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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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I know the names and capitals of all 196 countries.

I'm also a person, who has "eaten" the atlas.

I don't know all capitals anymore, but I think still about 150.

Also know the entire German highway network.

The good thing is that I never need to use a navigation system.

Edited by Mister IceTeaPeach
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When I was 5, my sister and I got spread some butter and peanuts onto a slice of bread because we thought it would make peanut butter XD.

Another time, a bit older though, my sister and I blended soap, peanuts, grapes, blueberries, potato chips, some butter, water, milk, and a picture of a dog we printed off the internet, and gave it to our brother as the "Mystery Drink". Luckily, he didn't drink it. It looked so gross, but I loved it.

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my brawl friend code

1032 1327 2102

I also remember this kid in my 3rd grade class who would sneeze everyday at 1PM on the dot.

In the past few months I sneeze at least once or twice a day. It's insane. I keep my mouth closed most of the time because then my hand stays clean.

I know the names and capitals of all 196 countries. I can name the fifty largest cities in each state of the United States and I can name every city in the states of Alaska, Arizona, California, Delaware, Rhode Island, and Wyoming. I can name all provinces of Canada + capital, all states of Mexico + capital, all states of Brazil + capital, all states of Australia + capital, all regions of France + capital, all lander of Germany + capital, and all oblasts of Russia + capital. I can name every county and county-equivalent (Alaskan boroughs, Louisiana parishes) in the United States.


EDIT: Also wow at MrIceTeaPeach.

Edited by Severlan
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Seeing as you missed them, here are the answers to the previous two questions:

I don't believe in luck or lucky numbers, except when I'm playing Mario Party.

I follow my local (non-american) football team

So, in answer to your question, yes I do.

As for today's question, I know a lot of facts and figures that are useless outside a classroom or laboratory, but I don't consider any of them to be "stupid" as such.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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I memorized a poem when I was 5.

I never unmemorized it

I can still recite it

Q528: If you were a superhero, who of the people you know would be your sidekick?

Edited by Specta
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Probably my cousin, but I imagine she would probably be popular enough to get her own spinoff title that ends up completely overshadowing my series.

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My puppy Vic

clear sign that when somebody resorts to their pet they are one of those losers that knows nobody irl unless the only ones they do know would be the hero not the sidekick because they are also losers that are inferior ;~~~;

Although honestly, my puppy would probably be the hero and I'd be the sidekick too

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