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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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I know the first verse, but little else. I don't really like it, though someone wrote a parody version of it a while back, which was pretty funny. :)

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576: i know the most about american/western history. i'm fascinated by it, but can't really say i'm always learning about it. a particular time period is the 1900s.

i want to know lots lots lots more about middle eastern, african, and east asian history. that's quite a task, so i think breaking it down would do me nicely (reading about the middle east currently). in particular, i've started with jordan.

577: i hang up shirts, fold jeans, put undergarments in drawers, and put gym clothes in drawers

qotd: yes. yes and no.

i know and love our national anthem (united states). i hate when it's only sung by one person. when it comes to anthems, i much prefer tradition: chorus and no liberties taken musically. i think i heard the navy play the anthem once and though it wasn't exactly what i wanted, it was close. i can't find it now, and don't remember it much...

just listened to the jordanian and irish anthems. both not bad, but also not great.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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love murica

if you hate my country you can get the fuck out

if you are not in my country then get in my country so you can get the fuck out

murica :UnitedStates::UnitedStates::UnitedStates::UnitedStates::UnitedStates::UnitedStates::UnitedStates::UnitedStates:

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No and yes

I keep forgetting stanzas in the national anthem crai

no and yes

I can remember a few lines but not the ~entire~ thing


I know much of it, and I can sing along to the rest generally, but if you asked me to sing the entire thing right now I couldn't

I definitely like it a lot tho (although I agree with Phoenix that it's much better as a chorus of voices)

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Star Spangled Banner is actually pretty fun to sing but I only know like half the lines; I knew all of it at one point though when I sang more

the Chinese one is shit

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Yes but partially... I know the french version, but a bit less the english version. (The lyrics are quite different)

(There are many different versions, depending on the language(s) used)

I kind of like it.

Edited by Naughx
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Q577: Large clothes (jackets, trousers, long sleeve shirts, etc) go in the wardrobe, small clothes (t-shirts, shorts, socks, etc) go in the drawers.

Q578: No and NO. Advance Australia Fair is pretty awful. Who the fuck would ever say "Our land is girt by sea"?

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I know Advance Australia Fair's first verse by heart and can uncertainly mumble the second. It is very dull as music but very important politically since it was a key part of dumping the British, singing it instead of God Save the Queen.


Here's a clip of it if you want to hear it for whatever reason.

Edited by Parrhesia
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er, god save the queen no and no

flower of scotland I could get away with singing and yes

it's a simple song but people here always give it a rousing chorus

Edited by Tryhard
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Don't know by heart and dislike the American anthem. No one ever sings it well so it's like nails on a chalkboard if those still exist that is.

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i can sing the part everyone knows and it owns

Q579: How often do you use the wondrous Voice Over Internet Protocol?

in non-nerd terms, how often do you use in-game voice chat or call people on skype? SPILL,

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If there's in-game voice chat I'd most likely use it, easier to communicate and etc. Don't really have any games to do it with nowadays though!

Skype calls...there was a time I did them a lot, but lately I have been doing like NONE.

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