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What would you do with a million dollars?

Lord Raven

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Buy a modest place and vehicle. Seemingly settle down. Secretly become a mafia information broker. Get caught in a shootout over someone's paranoia at my knowing their dirty secret.

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I have small dreams; pay off my student loans, my sister's student loans, my parents' mortgage, buy some consoles and games, buy a decent apartment, and then probably just hire some people to invest the ~500k that's left over.

But honestly a million is not that hard to blow at all if you buy a bunch of expensive shit; athletes blow way more pretty easily.

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I have small dreams; pay off my student loans, my sister's student loans, my parents' mortgage, buy some consoles and games, buy a decent apartment, and then probably just hire some people to invest the ~500k that's left over.

But honestly a million is not that hard to blow at all if you buy a bunch of expensive shit; athletes blow way more pretty easily.

Truth there for me as well. Well, maybe not so much consoles and games. Maybe a couple. But certainly paying off all my family's loans and debts, and putting aside money that will be spent completing my education *sigh*. That should do away with a good chunk of it. I'd do all my church tithing first, and then after everything else that I just listed....well...idk how much would be left LOL. I'd like to buy another wardrobe of clothes for myself, buy my parents the stuff that they never would buy for themselves, and take my family on some vacations. Whatever is left can be saved/invested.

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-Buy a Wii U+games

-Buy the 360 from my mom

-Buy a new PC machine thing-a-ma-who's-it, a laptop or a desktop iunno

-Buy a car

-Upgrade my permit to an actual liscense because I'd have my own vehicle to drive and not have the excuse of, 'Durr hurr eye don't want you to drive my car becuz yoo'll reck it HURRRRRRRR' thrown at me

-Get an HD TV because I have a sauropod SD TV

-Go back to college and fufill my dream of becoming a game designer

-Buy some drawing program/art kit and practice drawing

-Find a job so I can have an income/make my own gaming studio and make money

-Move out

-I have no idea after moving out on my own

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step 1. pay off parents' house

step 2. buy my dad the car he wants

step 3.

Go to Japan and powershop 'till I drop.

step 4. panic about how much money I've spent and save the rest, only to withdraw when I have to make school payments

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