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Good god, this game is tedious

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This topic fails for not mentioning Devdan solos. I wonder if a Devdan solo has even been done by anyone on Earth. I would do it but then map animations make me froth with rage.

Btw I agree with everything you said Mekkah

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It's just that there is nothing that indicates that you have to do both of these things since either one doesn't net any results or provide a hint that something else is missing. And if you actually do perform both steps, the game doesn't confirm that killing Shinon actually recruited him before the very end of the chapter. Which means that you will probably assume you really did kill him and consequently restart the map in order to try something else.

Yeah I agree it absoulutely makes sense in hindsight but like you explained you would never guess that this would actually recruit him without killing him. I actually tried having Gatrie talk to him first since they kinda seemed like friends and all.

Edited by TacoMan42
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i think stefan's recruitment is far more stupid than shinon's recruitment, or heck, any other recruitment in the series, if you don't look it up, i'm pretty sure the game doesn't hint at it in any way (correct me if I'm wrong).

Even if you step on his space with someone other than Lethe/Mordecai he doesn't even hint at being recruitable or anything in any other way. It's pretty dumb.

That being said i'd like this game infinately more if the map animations weren't so horrendously slow. I don't mind the games being easy because I like using the crappy units and BExp makes it infinately easier than trying to use Sofiya or something. You do get way too much money though, but what FE game doesn't give you way too much?

Edited by General Horace
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i think stefan's recruitment is far more stupid than shinon's recruitment, or heck, any other recruitment in the series, if you don't look it up, i'm pretty sure the game doesn't hint at it in any way (correct me if I'm wrong).

Even if you step on his space with someone other than Lethe/Mordecai he doesn't even hint at being recruitable or anything in any other way. It's pretty dumb.

That being said i'd like this game infinately more if the map animations weren't so horrendously slow. I don't mind the games being easy because I like using the crappy units and BExp makes it infinately easier than trying to use Sofiya or something. You do get way too much money though, but what FE game doesn't give you way too much?

True statment I looked up the chapter on the wiki because I was sure you could recruit Muarim who is the boss in that chapter and I didn't wanna kill him off. I just happened to read about Stefan and I almost skipped over him completely.

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I didn't think PoR was that easy the first time around, but I'm in my second play through, and I'm cruising through it fast.

Too many of my characters are unstoppable gods, so my biggest struggle is just deciding who should kill who.

And yeah I would have never had any idea who the hell Stefan is if I hadn't randomly come across his name on the internet. I dunno what IS was thinking on his recruitment.

Edited by Radiant head
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You do get way too much money though, but what FE game doesn't give you way too much?

FE5 and FE10 aren't overly generous but there's tricks to both to make sure you have enough. I forgot exactly how much FE11 gives but it felt a lot less ridiculous. In general FE does give you way too much gold, especially when you can also forge. When max mt is a given regardless of cost you know it's broken.

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Yep... just picked this game up again after four years, and it's as slow and mind-numbing as ever. Fortunately I am really just playing to experience the story again... that and to get another PoR save file for RD. I put the game on Normal because Hard isn't a large enough jump in difficulty to matter, but it's even slower,

I think the way they tried to address Constitution/Weight in this game may have caused part of the simplicity in this game. Units don't actually have the Speed they say they do, but unlike before, your units generally don't get hampered as hard. Being unable to haste or skip map animations is the biggest thing tearing me down right now.

Still, there are other games in the series if one is looking for a proper challenge. Lunatic and Lunatic+ in Awakening will keep me sated for that.

EDIT: Also, yeah, welfare forges FTW. Or ftl. Depends on how you view it.

Edited by Brinzy
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Why do you have to equip a ring/band/ward etc. even if it's the only one in your inventory? It makes BEXPing with Knight Ward much more of a pain than it should be. This game is dumb.

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FE5 and FE10 aren't overly generous but there's tricks to both to make sure you have enough. I forgot exactly how much FE11 gives but it felt a lot less ridiculous. In general FE does give you way too much gold, especially when you can also forge. When max mt is a given regardless of cost you know it's broken.

you don't really need money in FE5, but I think being able to just steal/capture weapons more than makes up for it, and you get PRF's early and often with tons of uses, and I can't really comment on FE10 since i've only played about 2/3rds of part 1, but FE11 makes it rain cash, you have 30,000G by the end of chapter 3, lol. I haven't played FE9 in a really long time, though, so I can't really say how they compare.

