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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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oops sorry everybody school happened


Update: specific percentages;


i'm awesome and the best personality type, hell, it's great being an alpha Aries top hunk slamlord

Q454: What is something that exceeded your expectations?

kind of a mini question, still gonna update tomorrow at normal time hopefully

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Nothing I only ever disappoint myself

In more seriousness, I did not expect that I would go into the finalists in several art competitions I was in (the more recent being the Ass Creed Black Flag one) because of the quality of the work produced by my competitors. I mean, yeah, I'm not awful, but these people were a league of their own. Especially since the Ass Creed one had a vote component measured by the notes you get on the tumblr post (before you ask, it is the Ass Creed official tumblr ran by Ubi) and between getting posted at a inconvenient time, not being internet-famous myself, and having far better competition in my opinion, I didn't get a lot--but somehow the artist in charge of it overrode that and put me in the finalists and I was very pleasantly surprised. Pretty good ego boost too.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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