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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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Possibly any animal fur in existence but for the most part it seems to be cats

My dog I am kind of allergic to but not nearly as bad as I am to cats

But yeah it's just made me wonder if it's fur in general that I'm allergic to

I seemed to do fine around my hamsters though?? But I didn't really touch them nearly as much as cats or dogs. So idkkkkkkkkk

Oh and most nail polish I am allergic to

And when I was young I remember getting allergic reactions to ranch dressing when it got on my skin/face because I used to be a much messier eater back then. Since I'm not so messy anymore I've never experienced allergic reactions to it, I'm not sure I want to experiment for science though to see whether I'm still allergic or not... ^o^

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Some sort of pollen, idk what. I get the usual sneezing and runny nose and stuff from it.

Otherwise, some sorts of eggplant, walnut and kiwi. They all burn my tongue, and eggplants in particular make my mouth, throat and stomach feel weird, probably makes 'em swell.

Doesn't stop me from eating any of them though.

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Dogs, cats, and probably other animals that would make me no fun to have around animals.

Also some pollen. Stop mating you petal bastards.

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Penicillin! Also maybe grass pollen (Does grass have pollen? I'm pretty sure grass has pollen), but mostly penicillin.

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dust, pollen, cats, clarithromycin / biaxin, probably other stuff as well

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Every type of pollen to grace the area where I live and I've got it pretty bad, which means I feel like I have a constant cold from May to September ;>v>

Also have some to dust and a slight one to cat fur.

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Oh yeah, well I guess there's pollen and dust too

Especially dust, my asthma acts up pretty badly to it. I have trouble breathing for like a week after getting dust caught up in me

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The pollen around here. And sulfonamides. The latter is real bogus and mean doctors gotta be hella careful on what they prescribe for me.

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No, I'm not going to wallpost. . .so the best I can say is "a lot of food, certain meds, and tubaroses".

As for whether or not I can dance. . .does DDR count? :P:

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No, I'm not going to wallpost. . .so the best I can say is "a lot of food, certain meds, and tubaroses".

As for whether or not I can dance. . .does DDR count? :P:

nooo when i saw eclipse post i thought to myself, "this gonna be good"

pollen is the first thing that springs to mind for me. Mosquito bites as well.

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nooo when i saw eclipse post i thought to myself, "this gonna be good"


The major food ones are wheat, soy, dairy, and cabbage. After that, it's a sliding scale downwards, but I still get horrifically ill.

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Eh... I know your feeling... I find cigarettes smoke uncomfortable too. (And smoke in general)


I've no known allergies.

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My only true allergy is dust, although bizarrely it's only British dust. I've been fine abroad.

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