EDIT: and you have no idea how sad I was when I found out Jill didn't have the arrow blocking shield (i forget what it's called in FE9) the first time I played because I was so used to the GBA style of just having them in your inventory.

Edited by General Horace
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EDIT: and you have no idea how sad I was when I found out Jill didn't have the arrow blocking shield (i forget what it's called in FE9) the first time I played because I was so used to the GBA style of just having them in your inventory.

You mean the fullguard?

You get it in chapter 16, earlier than in the GBA-games.

And the weapon effectiveness is only doubled in FE9.

Marcia without fullguard would take almost no damage by windmages and Jill almost no damage by iron and steel bows.

Edited by The Taninator
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you don't really need money in FE5, but I think being able to just steal/capture weapons more than makes up for it, and you get PRF's early and often with tons of uses, and I can't really comment on FE10 since i've only played about 2/3rds of part 1, but FE11 makes it rain cash, you have 30,000G by the end of chapter 3, lol. I haven't played FE9 in a really long time, though, so I can't really say how they compare.

EDIT: and you have no idea how sad I was when I found out Jill didn't have the arrow blocking shield (i forget what it's called in FE9) the first time I played because I was so used to the GBA style of just having them in your inventory.

You get a truckload of cash, but it all around the time the base is available. There's like 20k from Caineghis, 2 Red Gems, 2 status frag, a blue gem, and a white gem all by like chapter 15 tops. It's really generous. Especially since weapons are cheap and MT forging is dirt cheap.

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Okay, let me put it this way. You get a lot of gold in FE11, but it drains real quick if you forge things like the Wing Spear. Of course forged effective weapons are a broken class in their own...

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I really don't know why this game was ever worth debating about to anyone.

It's simple and it's interesting because every unit is decent so you have to weigh up contributions. Low tier discussions were great.

Also people were horribly wrong about the characters this game when it was first around so there was a lot to get through.

Edit: ftr the reason my favourite game is set to PoR is because of FE9 debating. Fe13 and FE10 are objectively much better.

Edited by kirsche
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i think stefan's recruitment is far more stupid than shinon's recruitment, or heck, any other recruitment in the series, if you don't look it up, i'm pretty sure the game doesn't hint at it in any way (correct me if I'm wrong).

they very vaguely mention that there was someone sighted in the northeast, which is somewhere you would otherwise never go

if you step on that spot with someone other than mordelethe, stefan appears and gives you a sword; it's slightly more hinted that you can recruit him if you have soren step on it

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But for Stefan isn't that like all desert maps in general, but with a character instead of items? The GBA games made it slightly easier to get items because you could search around bones and be pretty sure there were items beside, but there were a few that weren't beside the bones too and you had no real way of knowing for sure without looking it up or moving a Thief around everywhere.

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Really? I read somewhere that forging a Light Tome for Rhys to use is financial suicide.

the way that FE9 forging costs work is that in general, costs scale relative to the fraction of total increase from the base parameter. so weapons that start with low base MT (like light) cost a ton to forge +MT whereas weapons that start with higher base MT (steel weapons) are much more cost-effective.

incidentally, slim sword also costs an arm and a leg to forge to max MT. this is relevant in the JP version where slim swords can be forged to 255 crit, but you need +5 MT in order to actually do good damage with a crit, so...

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they very vaguely mention that there was someone sighted in the northeast, which is somewhere you would otherwise never go

if you step on that spot with someone other than mordelethe, stefan appears and gives you a sword; it's slightly more hinted that you can recruit him if you have soren step on it

Ha, yeah there was a base conversation that basically said "sometimes some people appear in the Northeastern part of the desert hurr durr." Kinda funny.

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It's simple and it's interesting because every unit is decent so you have to weigh up contributions. Low tier discussions were great.

Sounds like a great pastime.

"Hey dude, let's discuss what these scrubs can do to make FE9 take even longer while at already takes Titania and the Horse Brigade forever and a half to finish up."

"Sure thing!"

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Sounds like a great pastime.

"Hey dude, let's discuss what these scrubs can do to make FE9 take even longer while at already takes Titania and the Horse Brigade forever and a half to finish up."

"Sure thing!"

But you're the one with the member title that says "screw playing, i want to argue about it on the internet."


I will say that my biggest problem with PoR is how annoying it can be to replay. Love the game, but...

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