [1]: BBM

Euklyd's turn.

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hi I'm not very good at mafia but everyone else had already been picked

here's looking at euklyd; AMA

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1) What does cake really taste like? You're not allowed to answer with any variation of "I don't know".

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[spoiler=real intro]hi, my name is euklyd, I’ve been playing FE since FE7 launched in the US
I only recently got off my lazy ass and joined SF like a bit more than two years ago, and I started by spending most of my time in the FE13 boards, and then IP.Chat
however, like any all-american success story, I pulled myself up by my own bootstraps and stepped into the mafia community, which is only slightly more respected among the fftf illuminati
is this post circlejerky enough yet or should I continue

besides the mafia boards on SF, I also hang out in fftf, the smash board, #sf, and sometimes ip.chat
...plus like a dozen skype chats

my first exposure to mafia was over on eurobricks, a lego forum, where their mafia games were fully illustrated, and had actual stories and characters - sometimes stretching for multiple games, and at least initially people were forced to post in-character - it was pretty awesome [image]
my first mafia game I played was fakeclaim, where I had no idea what I was doing and almost lived to endgame, townreading scum and scumreading town, and then refa threw it all away and shot me
sucks to suck, I guess
I think my second game was subbing into the first cyor, and since then it’s all been downhill - you’re welcome, scum

I’m a 3rd year community college student in the SF san francisco bay area (NorCal, for the uninitiated), transferring to santa clara university in the fall, studying computer science

my main hobby right now is smash bros, but I also have a keen interest in LEGO, although I’m kind of inactive on that front

eventually I will update my golden sun LP

also cake is fucking delicious. at least the cakes I eat are. carrot cake and the most disgustingly rich chocolate cakes (delicious brownie layers...) are the best

EDIT: wait shit I'm clever
my other hobbies are reading/occasionally watching animangos, although these days it's more manhwa than manga, because I'm lazy

edit: updated

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So, if you actually Had Time, how much mafia would you play?

not much more than I do now tbh

edit: unless more games were OC, in which case significantly more but not a whole lot regardless

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Next question~!

How much sleep do you get?

between 4 and 11 hours, usually

tending towards 6

sleeping is hard

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do you think you will beat Proto in the draft?

do you have MAL? if so, are you willing to share your account name?

I am new to manga (other than a very few very long manga, I didn't read any) and I think I wanna start reading a few manga (I have watched quite a few anime though), what would you recommend me to read?

[spoiler=read/reading manga]

Naruto (glad it is over cause it was getting unbearable)

One Piece (really enjoying)

Bleach (dropped)

5 cm/s (I hate romance)

Psyren (random shounen recommendation by Gigguk)

Kingdom (enjoyed anime)

Pandora Hearts (recommended by Proto)

what is your favorite Eimm strategy and who should host the next eimm (also, when should said person host it)?

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1) do you think you will beat Proto in the draft?

2.1) do you have MAL? if so, are you willing to share your account name?

2.2) I am new to manga (other than a very few very long manga, I didn't read any) and I think I wanna start reading a few manga (I have watched quite a few anime though), what would you recommend me to read?

3) what is your favorite Eimm strategy and who should host the next eimm (also, when should said person host it)?

1) I think there's a reasonable chance of it, since so far I've been able to cut down on his turncounts significantly through plain old dogged persistence...BUT he has the Eclipse summon, which is suuuuuper good again so many bosses, and my summons kinda suck on those bosses.


EDIT: wait shit I'm clever

my other hobbies are reading/occasionally watching animangos, although these days it's more manhwa than manga, because I'm lazy

2.2) as far as shounens go (which it looks like you're mainly interested in), I'd recommend:[spoiler=recs]- tower of god (a korean comic, but that's not super important) is one of my absolute favorites. I really like the characters and their growth & interactions, and the world is one I find really interesting. it also just doesn't feel like it drags on forever, even when some arcs DO take a while. it's full color and single-page, which is also nice - the art starts off a bit iffy, but improves as it goes on

--- I'd say it's kiiiinda similar to one piece, in that it's about a kinda ragtag group of people who start out as essentially nobodies, and climb a tower (instead of sailing the grand line) populated by amazingly strong people who climbed to the top earlier, and you don't really know much about the world, but you slowly learn more as the protagonists climb higher and higher

- fullmetal alchemist is very popular, and widely agreed to be a suuuuper good shounen work (and I completely agree). it's focused and has a clear storyline, etc.

- monster (by urasawa) is a more like, "real-world" thing, and rather darker, but it's amazing (refa can vouch for this)

- I got into tokyo ghoul recently; it's not quite as good as the others, but I'd love more people to about it with :V

if you want other recs, wen yang is waaaay more knowledgeable than basically anyone else I know

3.1) talk to lots of people and work to help them as much as I can, within reason, and go after people who don't talk. be useful and trustworthy enough that keeping me alive is in people's best interests - having allies is pretty crucial

3.2) no idea tbh. I liked SB's setups a lot, they were straightforward but still interesting and fun. timing is also not something I've got a great idea of

sometime I wanna try hosting another buddy cop game, but only if I have a setup I think works well, and I wouldn't do cy'or because that's way harder to build and still be interesting (props to paperblade for succeeding with his)

edit: meant to say "I would rec pandora hearts but you're already reading it" - it's great, and proto was right to rec it

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>dropping Bleach

You just don't get comedy.

the funny part is that people are still reading it :newyears:
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