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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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Offline... I was once mistaken for a teacher in high school and apparently have been in my early-mid 20s since I was 15 or so? Online, people seem to think I'm 16.

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Offline a lot of people still think I go to HIGH SCHOOL (I'm in my mid-20s FFS), but people who know me tend to think I act a little older than my actual age indicates.

Imagine you age a bit more.

And people still ask you what grade you're in. :(:

Online, I haven't gotten any comments, so I don't know.

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Offline always younger. Usually people guess around 15 or some shit lol

Online I honestly don't even know! People don't ever tell me

Q473: Do you ship characters? If so, what's your favorite ship?

or are you not into that shipping thing at all

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I've played Fire Emblem Awakening so of course I've done shipping ^o^

SOMETIMES YEAH like MidnaXFi cuz midna is me and fi is my waifu

Though usually I wait for pairings to actually come out of something but if it's like heavily implied then I can be all "they're perfect togetheeerrrrr"

But with Awakening I'm undecided on who goes with Gaius because GaiusXSumia because reasons (like Gaius realizing even though Sumia is ditzy and dumb she's a real sweetheart that's what Aiku did with me) but but GaiusXMaribelle is such an amazing support uguuuuuuuuu

and VirionXCherche because similar reasons as GaiusXSumia~~ I'm his loyal servant~~~

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not really.

I mean there's comic book stuff, but that's another story. Most major characters don't have stable relationships.

Like Scott Summers (Cyclops), Hank Pym (Ant-Man I. Too many other names to list too.) , Peter Parker (Spidey), Tony Stark (Tho this is a given with him), and James Howlett (Wolverine).

fuck Cyclops past the Inferno Arc, and fuck One More Day.

the main otp i have for DC comics was FirestormxFirehawk.

My main Marvel one is CyclopsXMadeline Pryor.

My main FE related pairing is OswinxSerra.

oh and TitaniaxIke.

Edited by Howard the Duck
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not really

while i'm fond of some pairing occasionally, shipping discussions are pure trolling material to me

e.g. chrom x olivia, greatest love story of all time

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Hell no.

I've seen how rabid some shippers can get, I never wanna become one of them. I have a few characters that I think look nice together, but I'll never try to force said opinion down anyone's throat.

The closest I've ever come to shipping is an SDR2 pairing or two.

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I won't defend my ships on the Internet, but I like Lex x Aira in Fire Emblem and Zuko x Katara in Avatar. The last one only because I think it would be interesting to see as an alternate path, I don't really take too much issue with the canon.

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