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Have you ever looked back on your older posts and cringed?


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I have.

I hope my SF avatar drives this home.

It doesn't, tell me in full detail.

Whenever I think about the stupid things I've done/said in the past I frown the frowniest frown in all of the frowniverse. I've gotten better since then. More qualified even.

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Red Fox of Fire would have a word with you.

*snicker* You know, i think Freohr has the right of it. I just remember old Red Fox better cuz i was in the community then, but wasnt much of a presence during Rey's worst times.

As for the question at hand, not really. Most of the places i posted when i was younger, do not exist anymore. I also didnt get onto the interwebz until i was far beyond more impressionable years. I was already college age in 1999/2000 when interwebz was ubiquitous in the household. Thats why you'll never find embarrassing fanfiction of mine anywhere. Or amusing and embarrassing role play happened in chats with no logs (ever) i took part in. :Y There are probably some somewhat embarrassing posts of mine in the Ultimate Metal forums somewhere but ehh not much in the way of shame.

Im certainly a bit more petulant online more these days. A little less well behaved.

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I posted some reviews a while back on another forum centered around Nintendo and the Wii. Man I could of done way better. Gramatically I'm still kinda bad but back then...good god. I could of also gone deeper in the aspect of the games I reviewed.

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we get them often though

Yeah actually, this is the third thread on the subject ive seen crop up. (One of those three threads could have been on another forum tho.)

I think the reason is, a lot of users were like 5 when they began their mystical journey on the interwebz. So they come across old posts, or get curious and search their old stomping grounds and then get all embarrassed at what they discover. Its like a digital-age version of reading an old diary, or school notes, or whatever.

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I posted some reviews a while back on another forum centered around Nintendo and the Wii. Man I could of done way better. Gramatically I'm still kinda bad but back then...good god. I could of also gone deeper in the aspect of the games I reviewed.

Here's a start: Don't ever write "could of." (or "should/would/etc. of")
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Why do you think I fucking hate it when people necro 2008 topics?

I loathe seeing my name attached to some posts.

This is what I think whenever I see my old posts to get a laugh and brush it off my shoulder.


(Boku no piko wa mada seigi no mikattajyanakatta)

My hammer was not yet on the side of justice.

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Like Integrity, I do the opposite (depending on era). Apparently I was a font of quips a few years back and didn't even know it. But it also got bad. If you got back far enough (13), I was so bad I am completely unrecognizable. Some might not believe it was me even after I tell them.

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I remember reading some of the older topics I'd participated in. I gave way too many fucks about things back then.

I registered on here on a low point in my life; losing the girl I loved, losing the majority of my friends as a result of that, staying up until 3am, sleeping late and missing the school bus, attending school maybe 2/3 times a week as a result, holed up in my room with only alcohol, internet and games.

Applying for university was the best thing I ever did in my life. I fucked up my A-levels but luckily got into a foundation year for the course I applied for. I have no idea what state I'd be in right now if I didn't get there.

I don't remember why I was the way I was back then, but as I went through university, I was able to loosen up a bit. Sometimes to the point where some have been offended by things I've said/done as a result of my giveafuckometer "malfunction." Even a few years after I've been and gone through university, I think I'm hitting a mid-point between the two sides.

I don't cringe when I look back (alright, sometimes, but rarely). I just remember the way things used to be for me, and how thankful I am about the way things have turned out; that I got the chance to experience university and the friendships and challenges it gave. It changed my life for the better.

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