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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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mr wright, nick, etc. when i was fefl, it was mostly just kept as is because it's already short. i cannot recall if toa lord sothe and some other person whose name i can't remember called me feffle, or if most did back in tha dayz. i dunno.

irl toph, topher, red, seay-bay-bay (football nicknames are funny), google, christopher (i like it when people call me by my full name moreso than chris but i never say so).

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mu from yu

mo from a couple people

ham from a couple others

night/nighty for my online nick

and probably others

Which is a nickname, Nightmare or Nightmarre?

Online: Sev, Sevvy, Sevvypoo I think. Oh, and ian/lan.

Offline: Mr. V, Vodka.

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Absolutely none, irl and here.

shezzmeister? pretty sure there were more

Booter, whole life, from my oldest sister

Johnjohn when I was younger bc there's multiple johns in my family, one of whom was my grandpa. This is primarily from my cousins at my grandparent's house.

Johnners, primarily from my youngest sister (the one that's still older than me though)

People at school have called me: Chicken Little (my last name is Little), Little John, J-Little, and more, but those are the most common ones.

From my favorite cousin: Nerd, nerdbutt, nerdbaby, dirty cheater, and prolly more

Online, there's Shota, and... that's it? I forget. One person has called me Drakey before, few people call me Malfoy. I dunno.

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shock, sock, trist, tristie, tristy, kuma shock

and my faves being the ones only used less than three times such as trisitiei and trishock



also natemare is the best nickname for you <3

but it is not nyanmare

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S'Oldman, Oldman, Sol, Sole, Soledaisuki, Papa wolf, dono(honorific), Wise old samurai, Ronin, Wanderer, The wind, Daidai, The Sun, Solfy, Little Sun, Soledude, Soledud, Soledad

I should tally how many edits that was

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S'Oldman, Oldman, Sol, Sole, Soledaisuki, Papa wolf, dono(honorific), wise old samurai, ronin, wanderer, the wind, Daidai, The Sun




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Online: Meimei (it's all I can remember right now)

Offline: Hopey, Hope-insky, Hoopy, Hoops

and my older bro used to call me Chubbylumpkums... >w>

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The Lego guy, the guy who's always late, sleepy.

In high school, people would always call me the role I had in the latest play or musical I did, Janitor, Dracula, Tonto.

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and my older bro used to call me Chubbylumpkums... >w>

must... refrain... from... Omochi... kaeri...

Lessee, irl nicknames are limited to just "Saj" (short form of my first name) and a shortened form of my middle name. The former is also used online by some people.

Online, I have a lot more. Lessee, aside from my display names and shortened forms of them (like "Kiku" and "Laev"), there's also "Protato", "Onii-chan", "Aniue", "Blockhead", "Potato", off the top of my head. And with honorific variants like "Proto-nii" and "Proto-senpai".

Though not a nickname, some of the people that I hang around with now seem to accept "protocrastination" and its variants as being proper words. I probably don't need to explain why, heh.

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IRL: Nothing in like 5eva, except for That One Friend who joined SF and now insists on calling me Euklyd
when I was a little kid, ET (like the alien) was a thing

Online: There have been a couple people that have called me Erklyd I guess?

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None, really, besides Cici~ from Integrity/Free/others?? Never offline.

Did know a guy who really was mostly referred to as 'Big Mac' though.

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when i was babby my parents called me Troll because i was fat and ugly and hateful

when i started to speak in sentences (~1.5yr) they realized that i thought my name was actually troll and had to make an effort to use my name when speaking to me

i went by Ike for most of my pre-college life, since college pretty much everybody just calls me Isaac instead

my girlfriend and parrhesia and some other folks call me Aiku ironically? unironically? i dunno, i like it

obviously diminutive/variations on Integrity (Inty from eclipse, for example)

aaaaand finally specta generally calls me Buttlord.

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when i was babby my parents called me Troll because i was fat and ugly and hateful

when i started to speak in sentences (~1.5yr) they realized that i thought my name was actually troll and had to make an effort to use my name when speaking to me

Beautiful. Integ is love, Integ is life.

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